

"President Zhang is here! That's his car, the silver one! Hurry! Zoom the camera on him!"

The mad dash to see Zhang Tianyu made the press temporarily abandon the distraction that presented itself in the form of the unknown woman and child who were yet to tell their side of the story. Before the car pulled up, those of Madam Cui and Assembly man Ji was far ahead within the compound of the Zhang villa, the police were there to curtail the massive number of reporters that stood outside the imposing black gates of the Zhang villa, by serving as a barricade to allow traffic to flow smoothly.

"That's his daughter with him, coming out of the car! Take a quick shot of them!"

They pushed among themselves to see who would get the picture of the two, who gallantly walked into towards the main entrance of the tall magnificent building.

"Dad? I thought we are the only ones here to see Aunt Mi? Why are there so many people here?"

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