
Chapter 3.

(POV Sen Kami)

Why did I stupidly agree to let my daughter assist me with finding direct disciples?

Sure, she found a few good candidates to keep our eyes on, but the cost I paid this time was far too great.

Aside from finding a possible disciple she went and brought back a husband!

If only there were a medicine for regret, I'd drown myself in it.

Not only that, who is this girl who is showing such a dreamy and enraptured look towards a mut like him?

The daughter I know would never show such a look towards any man. Also, I'm your father you know, could you please be aware of that and not make out in front of me?

Ah I want to kill this brat so badly but my daughter's threat of suicide makes me rather wary. What is with her reasoning though? Is it really just because he had the guts to propose right in front of me without a hint of fear?

There's no way right? Don't tell me she's actually fallen for the bad boy persona? He's just some narcissistic brat, there's nothing attractive about him! My daughter, won't you please open your eyes? Father will have a stroke you know! Even gods can die of illness! My lovely little daughter how could you also call your father a third wheel?

Damnit I'll show you third wheel! That's right, disciples! Those potential disciples are bound to be pretty good if they caught my daughter's eye. Maybe I can use them to get rid of this annoying fly.

But then again, he is only a mortal. Mortals only live for at most one hundred years at best. Maybe it isn't such a bad thing after all? Besides with my daughter's situation, won't he just die right away? I did put in effort to keep flies away, but some still managed to get through the net but inevitably they were stuck with calamity.

After several flies suffered uncountable calamities, my daughter eventually became renowned as a walking disaster to those around her. Some would think of her as nothing more than a beautiful rose laced with thorns while others would use her to scare their children..

But the weird thing is my daughter, shouldn't she know better than anyone what marrying will cause for this brat? Unless things surrounding that brat are not as simple as they seem to be. But that brat's memories had nothing of significance that would make me think otherwise. Though my daughter has been rather restless lately. Perhaps there is more to it than meets the eye. I suppose for now at the very least I will go along with my little daughter's decision and see how things play out.

But nevertheless I still don't like this brat and I definitely don't want him to be alone with my little daughter. I guess I will use those potential disciples after all.

"Oh daughter of mine, I know you are probably not in the mood, but about those disciples you were supposed to find for me."

"What about them?" My daughter seemed annoyed that I'd brought them up.

"Well, because of my task weren't you able to find a husband? Shouldn't you be grateful and finish your task to the end?"

My daughter lowered her head a bit while it seemed she was thinking about something. For some reason I had a bad feeling.

"Father is right. I should finish my task to the end. But just leaving my husband behind after just marrying does not seem appropriate."

"Wait daughter, where are you going with this? My disciples have nothing to do with your husband, right?"

"They do not, but he is my husband now and we have yet to go on our honeymoon."

I froze up at my stupidity. Damn it, am I not just giving them the perfect excuse to spend long nights of passion all alone together? I just lifted a rock trying to separate it from the earth just to drop it and smash it on my own foot only to let the rock embed itself deeper into the Earth!

I'm supposed to be an old scheming fart, how am I not even a match for this little daughter of mine?

"Daughter you can't be thinking of adventuring the world of mortals on a honeymoon with a dead person right?"

"Ah, you're right! How could I almost forget, he's dead still."

"Father, can't you just bring him back to life and make a new physical body for him?"


"Not even if it's your loving daughter's only request of a lifetime?" My daughter showed me the most pitiable expression in the world as the corners of her eyes moistened slightly.

Maintaining all my self control to refrain from doting on this adorable daughter of mine I maintained an iron stone cold face as I rejected with a "no" as firmly as possible.

My daughter's eyes began to ripple as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She then said in the most charmingly soft pleading tone "daddy, please?"

Daddy takes 10000 points of damage to his heart. Daddy's iron will takes effect.

"No means no."

"Why daddy? It's just a simple request from your loving daughter."

"I don't approve of him."


Eh, what was that? Was that my daughter clicking her tongue? My daughter shouldn't even know how to make such an action. She is the most pure being in existence.

Suddenly my daughter's tone got very low as she tranquility said "I'll tell mom you're bullying your daughter and her husband."

It was as the pleading expression before my eyes earlier was merely a cruel lie.

My eyes popped wide open unable to believe what I had just heard. My daughter could not possibly know how to threaten someone, especially her beloved father.

I lifted a trembling finger while pointing towards my daughter as I stuttered "y-y-you, who are you?"

I tossed a deranged look towards the vile creature standing behind my daughter as I gnashed out a few hateful words. "This is all your fault! You must have taught her such despicable things!"

The vile creature returned my glare with a finger pointed towards himself with open eyes wider than my own like he could not comprehend what I was talking about. His expression sported the most wronged look I had ever seen in my life. For a moment that expression even had me second guessing myself, but moments later I shook my head not allowing myself to be fooled by this little brat.

"Father do you want mother to find out about all your grand exploits with the goddess of seduction?"

I could only shiver as sweat continuously fell from my forehead while my eyes could not stop from turning into pinpoints. The world in my vision seemed to only continuously tremble before my eyes.

Is this really my daughter? When did she become so vicious? Threatening her own father over a man? Does blood really run deep? Woman are scary! I thought my wife was scary, but my daughter makes her look like an angel!

"Little darling daughter of mine, are you threatening your father?"

"Daddy, what are you talking about? All I'm doing is making a tiny little request. After so many years of obstacles(you and my fate) in my path I finally have a loving husband. Could it be, you won't grant this single request of your loving daughter?"

She completely ignored my question. Her words sounded so sweet and nice, but that look on her face seemed to tell me she will kick me off a cliff if I were to say no.


After much internal struggle I reluctantly spat out a single word, "fine." With an ugly expression I walked over to the damned dog behind my daughter.

"Yay! Thank you daddy! I was really afraid I might also have to tell mother about the ice goddess as well."

My breathing turned ragged as any thought I had of making his body impotent flew out of my mind hearing my daughter's following words.

I looked over towards my darling daughter with a half crying expression "you even knew about that as well?"

She didn't answer my question but just gave off a dazzling innocent smile. The look in her eyes seemed to say differently though, like she wanted to say she knew much more than that.

I am the mightiest god okay? I really am alright. I promise you I am! My daughter is just too strong though, it's not that I'm weak! Bullying me is not easy! I'm not a lightweight!

I uttered these shameless thoughts of consolation in my head while trying to maintain my pride and hide the slight trace of fear towards this daughter of mine.

I placed my hand over that things head as I gathered the elements in the surroundings. Elements of the spiritual world began to form a vortex around the wretched things spiritual body as a physical body looking identical to it appeared behind it. Once the body fully formed I began to fuse the spiritual and physical bodies together.

While doing so, I noticed that there appeared to be a black ring on the spiritual body's left hand ring finger. What is that thing? Was he always wearing that ring?

Shaking my head I decided to not think about it as I'd rather not have to stay near this dog any longer. I quickly finished fusing the spiritual and physical bodies.

Damn it, I can't believe I used this ability for this stupid thing. As the mightiest god I can interfere with the cycle of life and death once every million years. Anymore will result in the worldly laws I established all those years ago to smite me. Why did I think it was cool to create all those stupid laws that would govern the realms autonomously? I was too lazy to oversee everything, so being the lazy youth I was at the time, I decided it would be a good idea to have something else do all the hard work for me. I was even dumb enough to make laws so powerful that even I could not go against them.

To think I'm wasting this opportunity for this stupid brat. Not only that, the body formed ended up being no simple mortal body but a heaven grade divine body formed from the finest elements of this world. Such a waste of a good physical body on this stupid mortal spiritual body. It's like a dog pissed in the world's finest wine glass and expected us to treat it like a treasured wine. This brat probably just spent all the fortune in his life all in one shot.

With an ugly face after I finished the merger process between spiritual and physical body I turned to my daughter with an ugly look on my face and said "there, are you happy now my little daughter?"

My daughter showed a beautiful smile as she nodded while she spared not a glance towards me as she walked over to the wretched dog.

She took out a robe and wrapped it around his newly formed body as she acted like a newly wed wife who clumsily dressed her dearest husband for the first time. The eyes looking towards him were as tranquil and gentle as a pond that reflected the moon on an autumn night.

I took a critical hit as I could not bear to watch any longer and I walked out of the room in depression. I'm sick of the lovey dovey atmosphere between the two of them already.

Just die or divorce already!
