
How shameless can you be?

Yuerui was given all the information of Yefang's hotel, suite number etc. His suite was at the top floor of the 21 storied building.

Yuerui reached there by 1 in the afternoon. But she didn't dare to enter the room.

She kept loitering around the room.

She passed across the door and again returned to the door.

This kept happening for like 20 minutes.

When she passed the room  for the 25th time and turned behind she saw Yefang standing leaning against the door.

"How much time more will you take to come in?"

Han yefang was not in his formal suit today. He was wearing a casual white pajama and a light yellow sifon shirt exposing his broad chest. His hairs are comb down making him look at least 5 years younger.

When Yuerui saw Yefang she didn't say anything and entered the room casually as if she didn't see him at all.


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