
Mr. & Mrs. Rhionen **

Alaric and Aleksis clinked their glasses and drank their champagne together, to celebrate their impulsive wedding moments ago.

"I love you," Aleksis said after putting down her glass and kissing Alaric's lips with so much love. Alaric could still taste the sweet champagne in her mouth. They then kissed for a few moments on the couch, pouring their love for each other.

When Alaric's hand began to sneak under Aleksis' clothes, the girl immediately stopped him and held his hand, refusing to let the hand explore her body, "I feel sticky because I have done a lot of activities since noon. And you just tangled my hair … AGAIN ..."

Alaric stared at Aleksis, looking disappointed. "So … what now?"

"I want to take a shower first, so I can sleep well," answered Aleksis. She stood up and pulled herself together. Alaric just stared at her walking away toward the bedroom.

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