
First Jitters

Drama asked, I answer. Ok here's real drama if you want to see non-chill well. Twas a Tuesday morning, where it was calm and it was summ- My little sister busting into the room as she rambunctiously jumps all over the place with a joyous tone yelling enough to hear from 250 feet away "SCHOOL IS HEAR PARTY MORE FRIENDS, FIRST DAY JITTERS, MORE DRAM-!" as she remembers something from the top of her head. With a sigh of a more serious tone, "What am I going to wear." as she rambles on and on I sigh with a more of depressing tone. No.... no... It's over already Junior year I haven't made 2 friends only 1 B.F.F ... I'm never going to see the future of me having beautiful life. As she rants I kick her out of the room as if Chili peppers kicked the sockets out of her and and I start to actually for the first time do my hair wear the new school wannabe Japanese uniforms proud. I say to myself "New Me", "New Style", "First Impressions", and 'First Jitters'.

Don't really know just noted to myself how "drama-tic" I can be.

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