

Suyin and Areum roamed down a small, narrow dirt trail that wound its way through the dense forest. The trees stood so close to the pathway that their branches almost brushed against the heads of the two travelers.

Areum clutched a worn map, her eyes darting between the parchment and the faint tracks beneath their feet, determined to guide them to Yuewei. The soothing yet persistent sound of a flowing stream grew louder, echoing through the forest as they neared their destination. "It seems like we have to cross this river near here to get to Yuewei," Areum announced, pointing ahead with a steady hand.

Suyin followed the trail's winding course and noted that the little dirt path seemed to align perfectly with the map's directions. A bridge, constructed from fresh, pale wood, spanned the river. It appeared recently built, the timber still smelling of sap and the rope, though looking somewhat frayed, offered a glimmer of promise for a safe crossing. "If the Prince made this map, then they likely built this bridge to secure their territory," Suyin mused aloud.

With cautious steps, the two women began their trek across the bridge, the rapid current below roaring in a constant reminder of the danger. The water was so deep and clear that even a prolonged gaze couldn't reveal the riverbed.

Each footstep seemed precarious, the potential for a misstep and a plunge into the cold, relentless stream ever-present. Upon safely reaching the other side, Areum and Suyin climbed a hill, their eyes widening as they took in the imposing sight before them.

Atop the hill stood the tall gates of Yuewei, enclosed by formidable concrete brick walls. The guards stationed there were fully armored, some with swords sheathed at their waists and others gripping long, menacing spears.

Cautiously, they advanced down the pathway, the dense forest gradually giving way to an open field. This area was bustling with activity, rows upon rows of tents and large wooden carts bristling with spikes at the front, prepared for battle.

"Halt!" a guard commanded, his deep voice resonating with authority.

The man's hand rested on the hilt of his sword, ready to strike if necessary. Startled by the guard's command, the two girls immediately stopped in their tracks. They understood that reaching the city was within their grasp, but Yuewei, known for its formidable military might, wasn't about to let two strangers pass through without scrutiny.

The tension was palpable as they stood there, aware that gaining entry would require more than just a simple explanation.

"What are you doing here?!" the guard barked in a harsh tone, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

As more guards emerged from behind the wooden spiked carts, they formed a semicircle around Areum and Suyin. The lead guard scrutinized Areum briefly before his gaze settled on Suyin.

He took in her appearance: the once-beautiful peach silk robe now marred by tears on both shoulders, partially concealed by a striking black and gold cloak. His eyes widened in recognition as he drew his sword.

"What are you doing with that?!" he demanded, pointing the sword directly at Suyin. She faltered, visibly flustered by the sudden accusation. The other guards quickly lined up beside their leader, weapons drawn and aimed at the two women.

"What are you talking about?!" Areum questioned, her voice tinged with confusion and frustration.

"That is the cloak of the Prince!" one of the guards shouted, stepping forward and glaring at Suyin, his eyes fixated on the cloak she wore.

"The Prince's right-hand man gave this to us!" Areum responded quickly, her voice firm as she attempted to defend their innocence. "The Prince's right-hand man does not have the authority to give the Prince's cloak to anyone!" the guard retorted sharply.

One of the guards seized Suyin's wrist, yanking her forward. Suyin struggled against his grip, her voice rising in protest.

"This was given to me!" she cried. "Silence!" the lead guard commanded, attempting to wrest the cloak from Suyin's grasp.

"You have wounded the Prince, knocked him unconscious, and used his cloak to infiltrate the city, you spy!"

He fought with Suyin, who resisted fiercely. Meanwhile, Areum was restrained at the back, with archers poised to release their arrows at the slightest provocation. Suyin clung desperately to the cloak, twisting and turning to evade the guard's grasp.

In the struggle, the dragon jade pendant slipped from the folds of the cloak and fell to the ground with a dull thud. The guard who had been grappling with Suyin froze, his eyes locked onto the jade. The tension in the air was palpable, the guards momentarily stunned by the sight of the jade.

Suyin took advantage of the brief pause, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she stood her ground. Areum, though still held back, watched intently, hoping for a moment to intervene. The guard's harsh demeanor wavered as he stared at the jade, the recognition dawning in his eyes suggesting that this pendant held significant meaning.

"T-The jade of the dragon!" the guard stammered, his voice quivering as he bent to the ground, shaking uncontrollably before Suyin.

At the utterance of the jade's name, all the guards immediately fell to their knees, heads bowed low, showing profound reverence and fear. "I-I apologize for the misunderstanding!" the lead guard exclaimed, his voice thick with desperation as he too knelt before Suyin and Areum.

He then helped Suyin to her feet, his hands trembling, pleading for her mercy. "It's fine. It's just a misunderstanding after all," Suyin said, her voice tinged with irritation.

The absurd accusation still rankled her, but she could now see why entry into this city was fraught with such difficulty. She bent down to retrieve the jade dragon, carefully brushing off the dirt before tucking it securely inside her robe. Areum rushed to Suyin's side, her eyes wide with concern.

She mouthed, "Are you okay?" and Suyin gave a single nod to reassure her. The guards quickly scrambled to their feet and parted, forming a respectful corridor for the two women to walk through. The imposing wooden bridge slowly descended, granting them access to the city of Yuewei. With a mix of relief and lingering bewilderment, Suyin and Areum crossed the bridge into the territory of the Qin, the city of Yuewei.


*An hour before Suyin and Areum's arrival*

Prince Fuhua and his right-handed man, Weizhe, traversed a path distinct from that of Suyin and Areum, leading them through the dense thicket to their destination.

As they emerged, Fuhua exuded an aura both commanding and ominous, his countenance as dark and forbidding as the sky bereft of its guiding moon. Previously adorned in simple attire, he now wore a resplendent black and white silk robe, intricately embroidered with threads of gold, lending him the semblance of a malevolent figure plucked from the pages of ancient folklore. In stark contrast, Weizhe appeared unperturbed by Fuhua's imposing presence. His unwavering loyalty and profound admiration for Fuhua were palpable, evident in his willingness to lay down his life for his liege.

Thus, Weizhe rode upon his cherished, pristine white steed, while Qin Fuhua, for reasons undisclosed, mounted the black ebony stallion they had chanced upon in the forest.

Though Weizhe harbored curiosity regarding this peculiar instruction, the fear of invoking Fuhua's displeasure stifled any inquiries he might have harbored. At the sight of the approaching duo, the guards stationed along the pathway snapped to attention, forming a corridor of deference between their ranks.

"Your Highness!" they chorused in perfect unison, their voices trembling with a mixture of reverence and trepidation, none daring to meet the gaze of the Prince of misfortune, lest they incur his wrath. With an air of indifference, Fuhua and Weizhe proceeded along the designated path, their horses pacing leisurely until Fuhua signaled a halt.

A ripple of apprehension swept through the assembled guards, their heads bowed even lower in deference, some almost trembling with the urge to seek refuge beneath their armored garb. Standing beside Fuhua, the chief guardian, responsible for vetting those who sought passage through the gates, awaited his lord's command, though Fuhua's gaze remained fixed ahead, imparting an eerie sense of anticipation upon the scene.

"In the event that someone presents my jade of the dragon, grant them entry without interrogation. Should any harm befall the bearer of the dragon jade, they shall face execution by my hand," commanded Qin Fuhua, his voice carrying an air of authoritative finality that brooked no dissent.

"Of course, Your Highness," the general guard responded promptly, internalizing the directive with unwavering obedience.

"But, Your Highness, what has transpired? And where is your royal cloak?" he inquired respectfully, concern etched in his tone as he observed the absence of Fuhua's customary regal attire.

"In the forest, I was confronted by some men and got injured. I'm on my way to seek medical attention," Fuhua explained tersely as his horse advanced, gradually distancing himself from the inquisitive guard.

"As for my cloak, it was taken from me," he added, offering no further explanation as he urged his mount onward, accompanied by Weizhe. Unbeknownst to the guards, Fuhua had entrusted Suyin with his royal cloak, presenting her with a test of her worthiness to gain entry into the city.

Confident that the sight of the dragon jade would ensure her safe passage, Fuhua harbored no doubt that she would ultimately emerge unscathed from any encounter. Although their initial plan had been to journey to the City of Qin, Fuhua's fatigue and the recent events had taken their toll.

Opting instead for the more immediate concern of tending to his injuries, he resolved to seek out a skilled physician rumored to be vying for the esteemed position of an imperial doctor, hopeful that his expertise would provide a swift remedy to Fuhua's afflictions.

As Fuhua, the esteemed Prince of Qin, and Weizhe made their entry into the bustling city, they paid little heed to the throngs of townsfolk gathered around, their reactions ranging from fearful awe to curious intrigue at the presence of royalty in their midst.


*An hour later on*

As the guards dispersed to convey the Prince's decree, one among them hastened to the side of the general guard, his breathless urgency belying the weight of his revelation.

"Sir," he began, casting a furtive glance towards the figures disappearing into the palace, "that individual... she's a woman, and she bears the dragon jade!" The general guard acknowledged the revelation with a furrowed brow, a rare occurrence given the Prince of Qin's discerning judgment in bestowing such a prestigious token.

The dragon jade, a relic steeped in both legend and power, had been passed down from the previous King to Fuhua, serving as a symbol of authority that transcended all objections and regulations.

Whispers circulated regarding the jade's origins, attributing its bestowal to the previous king's foresight in safeguarding Qin Fuua against the treacherous machinations of the court. Yet, the sight of the jade in the possession of this enigmatic beauty defied expectations, sparking intrigue and speculation among the palace guards. The acquisition of the dragon jade was no simple feat; its mystical properties and the protective measures surrounding it rendered theft or usurpation a perilous endeavor.

Many who dared to covet the jade found themselves ensnared by misfortune and tragedy, a testament to the rumored curse imposed by the former king. However, the woman's unscathed appearance and the absence of any apparent affliction cast doubt upon the notion of a curse. Perhaps, reasoned the guards, the Prince had willingly bestowed the jade upon her, recognizing in her an ally or confidante worthy of its formidable power.


Suyin and Areum meandered along the bustling streets of Yuewei, their hands clasping tightly onto their modest belongings.

In stark contrast to the serene ambiance of the Kingdom of Long, the city pulsated with life, its thoroughfares teeming with a kaleidoscope of activity.

Stalls adorned the pathways, their wares spilling out in an enticing array, drawing throngs of eager patrons seeking bargains amidst the bustling marketplace. Initially drawing curious glances due to her unconventional attire, Suyin soon faded into the backdrop of the lively scene, the locals captivated instead by the myriad offerings displayed by the enterprising vendors.

"Would you care to peruse our exquisite collection of hairpins, young miss?" called out one particularly persuasive merchant, his voice cutting through the din of the crowd.

Suyin offered a polite decline, her lips curving into a gracious smile as she and Areum continued their leisurely stroll down the bustling thoroughfare.

"My lady, what shall be our next course of action?" Areum inquired, her voice barely audible amidst the cacophony of voices clamoring for attention.

"We must seek shelter for the night. Let us look to find a reputable inn," replied Suyin, her tone resolute as she surveyed their surroundings.

After a series of trials and errors, including the inadvertent stumble upon establishments less suited to their needs, Suyin and Areum finally found respite in a welcoming inn, where they secured lodgings for the next few days.

Seated within the confines of their modest chamber, the two companions indulged in a moment of rest, their weary bodies grateful for the cessation of their arduous travels.

"My lady, I shall look around to find us some new attire," declared Areum, excusing herself with a respectful bow before departing. Left alone in the room, Suyin carefully removed the cloak, reverently placing it upon a nearby chair.

She regarded it with newfound appreciation, noting its intricate design and the regal air it exuded. Embroidered with meticulous detail, the cloak boasted a hood lined with rich brown wool, while a magnificent crane adorned the right chest in resplendent gold thread.

Elaborate stitching traced the edges, framing the garment with a touch of elegance, while symbols of orange blossoms graced the bottom corners, adding a subtle flourish to its opulent design.

Contrasted against her own disheveled appearance, Suyin couldn't help but feel a pang of inadequacy.

Her torn silk robe, stained with dirt, seemed a poor match for the splendor of the Prince's cloak.

Despite her desire for simplicity, she was constrained by the legacy of her family's reputation, their name emblazoned upon every garment as a testament to their prestige.

Resolving to discard her ostentatious attire at the earliest opportunity, Suyin rummaged through Areum's modest wardrobe in search of something more suitable.

Opting for a simple white and blue ensemble, Suyin adorned herself with a delicate wooden butterfly hairpin, its whimsical charm a stark contrast to the opulence of her previous attire.

Leaving a brief note for Areum, informing her of her intention to explore the surroundings and enjoy some fresh air, Suyin slipped out of the room, eager to lose herself amidst the vibrant tapestry of the bustling city streets.


In her hometown, Suyin had always felt confined, like a bird in a gilded cage, restricted by the stringent expectations of her parents.

Their obsession with upholding their family's impeccable reputation shackled her, rendering her aspirations and desires secondary to the preservation of their social standing. Every step she took was scrutinized, every choice filtered through the lens of familial honor.

But now, in this new environment, she sensed a liberation she had never experienced before.

The weight of those invisible chains, forged by tradition and expectation, had begun to loosen, granting her a taste of true freedom. With this newfound autonomy came a surge of ambition and curiosity.

Suyin's heart swelled with the possibility of exploring her passions unrestrained. No longer bound by the suffocating fear of tarnishing her family's name, she yearned to immerse herself in the study of medicine, a subject that had always fascinated her.

The prospect of learning how to heal and alleviate the suffering of others ignited a fervent determination within her. Suyin set out in search of knowledge.

Her quest led her to various shops and establishments, each potentially holding the key to unlocking the secrets of herbal medicine.

Yet, at every turn, she encountered resistance and prejudice. The narrow-mindedness of those she approached, and their ingrained beliefs about gender roles and societal norms, served as formidable barriers to her aspirations.

"Women aren't supposed to learn how to treat others!" the medical shopkeeper exclaimed, shoving her out.

The disdainful words of the medical shopkeeper echoed in her ears, a stark reminder of the obstacles she faced.

The venomous scorn of others, their disdain for a woman daring to pursue the noble art of healing, threatened to extinguish the flame of hope flickering within her. Yet, undeterred by their hostility, Suyin pressed on, determined to defy the limitations imposed upon her by a prejudiced society. As she wandered through the narrow streets, her eyes scanning the sparse surroundings for any sign of opportunity, an idea began to take shape in her mind.

Disheartened by the rejection she faced at every turn, Suyin reluctantly turned down yet another alley, her footsteps heavy with frustration. The bustling streets offered little solace, devoid of the myriad shops and stalls she had hoped would hold the key to her aspirations.

Yet, her determination remained unyielding, a quiet flame burning within her despite the odds stacked against her. As she pondered her next move, a sudden spark of inspiration ignited in the recesses of her mind, illuminating a path previously unseen. With a gasp of realization, Suyin's eyes widened, her gaze shifting upward toward the heavens as if seeking divine guidance.

"The library!" The words burst forth from her lips, her voice ringing out with unexpected clarity in the quiet alleyway.

Startled by her own boldness, she quickly covered her mouth, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. The notion of accessing knowledge through the written word seemed both daunting and exhilarating, a testament to the challenges that lay ahead in her pursuit of medicine.

The irony of her situation was not lost on Suyin as she contemplated the societal barriers that hindered women's access to education and professional opportunities.

In a world where women were expected to confine themselves to domestic duties, the notion of a woman aspiring to a career in medicine was met with skepticism and disdain. Yet, despite the prevailing attitudes of the time, Suyin remained undeterred in her resolve to challenge the status quo and carve out her own path.

Summoning her courage, Suyin approached a passerby, a kindly-faced man whose demeanor offered a glimmer of hope amidst the sea of indifference. With a bright smile, she ventured forth, weaving a tale of obligation and duty in her quest for knowledge.

"Excuse me," she began, her voice tentative yet earnest, "might you know of a place where one could procure books on medicine? My... my lordship has tasked me with acquiring some medical texts for his study."

The fabrication tasted bitter on her tongue, a necessary falsehood to navigate the treacherous waters of societal expectation.

To her relief, the man offered a nod of understanding, his expression sympathetic to her plight. "Ah, indeed," he replied, his voice tinged with warmth, "there is a shop just down the alleyway, to the right. You'll find it near a plum blossom tree."

With a grateful smile, Suyin thanked the man profusely before hastening off in the direction he had indicated, her heart buoyed by the glimmer of hope that flickered anew within her.


Moments later, a menacing presence descended upon the quaint little house nestled near the plum blossom tree.

The tranquility of the surroundings shattered as the door was violently kicked open, splinters of wood scattering like confetti in the air.

A group of men, their faces twisted with determination, stormed into the humble abode, their eyes scanning the interior for their elusive quarry.

"Where is that lady?" demanded one of the men, his voice a low growl that reverberated through the room like thunder. The man who had earlier encountered Suyin wore a sly grin, his demeanor betraying no hint of guilt.

"It appears she has slipped through our fingers," he replied, his words dripping with smug satisfaction. Before further discussion could ensue, another figure came hurtling down the alleyway, his breaths ragged with exertion. Falling to his knees before the leader of the group, he delivered urgent news with a sense of urgency that hung thick in the air.

"Sir!" he gasped, his voice trembling with agitation, "Master has commanded our immediate return!" A smirk played upon the lips of the man addressed as "Sir," his eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

"Our absence will be brief indeed," he declared, his words laced with a chilling promise of impending danger. It was then revealed that the man whom Suyin had unwittingly encountered bore the name Huang Liwei, a pawn in a sinister game orchestrated by the elderly man back at the Long Kingdom.

Entrusted with a nefarious task, his mission was as unsettling as it was lucrative: to ensnare any unsuspecting beauty who crossed his path and deliver them into the clutches of his unseen benefactor. Though the nature of his assignment reeked of obsession and malevolence, the allure of wealth and power proved too potent a temptation to resist.


Concealed within the shadows, Suyin held her breath, her pulse echoing in her ears like the steady beat of a war drum. She waited with bated breath, straining to discern the faintest sound amidst the cacophony of voices and footsteps that reverberated through the air like a discordant symphony.

Only when the clamor began to fade, gradually dissipating like morning mist beneath the sun's warm rays, did she dare to emerge from her makeshift hiding spot. With cautious movements, Suyin emerged from the concealment of an empty pot, her eyes darting nervously as she scanned the dimly lit interior of the old house.

Though she had managed to evade capture for the time being, the lingering sense of apprehension gnawed at her like a persistent shadow. The realization dawned upon her with a clarity that cut through the veil of uncertainty like a blade: the kind man's words had been riddled with deception from the very beginning.

The mention of the "alleyway" had served as a glaring red flag, a subtle indication of his true intentions concealed beneath a veneer of helpfulness.

Yet, amidst the turmoil of her thoughts, a single question persisted, its weight heavy upon her heart like an anchor dragging her down into the depths of despair.

Was there truly no avenue left for her to pursue her dreams of learning about medicine in this unforgiving world? Before she could dwell further on the bleakness of her predicament, a commanding voice shattered the silence, jolting her from her reverie like a bolt of lightning striking the earth.

"You can come out now." The words hung in the air like a silent decree, their ominous tone sending a shiver down Suyin's spine. Panic seized her heart in a vice-like grip, her palms growing clammy with sweat as her pulse quickened in response.

"Crap!" she cursed inwardly, her mind racing to find a solution amidst the chaos that threatened to engulf her. With each passing moment, it seemed as though trouble followed her like a relentless shadow, dogging her every step with ruthless persistence.

Holy shrimp! Guys! Thank you for the 100+ collection! Thank you for reading and commenting! It really helps a lot and makes me, as the author, want to work harder to give you guys a good read! <3 I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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