

L and London then ate quietly. They were busy with their own thoughts. Come to think of it, they should have been married in two weeks' time, but at the last moment, London finally canceled their wedding plans because he realized that the marriage between them was too forced.

L was not ready because she was too young and she also did not want people to know that she was married to London Schneider and they had a child together, for various reasons.

One of them was her career. She really didn't want people to think she got her career because of the support from the Schneider Group owner. She also felt that as an artist, she was a role model who should not have a child out of wedlock.

All these reasons were totally unacceptable to London. He did not like being a kept man, especially considering he was a jealous man who did not want to see his wife approached by other men because they thought L was still single.

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