
Don't You Remember?

Zhang Yu Han woke up from his sleep with a terrible headache. He took the time to look around his surroundings and noticed that he had spent his night in his grandfather's mansion.

After a while, he tried to think of what had happened last night.

Zhang Yu Han remembered hanging out with the boys to introduce his girlfriend to them. And then, everyone made him drink too much. The last thing he remembered was taking out his card to pay for their meal.

And then what?

After a few minutes of thinking, Zhang Yu Han concluded that Wei Jun Hao must have arranged someone to bring him to his grandfather's place.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu Han sat up with a jolt.

Li Qin Yao!

He was supposed to drop her at her friend's place last night. But now, he could not remember what happened to her after that dinner. Zhang Yu Han scrambled to find his phone and found that it was out of battery.

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