
The Truth Exposed

Mesa was sleeping on his bed waiting for the news. After few hours of waiting, he heard someone screaming and knocking at his door, he smiled and walked toward the door. When he opened the door, he saw a crying Ruby standing in front of him. He faked his surprise and worry and asked " What happened? Why are you crying?"

" J-Jaune…. W-We found …. him …. dead in the forest " Ruby said while crying

" Dead?!! How?!! " Mesa asked in surprise and wide eyes

" He commited a suicide " Ruby cried harder. Mesa simply hugged her to calm her down and asked " Where are the rest?"

" They are with the rest of team JNPR in Ozpin's office. They are quite devastated" Ruby said

" Let's go, we need to be on their side " Mesa said as he pulled Ruby to JNPR and the rest.

Mesa headed with Ruby to Ozpin's office. In the office, Ozpin sat with dark face, Glynda had the same looks. They were looking at the students in front of him. Teams RWBY and JNPR who were missing their leaders, were either sad or crying for the loss of Jaune.

Ozpin said " All of you go to rest for now, sort out your emotions and calm down. I will talk with you later, to understand how it came to this."

When the two teams were about to leave, Mesa entered the office with crying Ruby. Ozpin was extremely angry, it was the first time one of his student commit a suicide. He didn't believe it was as simple as suiciding. He suspected it was Mesa's doing somehow.

Ozpin spoke " All of you go back to your dorms now, mr Uchiha, please stay behind. I have few questions for you "

Everyone started leaving while looking at Mesa. After everyone left, Ozpin asked " Mr Uchiha can you explain what happened today "

Mesa nodded and told Mesa everything happened until the fight with Jaune in the forest. Ozpin said " I see. Do you think mr Ark had suicide tendencies? "

" Everyone have a suicide tendencies, they just need to tap on it. If you think there is more to it than a suicide, show me the body, I might be able to see something you don't"

Glynda was staring at him like a predator, while Ozpin nodded slowly and said " Follow me, mr Uchiha"

Mesa followed Ozpin toward the basement where they kept Jaune's body. Inside it, he saw Oobleck and port checking Jaunes body for any clues. Ozpin spoke to them " Mr Uchiha want to check mr Ark body for any clues. Please assist him "

The two nodded and stepped to the side. Mesa walked to the corpse laying on the bed. He didn't touch it, just stared at it then spoke " His face is stretched in unusual manner. It seems he had a very strong traumatic experience causing his mind to go into chaos. His shoulders' muscles stiffened in two different direction, it means he was afraid of something. His hands' colours is slightly blue to purple, so he was grabbing the hilt with all of his strength. The wound direction and location means he didn't die immediately, but slowly and painfully. His knees are stiffened while being straight. So he died standing. If he went mad before commiting suicide, then that would explain his state, but he didn't show any signs of it. That leave it with the possibility of something controlling controlling his body against his will before making him die"

Ozpin stared deeply at Mesa, who was in a rare moment of seriousness. While Glynda was thinking he is bullshiting them. It was Oobleck who talked next " What mr Uchiha said is absolutely correct. It's even more detailed judgement than ours. So we need to make sure whether mr Ark went mad or not. Only then we will know if he commited suicide or died "

Mesa continued " We have to ask his team about his behaviour. If one wanted to hide any negative tendencies or mind disturbance, he would need something to relax his mind and let his negativities free"

Oobleck agreed " Exactly, It might be a game, food or maybe a diary. We will have to talk with his team tomorrow and find out"

Ozpin agreed with them, he didn't detect any lies from Mesa. He will wait till the next day and see what he can find out.

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The next day, Mesa met with team RWBY and went to check on the rest of team JNPR, they were surprised to see no sadness in them. Just pure anger and disgust toward Jaune. They didn't want to talk about him, team RWBY didn't understand what was going on, while Mesa did but he faked ignorance.

Ren only said " Let's go and talk with Ozpin, then you will understand "

Nora seemed very angry, while Pyrrha was sad and angry at herself.

They moved toward Ozpin's office, Mesa and the rest followed them. On the way, they met with Glynda who tried to help and said " As future guardians of the world, you should stand strong and not let yourselves sink in sadness …."

Nora didn't allow her continue " We won't feel sad for that animal. I regret crying for him in the first place " With that Nora stormed toward Ozpin's office, the others followed her silently. Glynda stared at them in confusion [ What is wrong with them ?]

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In Ozpin's office, Ozpin was sipping his coffee thinking about Jaune case when angry Nora entered his office, followed the rest of her team, Team RWBY and Mesa. Ozpin was surprised, they didn't look sad but … angry? He asked them " What happened? Why do you seem angry? "

Ren walked toward Ozpin and gave him a book. Ozpin looked confused at Ren who just said " This is the diary Jaune was writing, he would never let us see or know what he was writing. Yesterday, we read it and we couldn't believe what was written. We checked it twice, and made sure it was Jaune's hand writing" Ren took a deep breath and said " What we found inside it…. Was disturbing and disgusting "

" What did you find exactly? " Ozpin asked wondering what could possibly give this kind of reaction.

Nora was the one to speak " That animal wrote about his desire to rape nearly every girl he met. He talked about me, Pyrrha and team RWBY. He talked about how he want to rape us and destroy us. He spoke about our three sizes in detail. Even professor Glynda was not spared of his fantasies. He even talked about the guys. He wanted to castrate them and make them his toys, especially Mesa. Jaune wanted to boggle Mesa's eyes out. And there is a part, he talked about raping a faunus orphans then killing it in the forest. At the end he would blame the grimms for his crimes"

Everyone was shocked beyond belief. Jaune was twisted to such a degree? Ozpin stopped in his tracks, he looked at the diary then at Ren and asked " Are you sure this belonged to Jaune"

Ren confirmed " Yes' it's his hand writing and we always saw him writing it. There is a lot more inside, we couldn't continue reading it. It was filthy and disgusting"

Glynda couldn't speak at all, just like everyone, she barely could believe or process what she just heard.

Mesa spoke " I hope none will tell the content of the diary to anyone. What we heard will stay with us here "

Nora exploded " Not letting anyone know? Do you like what he did ? You still consider him a friend?"

Mesa spoke seriously " If the content were to become public, your and Pyrrha's reputation would be ruined because you stayed in the same room with him for months. And with how famous Pyrrha is, I have no doubt the news will spread fast, even Beacon won't be spared of the rumors. Not to mention, he still have a family. His family shouldn't bear his sins, he was sick and crazy. And he died alone in the forest, a deserving end "

Nora calmed down upon hearing Mesa's reasoning. Ren and Pyrrha looked at him with gratitude. He thought about their reputation, when they themselves forgot it. Ozpin nodded his head and said " Mesa is right. The truth shouldn't become public, I hope everyone here understand that. You can all leave "

Everyone left, Mesa was walking out with them [ Switching the diaries was not hard, and the fact they didn't know about me being able to copy styles and even handwritings style, made it even easier. With this the story of Jaune ended ]

Everyone went with JNPR ,or maybe NPR now, to the dorms. Inside the dorms, Weiss spoke " In the end, that idiot was nothing but a bastard, a filthy animal"

"Yes, I still can't believe he tricked us like this " Yang said with disgust and surprise

" I thought he was my friend " Ruby said with lower friend

" Forget about him, he is nothing but a dark past" Ren said coldly

Pyrrha stood and walked out of the room, Nora asked her worriedly " Pyrrha, where are you going ?"

" I need some time alone ….. to think" Pyrrha said as she left

Everyone looked at her, Mesa then spoke " I will follow her and make sure she is okay"

Mesa followed Pyrrha, as the rest continued talking about Jaune

Pyrrha when to Foreverfall forest alone, she walked aimlessly and would fight grimms alone to let her anger and sadness out. After sometime being alone, she heard a voice talking to her " Do you feel better now?"

Pyrrha looked to Mesa standing there, she asked " Since when you are here ?"

" I followed you all the time, just making sure you are okay" Mesa said

" I can protect myself " Pyrrha said rudely, unlike her usual self. The anger and sadness affected her behaviour

" I know. So do you feel better?" Mesa replied not caring about her tone

" I … Yes. I was just angry at myself for not seeing Jaune for what is he " Pyrrha said with anger

" You shouldn't. I mean, not even me realised how twisted he was " Mesa's words helped Pyrrha to calm down

" I just don't know what to believe now, my partner which i believed he is the kindest turned out to be … Maybe IF noticed earlier, I could have helped him" Pyrrha said with sadness

Mesa walked toward Pyrrha putting his hand on her shoulder and said " You don't need to be hard on yourself, it was not your fault. And not everyone like Jaune. Beside you still have Ren, Nora, Team RWBY and me. You can always depend on us, we will be there for you" On Mesa's face a beautiful warm smile could be seen.

Pyrrha looked at Mesa and thought about Jaune. She subconsciously compared them to each other. Mesa like Jaune didn't care about her reputation being a goddess of victory. But he was a better friend, stronger, smarter and even more handsome. She couldn't help but blush slightly.

Mesa noticed Pyrrha change and could guess what she was thinking but he acted as if he didn't know , so he said " You okay? Let's go to Beacon's clinic"

" I'm fine " Pyrrha said blushing

" If you need something just ask, I will help you as much as I can" Mesa said with warm smile

Pyrrha blushed and thought what to do. She then decided to make a move him, thanks to Jaune, she wasn't thinking like her usual self. Pyrrha did something she would never do usually. She leaned forward and kissed Mesa's lips.

Next chapter