
The Final Multiverse

Kaze Zao traveled at the speed of light and broke through billions of dimensions in mere microseconds. An infinite void of planets, galaxies, space matter, stars, and particles of atoms zoomed past his face at a fast rate that he almost became blind.

His entire body was deconstructed and reconstructed at an accelerated rate beyond comprehension. He must have died and reborn too many times to count. Who else could have survived light-speed travel in a black hole? Kaze Zao may be the only mortal in the entire universe who could. Well that's he if he could.

"Shit! I didn't really plan this through! Then again how you are supposed to plan on traveling in a black hole!" Kaze Zao's face fiercely wobbled as his body twirled in an infinite loop of compressed time and matter. "There is only one thing I can do!" He punched his fist together and started to unleash his dark Ki to his fullest potential. A wave of blackish electric sparks and black tornado winds spun around his knuckles and throughout his muscular body. His elemental affinities were air and lighting. Kaze grabbed a hold of a section of spatial dark matter and started to tear it apart with his bare hands, his fingers were bleeding profusely by the sheer force and gravity cutting through his skin and muscle fibers, "Dammit! Just a little more!" He pulls open a small portal gap and uses his lighting affinity to shock his legs forward and jump inside the opened portal at an outrageous speed in which shattered time itself.

His body goes inside the portal before it could close and he rolls against a sea of darkness. He was in a Euclidean void realm that oddly resembled his homeland of Daoron, well minus the landscape, blue skies, and earthy smell that is. There were mini simulations of his homeworld scattered around this void realm. It was kind of like looking at millions of glass mirrors and seeing your reflection in those countless mirrors.

"This can't be... Did I travel back in time?" Kaze Zao wondered as he walked around the dark liquid ground below him, each step he took rippled the unknown blackish liquid below him. This liquid wasn't dark matter nor was it shadows or atoms It was an entirely different substance that was far beyond his knowledge.

Kaze Zao was just a legendary Slayer who happened to get his bloody hands own the Infinity Core. It was his dream to acquire this godly core, it was his destiny. Not many cultivators had the guts or soul to use the Infinity Core, they were afraid of its unlimited power and the destruction that came with it. They feared that their bodies couldn't handle such raw and untamable cultivation energy. Cultivators knew that the Infinity Core would consume their very souls to their cores, leaving them as empty as a husk with no sense of purpose or destiny. Kaze Zao didn't sense fear nor did he feel anything, but hate. Kaze Zao in a sense was unlike any other cultivator who ever existed. Most foolish and ego-filled cultivators only wanted one thing. Power. They wanted to become the strongest of all living beings. There was nothing more in the world that a cultivator desired more than power. Kaze Zao didn't care about power. He didn't care about anything, except becoming the strongest Slayer in the universe. He hated his own human race. He despised cultivators even more. He saw their true side. How corrupt they would become once they obtain the slightest bit of power.

Kaze Zao stopped walking in the infinite void in which he stood and placed his hand's inside his jean pockets and sat down to meditate. Suddenly the blackish shadowy liquid below him starts rumbling and shaking. It was like an earthquake of mass proportions was occurring. A loud "CLANK!" sound revibrated across the void realm and into Kaze's Zao's eardrums.

In front of his eyes, a tear in space and time unreviled itself and out came a titan-sized ancient stone gate door that had metal chains wrapped around it. "This must the gate that opens to the Final Multiverse," Kaze Zao walked over to the massive stone door and starts to pull it open, The colossal stone door must have weighed 10,000 tons!

"What is this thing made of!?" He shouts out as his black mouth visor almost ripped to shreds by his thundering voice.

"You need help opening that?" Says Kera Lee with her eyebrows furrowed. Her platinum snow-white glossy hair dangles over her sapphire eyes as she blows it up in a sexy fashion. Her hair was tied in a delicate ponytail. She held on to her slender hips and slim waist and confidently walked over to Kaze Zao. She was insanely gorgeous and her busty body was that of a Warrior Goddess.

"Who are you!?" Kaze Zao thrusts his fist forward in a tiger claw strike position towards the beautiful women's vital point below her neck known as the 'Adam's Apple'.

"You mean to tell me you don't remember your own partner!?" She huffs as she crossed her arms and looks away from Kaze, she was acting all pouty.

"I kill alone and how did you get in here? Did you follow me?" He put down his tiger claw attack and walks around Kera Lee to see if she wasn't an illusion.

"No and yes... You bailed out on me when I had to seduce that Sky God prick with my clone disguise. Luckily you killed that pig at that right time and thank god I know teleportation. I wouldn't be caught dead having sex with such a spinless man. " She replies as she puffs up her leather jacket collar.

"That didn't answer my question..." Kaze Zao was now punching and kicking at the stone gate door. He was doing everything he could to open the damn door.

"Well, you're the one who dragged me along with you! When you used the Infinity Core!" She angrily stomps her feet and grits her pearly white teeth.

"I am surprised you are not dead. And killing the Sky God was harder than I thought. I didn't think he could get out of my unbreakable shadow chains so easily." Kaze Zao continues to pry open the colossal ancient stone door. "Yeah well me too. I was sucked into a black hole when you used the Infinity Core to create a portal so carelessly! Anyways is this the Final Multiverse?" Says Kera Lee as she ganders at the sight of every planet, star, and galaxy known to existence spinning around them in unison. It was a mindblowing sight that no mortal would hope to see if they did then their eyes would melt by the sheer complexity of this void realm. Yet here stand two Slayers of the highest caliber searching for an ancient scroll that contains the most powerful cultivation technique in the universe.

The giant stone gate doors suddenly explode into billions of particles and in front of the two slayers was a floating Chinese temple on top of a dark matter red waterfall.

"Should we go in?" Kera Lee turns to look at Kaze Zao who was already walking towards the temple without listening to a single word she had to say.

"Tch. No wonder you have no friends." She shakes her head and tails behind him.

They both walked inside the wooden temple on the red waterfall, inside this temple was a large golden statue of a muscular titan human hand reaching to the skies, on the palm of the giant golden hand was a blackish scroll surrounded by a dark crimson aura mist. "Finally after a 100 years, my destiny stands before me." Kaze Zao went to grab the scroll.

"I wonder what powers we will gain." Kera Lee rubs her hands together with a cute and sinister grin as she reached out to grab the scroll as well, her fingers were shaking with adrenaline and anticipation through her black gloves.

"Yeah, I wonder as well," Kaze Zao slashes Kera Lee's throat with a hidden combat knife located under his leather jacket sleeve.

"Gaacccck!You traitor! After all, I've done for you!" Kera Lee grips at her throat as she spurted out blood from her mouth onto her fingers and falls to her knees. She was gagging on her own fresh warm blood. Kaze Zao's cold silver eyes look down on her as he slowly walks over her body to finish her off, "I will be taking this." He snatches the scroll from her feeble hands. "Any last words?" He asked as he unsheathes out his most prized katana with precision from his waist and aims the blade at the top of her skull.

"Blaaarghh! Hack! At least... Let me have one last kiss." She gently touches Kaze's Zao well defined pale cheeks bones, "Tch. Very well." He goes down to kiss her, their lips almost barely touching, she bites him right on the neck. "Aaaah what the fuck! You bitch!" She grins a bloody smile, her feline teeth were showing, she turned from an angel to a devil in a blink of an eye. Kaze Zao instantly drops his katana by the sheer amount of pain flowing through his veins and muscle fiber on his neck.

"Bahaha! So this the great Slayer who I've heard so much about!" She bites harder on his neck and her body transforms into something ghastly. A mass of shadows and red eyes swarms around him, it was an Akuma! A female one at that! Was she a devil goddess?

Kera Lee was right behind Kaze Zao and she goes to stab him on the back literally with his own katana, "Gaaaah!" His blood splatters all over the hidden wooden temple. "How does it feel? To taste your own blood you fucking bastard." Kera Lee snarls as she stands back to let the Akuma Goddess speak.

"Do you know how many people want to kill you!?" Thunders the Akuma Goddess as she rises up into the air. She had long shadowy raven hair and the darkest glowing ruby eyes anyone has seen. Her body and face were by far the most gorgeous thing Kaze's Zao's has ever laid his eye's on. He normally didn't even care about women that much. Lust kills a man. One who thinks with his heart is a fool. That is what his master taught him.

Millions of other cultivators were seen at the temple as well, it was an ambush! How did they get into the Final Multiverse was yet to be known.

"You filthy traitors! I was the one who brought peace to the land of Daoron by slaying the injustice gods and evil lords that treated us mortals like livestock and slaves! I have slain all the wrongdoers and monster of my land! I brought the corrupt royals and lords to their greedy knees! Is this what you do to a true Slayer! I will slaughter you all!" Kaze Zao breaks his own katana blade with his bare hands, a swirl of surging dark Ki energy encircled his body. Veins were popping out his eyes of how angry he was. Rage had consumed him. "Dark Dragon Claw!"He slashes down the cultivators with his razor ship dark ki claws, a rainfall of blood splashes over his angered silver eyes. It was a slaughter of cultivators to the highest degree.

"Oh, so you thought you were a hero? You are nothing more than a monster in a human vessel! Now its time for you to pay the price of taking so many lives! For I the Goddess of Death and Destruction will make you atone for your sins of disrupting the balance of the universe!" The Akuma Goddess erratically twirls her svelte hands around in a summoner's position and summons thousands of glowing spiral glyphs under Kaze Zao's feet. He tried to move, but he was completely frozen. The remaining cultivators all began to slash and stab him with an assault of weapons. Battle-axes, daggers, lances, spears, and all kinds of swords strike hell upon him. Each weapon pierced through his skin and muscles like a meaty butter. "Aaaaaah!" He screamed out as a thunderstorm of red encircled his body. His blood was spilled everywhere on to the floating ancient wooden temple walls and floors. Kera Lee just watched her comrade suffer with a sick grin on her face. She had betrayed him as he had betrayed her.

The Akuma Goddess walks over to Kaze Zao and lifted his head up by forcefully pulling up his dark brown hair in the air, "Now true justice will smite you OH Great Slayer. If you able to survive in this new world in which I created to be the most ruthless and cruel world in existence then you may come back and take your destiny. You will lose half of your knowledge and your cultivation powers! In exchange, you will awaken a new hidden cultivation art! Other mortals from many other planets will be teleported into this new world as well. Their souls will also compete for the ultimate destiny!" She thunders out with her hands raised up high.

"I will fucking slaughter you! You dirty wrench!" Kaze Zao yells out as he spits out blood on her pale face. She licks her seductive lips and tastes the mortal's blood with ecstasy in her ruby eyes.

"Now you feel the betrayal, let it sink inside your blood and soul. You have failed. Dark Slayer. It is sad to see a virgin soul so lost and defeated. I would have enjoyed sucking your soul right out of your delicious body hahaha! I may have given you quite the cultivation curse. Hehe!" The Akuma Goddess snaps her fingers and the whole realm around him starts to slowly fade.

"What are you talking about!? Whatever it doesn't matter I will just kill you all!" Kaze Zao roared as loud as a dragon went it shots out flames of hell from its mouth. He was finally put in a corner like a wild beast tied down by unbreakable chains.

"Farwell Slayer." The Akuma Goddess kisses Kaze Zao on the cheeks and disappears. The final multiverse starts to disintegrate.

"Aaaaahhh! What is happening!?" Kera Lee yells as she flies away into a black hole with billions of other human souls. She was tricked by the Akuma Goddess who didn't spare anyone.

"What the fuck is going on!? My hands! My body!-" Kaze Zao looks at his fingers which start to combust and disperse into specs of particles, atoms, and visible dark matter.

[>>Sytem Intizlaing... In 1..2..3..4...5...]

[100% Complete! Scanning life form...]

[>>Ding! Scan complete!<<]

[Body reconfiguration...]

[Soul reconstructing...]

[Age changed!]

[Body structure changed!]

[Memories -50%]

[Knownlege -50%]

[Cultivation Powers -50%]

[System Analysis complete!]

[Soul Terminated!]

[Life Terminated!]

[Enjoy the ride!] Chimes a witty genderless A.I voice.

"Nooo!"Kaze Zao screams at the top of his lungs as he his body slowly disintegrates like sand granules in the wind. His body soon vanishes into nothingness.

This chapter still needs to be edited. Vote power stones.

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