
Bob Andrew Witfield

"Your Child is different Miss Witfield. he can't communicate with others well he knows how to but he will only speak in 2-3 word sentences to get his point across and that is all he will do. He won't even talk to you if a simple gesture can get his point across."

"I know he doesn't like to talk but is that really a problem. I know there have to be others like him we can just teach him how to speak properly and he would be like the others."

"That is what I was gonna recommend miss Witfield. We can get him a Language therapist and they can help him get to the point where he can talk in proper sentences for his age or maybe even better because Bob knows a lot of words and there uses just doesn't use them unless he has to."

"Just how much will that cost."

"We will have to hire someone particularly for this for bob and each lesson so it will be $200 entry and $75 per session. We will also open up the therapist to anyone who wants a language therapist for there children."

Jesica Witfield Clenched her fist thinking about how much strain this would put on the budget for her children. Being a single mom that is working almost 18 hours a day to provide for her three children and one of her children now needs a therapist.

"How many sessions will he need."

"It can between anywhere from 5 classes to a 100."

Closing her eyes for a second Jesica takes a deep breath and look over to her son which is playing with a toy skeleton and observing it very closely as if he wanted to know how it works. A small smile crept upon Jessica's face as she watched her son. Turning towards the teacher she just says a simple ok before getting up walking over to her son and leaving.

Unknown to Jesica and his teacher Bob will remember this conversation for the rest of his life and it sprang forward his hate for school.

Bob- Kindergarten

"Miss rein in your child in he is constantly getting into fights and worse of all he is seriously injuring the other kids. With the most recent fight, we had to send 3 kids to the hospital with broken limbs and one of them was your son. If this carries on we will have to expel him."

"Can I know why he started the fight."

"I don't see how that is relevant."

along somewhat depressed sigh escapes Jessica's lips.

"Ok, I will talk to him about it."

"Hey, little man. So why are you back in casts?"

"They were bullying Sis again. So I stopped them from bullying Sis."

"Did you use your words first?"

"Yes, I told them to stop bullying Sis because its mean. But they told me to get lost brat then pushed me over so I pushed them back."

"What do I do with you."

looking at him he reminds me so much of his father always protecting his family almost always injured. A small smile creeping its way upon my face. Reaching out my hand to ruffle his hair he tried to swat it away with his broken.

"You can't stop me now.

You did a good job. Just try not to be so rough with the bullies next time."

They will do just fine without me.

Unknown to Bob this would be the last time he talked with his mom as she died in a car accident later that day on her way to work.

Bob-Grade 5

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