
Chapter 10


We are currently in music class learning to write lyrics. Jimin is as usual sitting with Tae while I am sitting with a girl I don't know the name of. "Ok class I have a project for all of you for this week." the teacher announced and half of the class groaned while other half looked uninterested and I was among the other half. "So you all have to write some lyrics for any topic of your choice. Just make sure it is descent enough to read in class." We all nodded. "And also you will work in pairs and your partner will be the one sitting next to you." my heart sank after hearing that. Jimin will be with him and not me. What else can I expect from my luck *sigh* "And some students are absent today so please make sure to update them and if anyone left without any partner then they can join any pair and work in triples." All agreed except me who was still thinking about Jimin and Tae. "And students you have a whole week so you can work even after school so do your best. That's all for today. See you in next class. Thank you." With that our class ended. 'Umm.. Excuse me?" The girl sitting next to me called. I turned towards her and she started blushing. I haven't noticed it yet but she is really beautiful. "Since we are working together, we should um.. exchange numbers." She said blushing and avoiding eye contact. I chuckled at her cuteness. "Of course.. Here." "What's your name ?" I asked while saving her number. "Uh? Oh.. Park Charyoung or you can call me Rose." She answered. "Ok Rose and I am Jeon Jeongguk and you can call me Gguk Ggukie whatever you like." I replied while chuckling lightly and saved her number under the name of Rose. "I know. You are Jimin oppa's brother right?" She said blushing again. "Yes we are brothers." I replied. "Gguk aren't you coming with us?" called Jimin hyung. I looked at him and nodded. "Ok Rose I have to go now. I will call you after school ok?" I said and she nodded smiling. After that I joined Jimin and Tae and we three went to cafeteria.


"Guys I think we should spy him." Namjoon hyung spoke distracting all of us from our previous conversation of Miss. Lee and Mr. Jong. Me, Namjoon hyung and Taehyung were arguing that there is something going on between them while Jin hyung Jimin and Hoseok hyung were denying. I mean come on dude the way they literally eye each other everyday there must be more than something. "Spy who?" asked Hoseok hyung while turning towards him. "Suga" There was a complete silence for few seconds so Namjoon hyung continued. "Listen I think it is very unlikely of him to ignore all of us for almost a month now. There must be something big going on and we all know that how much we try he is not gonna tell anything so we have to do something ourselves." I turned to look at Jimin with questioning face 'You didn't tell them yet?' Like he got me he shook his head with a apologetic face. I sighed. I should tell them now. After thinking for few seconds I coughed fakely to grab their attention and when I succeeded, I started "Umm..Guys..Me and Jimin hyung saw him at a café near our block. He got there a job." "What? When?" Jin hyung asked and they all were looking at me curiously waiting for me to reply. "It was a few days ago. I don't remember exactly." I replied trying to remember the exact day but failed. "And you are telling us now?" asked Hoseok hyung with a disappointed face. "Actually It was my mistake. I was supposed to tell you before but Yunki hyung told me to not to and I thought it's his personal matter and I didn't want to be rude by interfering. " Jimin hyung said before I could say something and started looking at his hands on his lap. I knew he was feeling guilty so I grabbed one of his hand under the table and as looked at me I mouthed 'It's ok' while giving him a smile and he returned me one but sadly. Hoseok hyung sighed and spoke "But why he wanted to hide his job? And why he needed one at the first place?" "We don't know we asked him but he didn't tell us." I said shifting back slightly on my chair to sit more comfortably. I took Jimin's hand the one I grabbed before, in my lap and started playing with his cute small fingers. He didn't mind and kept listening the whole conversation. "OK we will only know if we will ask him. Lets bunk our all next classes and go to that café." Namjoon hyung suggested while looking at all of us and we all nodded in return. "Ah Joonie I can't come with you guys as today's lecture is important and I cannot miss it. I am sorry." Jin hyung said to Namjoon hyung while grabbing his arm. "It's ok baby we all will handle it and don't be sorry ok? And even if you guys want you can stay here too only me and Gguk can go" Hyung said while looking at all of us and I nodded at that. "No." Taehyung spoke suddenly making rest of us to look at him questioningly. He cleared his throat and then spoke again "I-I mean we all will go. We all are worried so.." "Ok so we all are going then" Namjoon hyung declared." After that Jin hyung went for his next class while rest five of us went to the café. Of course the watchman let us go because of Hoseok hyung. Hoseok hyung, Taehyung and Jimin were in hyung's car while I went with Namjoon hyung in his car.


We are going to the café which Gguk and Jimin told us about. Hoseok's car is behind following ours. There is complete silence in the car. Not even any music is playing. I am lost in the thoughts of our precious friend and I am sure rest are thinking the same. Me and Suga are friends for a long time. He never hides anything from me even our darkest secrets are shared by each other that none of others know then why the hell he decided to hide this from me? I would have definitely helped him and if I couldn't then I would have definitely not let him deal with this alone. Aish what must have happened that he has started to ignore us? "Hyung""Hyung.." "Huh?" I turned to Gguk "What?" "I was saying we have arrived hyung.That is the café" "Oh" I turned to look in the direction of his finger and saw the café. So you work here Suga. We both went out of the car and after few minutes rest three joined us too. We all went in and a girl welcomed us. "Excuse me? Is there anyone named Min Yunki work here?" I asked her and her expression suddenly changed into a horrified one. "Wha....what? W-why?" "We are his friends and we want to meet him." I replied smiling trying to calm her down and like it worked she sighed and smiled sadly. "He is not here." She said and I looked at her confused "What? But he works here right?" I asked and looked around hoping to see him somewhere. "Used to. He was fired yesterday." The girl said with a sad tone. I again turned to look at her but more confused. "Fired? But why?" Tae asked. The girl seemed hesitated to answer at first but then she spoke "A-actually a guy was flirting with me so Oppa beat him but that guy was some rich dude so he told the owner to fire oppa and he did." My jaw clenched after hearing this how can he fire Suga when he was not at the mistake. "ing ." Hoseok commented under breath. "Can you please tell us where is he now?" I asked her. "He must be finding a new job right now." she replied. "But why he need a job?" I asked "I mean if you know.. Can you.." "I don't know exactly he just said that he needs money for someone" "Someone? But who?" Hoseok asked. "I don't know he didn't tell me." she replied while shrugging. What if he needs money for him again? But why? What must have happened this time? Everything was ok with him then what happened suddenly? Or maybe I am wrong maybe it's not him. If it's not him then who? Aish I will go mad. "SOMIN I DON'T PAY YOU FOR FLIRTING WITH YOUR HOES." A man's voice came from behind and when I moved my focus from her I saw a man maybe in mid 40 or 50 wearing pants and a loose green shirt was standing glaring at the girl talking to us. Some of his hairs were already grayed. There were slight beards appearing on his face. He must be the owner who fired Suga. "I am sorry I have to go excuse me." With that she left. "I am sure Joon I am going to kill him." Hoseok spoke. "Relax bro it's not the time for fight. Finding Suga is more important right now." I said and he sighed but nodded. We all left from there but we didn't go anywhere else. We were just standing near our cars discussing about this matter. "Should we go and find him now?" Gguk spoke. "Yeah we should." Tae said. "No we shouldn't" I denied. "Listen guys he can be anywhere right now even far away from us and we are not even sure that he is exactly searching jobs so the chances of finding him now is negligible. I think It's better if we all wait for him to return back home." I said and they all nodded in understanding. "First let me call him now. Lets see if he picks up or not." I said and then called him but as we thought he didn't answer so we all went to Hoseok's house to wait for him also I messaged Jin too to directly come there.

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