

He'd seen similar injuries only a couple of times before, so when he carefully stripped his brother of hardened, slightly dented armor, Orin couldn't stop himself from gasping. Zaide's arm looked downright rubbery, just cradling about on the rhythm of his heartbeat, paralyzed by the lack of contact with its respective socket."Just.. hold on, I'll try to bend it-.. err," the blonde male mumbled, having to lean over his taller sibling, his tail fidgety wagging. Unlike the ex-criminal, who had to go through a lot of treatments and painful moments in his life, the younger Kiandros was actually acquainted with canine biology, and surely knew - or so he claimed - how to put a dislocated limp back into place. "T-there we go..!" And after a coarse crunch, followed by an agitated growl, Orin perfectly restored his half-brother's arm to its former, in-place state. "Fa'her's sake, Prince! Ya bett'r know whatcha doin'.." That was when Commander Kamura finished his explanatory talk and approached the pair to check up with them, eventually grabbing a syringe and bending over to inject it into the dark-brown canine's bloodstream."Oi, buzz off!" But it was already too late. As the only Darkwolf on the team - or at least the surviving ones - rose to his feet again and began to give some intel on whatever the hell they were to do next, the strange Imperial-engineered liquid seemed to soothe the Kiandros's senses for a bit, as he got up without any complications and followed his sibling and CO around without even complaining once.

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