
Oh Boy!!! He is trouble

His trail of thoughts came to an abrupt halt when he saw his phone continuously flashing with notifications.

"Hey, what happened?" - Akira

"Did I go overboard?" - Akira

"Are you there?" - Akira

"Yeah, yeah I am here. Sorry I have some guests at home. Talk to you later" - Raymond

"Oh, ok. Good night" - Akira

"Good Night" - Raymond

He wished her a good night, but he himself knew how dark his night was to become. He went back to his laptop but he couldn't concentrate any further. The image of his mom crying devastatingly floated in his head. If there was anything and anyone that he hated the most in the world, then that was his "DAD".

Akira slumped in her bed for a while and then got up the next second.

She ran to her dressing cabinet and started rummaging through all her clothes.

"Gosh, I have nothing to wear for tomorrow!!!"


The next day as promised Raymond reached Akira's place sharp at 4:30 pm. He had texted her before he started for her place.

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