
Chapter 3

Entry number 236, Log 3, Notes on Project X: June 6 - All systems go.

Uncle Morgan not only perfect subject, I find I am in love with him. Oral love ecstatic. When will total experience happen? I feel it is imminent. All bodily changes within me seem to point to readiness. Must take care of mother.

* * *

Fran sat in the breakfast nook scanning the morning paper impatiently. She turned to the employment section and glanced at a few of the offers.

"Need good-looking gal to act as hostess well-known restaurant, personality plus and able to move in top circles. Perfect position for the right gal, opportunities for advancement."

Fran circled the announcement, wondering just what a hostess did. She longed to get up the nerve to answer one of the ads she found herself circling with greater and greater frequency these days. Perhaps today would be the day! She could no longer put up with Brint's unspeakable ways. It seemed to her that her husband was becoming more and more difficult to live with as each day passed, and nothing she could do seemed to help.

He was nasty when he came home from work, nasty in the privacy of their bedroom, and nasty before he left in the morning. The party they'd attended had proved disastrous when Brint got so drunk that he threw up on the elegant flagstone terrace in front of some of the most important people on Long Island. Fran had never been so mortified in her life. And Brint had seemed proud of himself as they drove home, almost gloating over his "accomplishment", making her want to throttle him with her bare hands.

As it was, she hadn't spoken to him since, and Brint lay upstairs in bed nursing his hangover with characteristic ill humor.

Fortunately she had not had to deal with anyone else in the house that Sunday morning. She knew that her young brother-in-law was a late sleeper, and there wasn't a peep out of Jeanie yet. This was not surprising because Fran knew that her daughter often spent hours alone in her room after waking, working on her various "projects" and reading her books. Sometimes she wondered how she and Brint could have had such a studious child. She knew for a fact that neither one of them had scored anything like the IQ rating that Jeanie had on the tests they'd all taken at her school.

Brint had been livid to discover that he was of "average" IQ, and Fran had lied about hers, saying it was the same as his when in reality it was several points higher. The counselor had told them that they were not to take the gradings too seriously anyway, that, in fact, many people were discounting the importance of the Intelligence Quotient tests and waiting for some better means of measuring human intelligence to be discovered. Nevertheless, there was no getting around the fact that their daughter had scored on the "genius" level, some sixty or seventy points above them. Fran tried not to think about it too much. The people at the school seemed to be giving Jeanie encouragement and the atmosphere that she needed, and Fran tried to think of her daughter as just an average little girl, difficult as this was at times.

"Why do you hate Uncle Morgan?" Fran jumped in her seat, almost spilling the coffee in front of her on the table. Her daughter's voice seemed to penetrate all the secret areas of her mind, and for a moment she wondered if Jeanie could read thoughts. She had tried hard not to show her utter contempt for her husband's brother, but obviously nothing had been hidden from Jeanie.

"Jeanie ... why would you say such a thing? I don't hate Morgan."

Her daughter's pretty face with its large blue eyes was puzzled, and Fran started to say something else, but then she noticed there was something different about Jeanie, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. Was it her voice, her mannerisms? The way she was dressed? Jeanie wore her robe and pajamas, nothing unusual about that, nor about anything else unless it was the soft womanly feeling of confidence that she exuded, the aura of a woman who knows about loving and who is in love.

"No, Mother, you know that's not true ... you really hate him, and I wonder why. I think he's wonderful."

"Well, I'm glad you like your Uncle Morgan, darling, but you mustn't contradict Mother. He's a very pleasant young man. Sometimes - Mother gets nervous about things, you know ... but you mustn't think that I hate anyone!"

Jeanie's face brightened. She sat down across from her mother, pensive and serious. "I suppose you think he's kind of shallow ... and I guess I'd have to agree with you there. But despite that, I think Morgan has some good qualities that even he doesn't know about yet!"

"I see," Fran said, but she didn't see at all. In fact, she didn't want to talk about her brother-in-law at all.

She'd be seeing him soon enough without having to spend undue time talking about him too.

"Well, it's good to see some good in everyone, Jeanie," Fran said, without adding that she herself failed to see very much in her husband, let alone her husband's no-good young brother.

"About your being so nervous these days, Mother ..."

"Yes?" Fran was almost afraid to hear what Jeanie had to say - sometimes Jeanie gave her the shivers!

"I've been thinking ... maybe you ought to go back to work."

"Yes ... I've been thinking of it too!" Fran admitted.

"I mean, that way you wouldn't be so dependent on Daddy's moods ... you know?"

"Yes ... yes, I know," Fran felt as though she were the child, and her daughter the mother.

"You're still pretty enough to model, Mom!" Jeanie declared.

"Oh no ... I don't think ..."

"Sure you are! I think you ought to call up some of those photographers you used to know ... I bet they'd love to hear from you!"

"Well ... I'll think about it, Jeanie ... I will," Fran tried to hide the pleasure in her voice, the hope that her daughter's words had inspired within her. Did she dare to call some of the people who had been so excited about her potential over ten years ago? Just the thought of it was so exciting that Fran could feel her heart beating harder as she started to make another pot of coffee at the stove.

"See you later, Mom," Jeanie walked airily out of the kitchen, pleased with herself for having pleased her mother.

"Yes, angel ... see you later!" Fran was already composing imaginary telephone conversations in her mind.

* * *

Jeanie climbed the steps two by two, taking them easily and without getting out of breath. She knew now what she must do in order to complete her plans. Jeanie's young limbs still ached from being spread so wide by her uncle the night before, and her mind still whirled with the memory of the wonderfully illicit details of their evening together. If only he had taken it to the end ... if only he had gone all the way! But instead of eliminating the bothersome virginity that Jeanie wanted so badly to get rid of, Uncle Morgan had left her, going up to his room without gaining satisfaction for himself. It had been puzzling at first, but Jeanie was so dazzled by the crazy signals of mind-expanding sensual delight that coursed through the narrow walls of her thoroughly stimulated little cunt that she had let him go without running after him. After thinking it through carefully later in her bed, she decided that it was out of consideration for her that Uncle Morgan did not take her virginity. She had heard him muttering, "Too small ... much too small," as his thick finger wormed its way up into the heavenly seeping darkness of her trembling pussy.

Now as she reached the top of the stairs she wanted to run to him, to tell him that it didn't matter, that no amount of pain would stop her from wanting to feel his hardness deep inside her ten year old pussy!

The little girl moved past her mother and father's bedroom door, then past her own room. Further down the hall she could see the door in which she was interested. A little shiver traversed her lithe young body, naked beneath her pajamas and robe. Her hand turned slowly upon the knob, and to Jeanie it was as if it were all taking place in slow motion. She knew that no one would bother looking for her for some time, and certainly neither her mother nor her father would ever think of finding her in Uncle Morgan's room!

The room was dark, the blinds drawn over the one window that looked over the small back yard. As her eyes grew accustomed to the light, Jeanie could see her uncle's sleeping form on the bed, his unclad body covered with a sheet. She moved closer and saw that he was sleeping deeply. Curiously, the little girl drew back the sheet from her father's brother. Bit by bit she revealed the strong male form, the large hair-covered chest, big muscular arms, narrow waist and hips that tapered down to muscular thighs and calves. He was beautiful! Jeanie sucked in her breath and felt a thrill of desire and love traverse her virgin body. Her eyes focused upon the thick dormant penis about which she had thought for so long. Intently, she gazed at it, and then without removing her deep blue eyes from the object of her premature lust, Jeanie began to undress. She looked small and lovely in the half-light of the room, her long blonde hair shining and the sparse hairs upon her naked pussy promising to become the same golden color. Jeanie

seemed to have forgotten any existence other than her uncle's as, finally naked, she moved toward the bed.

If anyone had beep watching from behind, they would have seen the sensuous flare of the little girl's gently curving hips and lush round buttocks. She stood poised for a second, realizing that she would always remember this moment for as long as she lived. Then she raised her slender white arms over her head provocatively, pushing her blonde hair up and then releasing it so that it fell softly back down to her shoulders. She was actually acting as though her sleeping uncle were watching her. Her soft pink nipples quivered to erectness on the tips of her small tingling breasts as she languidly stretched her arms and then climbed slowly up on the bed to straddle Morgan's sleeping nakedness with her own. Then slowly, ever so slowly she began to lower herself down. With her legs widespread, one dainty foot on either side of her uncle's sleeping body, Jeanie's compact cream-white nakedness formed an unforgettable tableau unseen by any but the four walls of the family guest room, now occupied by Brint Cooper's younger brother, Morgan.

She slid her legs wider and wider, spreading them outward from Morgan's hard thighs. Simultaneously, her softly pulsing cunt lips spread open, the little bud of her clitoris jerking nervously as the determined young girl forced her virginal mound wider still.

"I'm really going to do it!" she gasped, not believing her own determination.

In his dream, Morgan could feel his beautiful sister-in-law's breath across his face, and as he reached up to put his hands around her naked, finely shaped waist, he felt himself grow stiff and hard, his cock a rigid pole of flesh that would rise high into Fran's willing cunt. God, she was going to love it, and he was going to love fucking her!

And then he was moving up, up against the tightness of her, and he could tell that it was no longer a dream, but a reality - another strange reality in the Cooper household.

"JEANIE! YOU!" he cried, as his eyes snapped open. The horny little bitch! he thought, the finger-fucking last night wasn't good enough for her!

Jeanie's eyes were half closed with desire, her face mirroring the sensations of turmoil and arousal that she felt within her. She let herself remain fully upon the hard naked shape of Morgan's thick throbbing penis. It lay pressed against her pink heated inner membranes, pulsing wetly against her secret cunt.

Leaning forward, she brought her face closer still to Morgan's, her small breasts flattening against his hair-covered chest, her little outer cunt lips beginning a determined sliding up and down the length of his fully stimulated cock.

Bits and snatches of his dream were coming back to him, but it was hard to grasp the full meaning of it. Something luscious and wonderful had been happening, and now here was his ten year old niece Jeanie, and he'd certainly enjoyed the feel of her tight little cunt in his mouth the night before ... and he'd sure as hell wanted to fuck her bad enough then. Why not now?

Under the pressure of her moistening spread slit, the soft feel of her cheek upon his face, he could feel himself growing more enthusiastic about actually trying to screw his own niece. Hell, what did he have to lose, anyway? She was begging him for it!

Meanwhile, Jeanie Cooper, first in her class in everything, was now planning on becoming the first in her class of advanced students to lose her virginity! She moved faster and faster, building up a tingling friction in the slit of her sparsely hair-surrounded virgin pussy, feeling her uncle's thick cock big and slippery against her, growing to an alarming size as she rode sensuously over it. She couldn't stop, even though she began to grow more and more frightened of the lewd task she had set herself. The loose

thick foreskin of Morgan Cooper's penis had slid back beneath the pressure of the ramrod within and now the entire knobby head surfaced to become a hard bulbous mass in the small pit of his brother's daughter's straining young pussy.

"Christ, Jeanie!" Morgan gasped, his head jerking backward against his pillow as he allowed the wild sensations to race through his desire-tormented body. Together they made a rhythm now, he moving upward against the little girl's willingly spread pussy, while she wriggled sensuously against the snug-fitting length of hot naked flesh that felt so good that the ten year old was compelled to swallow her fear. After all, it was MORGAN'S WONDERFUL COCK! She was in love, and she would explore the meaning of this new state of existence to its farthest depths, no matter what that entailed. This thought comforted the nakedly trembling child, and she smiled a little to herself as she panted over her young twenty year old uncle, and then planted small kisses on his open lips. The length of his now eager penis jerked upward beneath her, and together they groaned with desire.

In spite of his earlier reservations, Morgan was now fully responding to the precocious nymphette whose moist velvet-soft cunt slid tenderly up and down the length of his throbbing penis. The petite young body jerked wildly above him now, and then, as though she could no longer wait, her hand went around behind her to tease the hardness of his cock, the very cock that she had thought about touching all night and all morning. The addition of Jeanie's nimble fingers tracing lines of lust-inspired madness along his cock to the feel of her slipping, sliding cunt was enough to drive him insane. He could see her blonde hair falling forward into his face when she rose up, and when she lay down upon him it covered his face, filling his nostrils and his mouth with the sweet scent she used.

Sensuously the little girl's small but soft buttocks settled backward upon the rock-hardness of his thighs, and he could hear her staccato breathing. Then she fell forward and her nipples were hard and like little berries against his chest. The ex-airline employee suddenly became impatient about this female rape.

Never before had he had such a strong feeling that he was being used! Not even the airlines had been able to use him without his getting back his own. Of course, they had found out about the illegal ticket sales he'd been involved in, but unable to prove anything, had fired him on a technicality. And certainly no woman had ever used him. None of the girls he'd known in his extensive career as a "notorious swinger" had ever gotten the better of him in any way. In fact, whenever the girls left Morgan's erstwhile apartment in New York, he'd always given them a playful pat on the ass, a pat that always said, "Thanks for the pussy, honey!" when, in fact, he did not utter the demeaning words or some similar expression himself.

He'd never really cared for anyone, not yet anyway, and so far the state of his emotional life hadn't bothered him. So now that Morgan had the strange feeling that Jeanie was only using him for her own devious ends, he felt determined to take more of a hand in determining just what was going to happen during this illicit encounter with the ten year old.

Jeanie moaned. It just felt so good. She was spreading her young white thighs wide apart and slipping her almost hairless pussy flesh upward, allowing the gentle sensitive entrance of her pre-teen pussy to rest on the very tip of her Uncle Morgan's rampant penis. Her fingers separated the untried little cuntal lips as far as possible as she tried to fit the smooth-surfaced cock-head inside their tiny circumference.

Brint Cooper's daughter gasped as she realized with alarm that she couldn't stretch them that far! In fact, she was beginning to think that it was impossible, despite all that she'd read about the elasticity of the female sexual organs.

The frustrated little girl grunted out her disappointment, and tears began to stream down her face as she labored over the hardness of Morgan's cock, trying to fit the outsized cock into her minute opening.

Then just as she gasped out, "Help me ... oh help me!" Morgan reached his own decision. She might be

only ten years old and she might be his own brother's child, but right now these facts were working as added enticement to him. The very idea of getting back at stupid-face Brint in such a perfect manner was stunning, and with all the strength he could muster the twenty year old bucked his hips upward just as he knew his niece was going to try to insert the rubbery tip by bouncing down on it.

"AAAAGGGGHHHHHH!" Jeanie cried, and then whimpered with pain as she collapsed on her uncle's hair-coated chest, feeling the thick fullness of his lustfully engorged penis stuck halfway up into the silken warmth of her virginity.

The tight little opening felt ripped apart, and there was a burning sensation that spiraled round inside the small throbbing orifice and seemed to fill every part of her. She was sure that she would never be the same again. It was going to take more than a few moments to recover from the acute pain of her Uncle Morgan's first entry. But Morgan was determined to get his tightly embedded cock up into the snug clasping softness of Jeanie's wildly palpitating pussy.

Slowly now, conscious of his hold over her, he pushed upward again, pulling down upon her waist and slender hips at the same time, driving his lust-maddened penis inward to rip apart the tender tissue of her hymen. Comparatively impassive before, he now took the initiative even though he knew she wanted him to stop.

"Nnnnggggghhhhh!" the impossibly small opening was splitting still wider, the thin vaginal lips giving way to the thicker base of Morgan's upward worming cock.

"You asked for it ... you're getting it!" he cried lewdly, gritting his teeth from the considerable effort he was exerting.

But Jeanie, through her pain and anguish, was beginning to feel another sensation. Even as she winced and grimaced, biting her lower lip to keep from begging her uncle to stop the plunder of her heretofore unpenetrated pussy, Jeanie could tell that she actually wanted him all the way inside her. She wanted Morgan there, right where it hurt the most.

"FUCK ME!" she gasped out suddenly. "FUCK MY LITTLE CUNT GOOD!"

Wildly, Morgan began a steady rhythm, his urgently thrusting cock pushing, sliding, now actually racing forth, the whole of it arched from the absurd pressure it was being subjected to as the minute but strong vaginal muscles of his ten year old niece massaged its throbbing girth.

"Damn! Coming to get you ... coming to get you, baby!" His loins strained nakedly upward toward the little girl's as the elastic-rimmed tightness of her pussy sent wild fiery thrills of rising pleasure throughout his system. The bed bounced beneath them as he flicked his hips upward with increasing hardness, feeling Jeanie begin to tighten and relax alternately upon his advancing and retreating penis.

He could see her pale and lovely, shivering above him, the pain gone now as mounting pleasure took its place, a pleasure that was so intense that Jeanie was made speechless, her low hum of joy the only verbal indication of her excitement. The little girl began to thrust herself downward with all her might, aided by Morgan's strong hands upon her waist. Jeanie could feel her uncle's tightly pressuring cock hard and hot inside her, filling her everywhere, making her want to burst apart with the almost unbearable pleasure it brought her.

"Mmmmmmmoooooo!" she keened, and then she thought, Oh, God, I love him so much ... his beautiful cock all the way inside! She had never fucked anyone before and now she was fucking her daddy's brother!

The moist pink mouth of the little girl's trembling pussy spread to admit every inch of the rapidly rising cock inside her, and she began to groan incessantly, leaning forward, thrusting her tiny tongue with complete delight far into the hidden recesses of her uncle's open mouth. Low hums of ecstatic bliss began to rise in torrents from her throat as Jeanie's young quivering lips twisted with erotic passion, her graceful white neck straining and her mouth working excitedly as she felt a thin film of sweat break out upon her nakedly gyrating body. So this then was what it was about! So this was love-making!

Brint and Fran's baby daughter had entered another world, a world that was very much her own. Her lithe but inexperienced body was bursting through to knowledge that she could not get from books, as nebulous rainbow-lined clouds seemed to fill the little girl's mind, and she felt herself beginning her first total orgasm! Nothing mattered but the fact that she was being magnificently fucked by her darling Uncle Morgan. No matter what happened from now on, nothing would alter this startling fact. The warm wet flesh of her desire-tormented pussy quivered and then began to jerk and twitch spasmodically around her uncle's lust-driven flesh as the final tide of the coming orgasm made its first penetrating stabs of pleasure felt.

Jeanie began to gurgle and then to croon her delight as the mounting licentious sensations overtook her tender child's body. She seemed to feel every ridge of Morgan's smooth, up-worming penis, and as she felt it grow larger still and so hard that she thought it might break her in two, the excited little girl shook her blonde curls and gave herself up to the miracle that was taking place within her hungrily clasping cunt.

"Aaaaahhh! It's here! It's heeerrreee!" Beneath her, the passionately aroused young man, using perfect timing, felt his loins releasing a burning heat as his racing sperm spurted outward into the tightly clenching young virgin flesh. Great gushes of steam seemed to be surrounding the two of them - as Morgan relentlessly fucked upward into both of their orgasms, cumming still and feeling her cumming all around his spending cock. The climaxing young man's sperm slipped from the heat of Jeanie's contracting vagina down along his impaling shaft of naked flesh as Jeanie's hands grabbed wildly at his shoulders.

The little girl continued to writhe and moan above him, and Morgan knew that she was cumming not once, but many times in rapid succession. The blonde ten year old wiggled this way and that upon his deflating penis, moving up and down and from side to side, milking every tiny drop of cascading semen from his angrily fucking cock. It was then that he saw something in Jeanie's desire-ridden features, something that made him remember his dream.

And as he remembered, Morgan's mouth clasped hard on his niece's, sucking her tongue deep into his throat. In the midst of his turmoil, his great excitement, he knew that somehow through this intimate contact with his own little niece, his brother's daughter, he was being brought mysteriously closer to his sister-in-law. By fucking Jeanie, he was all the closer to fucking her voluptuous blonde mother; and as he shivered his last trembling drops of cum up into the tightly pulsing baby cunt above him, Morgan knew that, at all costs, he must make that dream come true.

Touching Jeanie's breasts, he longed for the firm white fullness of her mother's ... wanted to make love to the older woman as no one ever had before, to bring her as much pleasure as he had brought to her ten year old daughter! He knew he could, and he would even as his orgasmic fluids ran down his still pulsing cock onto his aching balls.

"Jesus!" he cried. "What an idea ... what a wild fuckin' idea!"

Next chapter