
Arriving at the Mansion

The men clambered into the SUV's and you can tell that they have all been professionally trained. However they picked up the guy that I had hit his acupuncture points and tossed him like a sack of potatoes into the back of the vehicle. I sat there in silence not speaking to anyone in the vehicle. The tension was so thick that I doubt even a knife could cut it, however I was not going to be as compliant as these people will hope. One of the men cleared his throat, and turned towards me slowly.

"Young Master, what you did back there for your mother was very admirable. A word of advice for your new life. Trust no one." He whispered before turning away from me.

I am not sure what to think of his suggestion or why he would call me young master. LIke what is that? My Dad left us for who knows what reason but my mother persevered through it all and these guys are taking me away. You bet your a** I am not going to trust anyone here, not even close! I tilted my head towards the window looking at the scenery flash by quickly. We were slowly making our way to Billings it seems since I could see the lights of Laurel's refinery in the distance and can't forget the lovely smell that it produces. I shrink back further into the seat and close my eyes. Wherever they were taking me, I knew for sure that they would ensure that I would stay there until I could prove to them that I could be trusted. Which of course I would be more than willing to fake it until they released me from this mess. Clenching and unclenching my fists as they lay across my blue jeans to try and ease some of the tension that was in my body. I quickly fell asleep to the low hum of the vehicles, I only woke up when I heard the front passenger door slam shut. Then my door opened to a line of bodyguards like a wall that was meant for me not to be able to make a break for it.

Rolling my shoulders back I stood up tall and walked towards the small jet. The old man was standing at the top of the stairs staring down at me. He looked like a king staring down at an unruly subject. Trying to sum up their intentions in the way his dark brown eyes pierced into me, made me shudder and want to gouge out his eyes. He shouldn't be staring at a girl like this no matter how I look. Yeah, I doubt this old man even knows that I'm a girl. Should be interesting for him when he finds out, a cruel smile crept onto my face before I went back to a neutral look. I was sure of one thing, this old man was not someone who could be trifled with. I climbed the stairs and passed the old man without even sparing him a glance. Taking a seat in the farthest corner from all the main seats I buckle in and stare out the window.

The plane took off and I watched as the mountains fly beneath us. Everyone else who was on the plane proceeded to chat amongst themselves as if nothing had happened. Like they didn't just manipulate a teenager to come on this plane and threaten 'his' mother. I silently watched the men that were on the plane especially the old man whom all of the men gave some distance as if just being that close to him would cause them to freeze to death. Most of the men were dark haired and about the same build. I swear they could have all been from the same mold, most of their facial features were a ten point match. Growing bored of this despite my curiosity as to who these people are, why they took me away and where I was going. I just knew that this was going to be a tough transition.

"Hey Kid! We are getting ready to land. Best you wake up or else we'll drag you off. Don't want to make you seem like less a man." A gruff voice said.

Shifting away I slowly opened my eyes, I look at the scenery outside and it looks like a bustling airport outside. There were plenty of large planes landing in the field next to us. I sit up all the way in my seat and notice that there was now a guy in front of me and another next to me. I snort and shake my head at the sight.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked the gents in front of me.

"Young Master we are taking you home. The Boss will be happy to see you." The guy next to me stated.

"What's your name?" I asked.

" My name is Marcos, the one across from you is Jenkins. The gentlemen in white is the second in command Arlo, the Bosses uncle. He looks up to him in many ways he was with the family for a while. " He stated flatly.

I looked at the three men that were named and notice that Marcos and Jenkins both looked as if they had lived a tough life for a long time. Arlo looked more like a withering old man whom could topple and die at any moment, though looks can be deceiving. I crossed my arms across my chest for once being very glad that I am flat chested among all these men. The plane finally touches down and Marcos and Jenkins both stand up immediately. I barely had enough time to undo the safety belt before I was yanked up like a ragdoll. Jenkins had his enormous palm at the back of my neck pushing me towards the front of the plane roughly. Stepping into the somewhat cool air, my breathing grew heavy due to the humidity of this city. Where I was, at the moment I have no clue, but I hope my mother is safe at home. Frowning at the thought I look to my right and see Jenkins giving me a sympathetic look before gesturing down the stairs. This walk for me was like an inmate's final walk down to be executed. Every nerve and instinct was on edge until I reached the stretched limo that was awaiting me.

The next twenty minutes the tension in the limo was nerve racking. Everyone didn't want to look at each other it was like the bro code stated don't make eye contact. We pull up to this compound like mansion home and when we pull up to the front door my heart stops. That man that was standing at the top of the stairs looked like the drawings my mother drew all the time while I was growing up. So this is the guy that sent us away, to 'protect us'. Judging by how I was collected I'm assuming that things have 'gotten better' for him in order for him. What a pathetic creature abandoning his lover and child to fight alone.

"You better get moving youngster or else I'll throw you out myself." Arlo harrumphed.

I side eyed him before opening the door and climbing out. I shoved my right hand in my pocket and stared up at the man on the top of the stairs. The man's eyes went wide, as if my arrival was a shock to him. This I took note of before I began my ascent up the stairs, each step my heart pounded harder and harder. I would be completely surprised if no one could hear it from a few feet away.

"Hello, Parker. My name is John Park your father. Welcome home son." John said cheerfully.

"This is not a welcoming party this is a kidnapping party. Let's make this clear, this is not my home and you have yet to be my father. Don't pat yourself on the back just yet old man. " I said with a sneer.


His large palm hit my right cheek with so much force I almost fell. The stubbornness of my pride wouldn't allow me to fall, especially in front of this guy. Looking up through my bangs at him I seen that his face was red with anger. I smirked and shook my head before straightening myself in front of him.

" You will respect me boy, without me you wouldn't be here. Marcos! Show him his room! He will stay there until I call for him for dinner, not before!" John seethed through clenched teeth.

I was lead away towards the left of the main entrance and showed a room on the first floor. It was large and posh, it looked like something out of a movie. There was a large four poster bed with curtains. There are two doors on either side of the bed both were open and from what it looked like there was a bathroom and a walk in closet. There was even a desk and chairs for reading or homework. Apparently this is the rich people's prison cell. As I was looking around the room Marcos had closed the door and locked me in.

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