
The Useless Goddess


A certain sound was echoing throughout the villa in the space-time orb.

It was a sound that one would often hear there, though the same couldn't be said for the group of newcomers that were staring at the source of the sound in horrified awe.

"Isn't this like some kinda record?" Rikku asked Grayfia curiously.

"Please don't ask that... He'd probably start actively trying to beat whatever record he does have if he heard you..." The maid answered.

"I think this might even beat Saya's time..." Yuna uttered in amazement.


Paine was just silent altogether, matching three of their new residents. Four if you counted the cat, who appeared to be watching the scene before it play out with interest.

As for the fifth newcomer, the so-called 'goddess' Aqua...

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

She was panting with the side of her face being planted into the ground, her arms held behind her as Alex mercilessly drilled her recently deflowered cunt.

Adding to the incredibility of the scene, Aqua was completely drunk after Alex used his magic to clean her asshole and bowels, and plugged said hole with a bottle of chilled ale.

Drunk and high on lust, Aqua's expression was the very image of debauchery as he roughly fucked her. And when he filled her womb with his seed, he promptly pulled the now empty bottle out of her ass, and began plowing her there as well.

The heat of Aqua's insides, combined with the still chilled alcohol gave Alex a very interesting experience as he drilled her. Apparently it was the same for Aqua, as the hopeless goddess drunkenly slurred,

"Ish shloshing inshide meeeeeee!"

"Yeah? Well I'm about to add to it!" Alex declared as he sped up his pace, before pumping more cum into her a few minutes later.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!" Aqua cried out as she too was sent over the edge, before passing out with her ass still pointing up in the air.

Alex then slowly slid his cock out of her bowels, before replacing it with a plug to keep the remaining ale and semen from leaking out of it.

Then, still naked with his cock soaked in semen, ale, and ass juices, Alex turned towards their other three newcomers. He focused on the only one of the three who didn't appeared concerned about his treatment of Aqua, the female knight, and demanded in a harsh voice,

"Why the fuck aren't you cleaning my cock yet you sow?"

Rather than the indignation or reluctance anyone in her position would've shown, the female knight instead only showed elation as she hurriedly got onto her knees before him.

Before she could touch him though, Alex suddenly grabbed her by the ponytail and yanked her up, making her yelp with both pain, and excitement.

"I didn't say you can keep these filthy clothes." Alex sneered at her, before promptly proceeding to literally rip ALL of her armor and clothes off in one downward swipe, leaving her completely naked.

Again, she only seemed to become more excited at being suddenly stripped in front of everyone, especially if the mess flowing from her nether regions was any indicator.

And now being properly 'attired', the female knight promptly sank to her knees, and took Alex's dirty cock into her mouth.

Now ignoring the clumsy knight as she tried to clean her first ever cock, Alex turned his attention to the final two of their new residents, making them flinch as their minds raced with all the thoughts of what he might do to them.

"Welcome to Asora, Megumin and...?"

He said while greeting them warmly, which completely contrasted everything they were fearing. The two girls looked to each other, then back to Alex with an,


Ignoring their surprise though, Alex said in a apologetic tone,

"Sorry, I already know Aqua, the useless, alcoholic meat toilet goddess, Darkness, the masochistic sow of a knight, and Megumin, the explosion addicted arch Mage. But you're kinda a blank..."

Alex recalled from his past life all the memes and such that he saw regarding the series these ladies came from, Konosuba. He even tried the series itself after it became famous, but never got too far into it. As such, while he was able to identify the other three women on sight, he was still drawing a blank for the fourth one that had arrived with them.

The young looking silver haired girl took a breath to steady herself, her eyes constantly wandering to Darkness as she happily continued sucking him off, and nervously said,

"I am Eris, goddess of Luck and Fortune."

Alex looked at her in alarm as he asked incredulously, "seriously!?!"

His excitement scared her slightly as she wondered what he was going to do to her. But, Eris never expected what happened next as Alex turned towards Grayfia, and said,

"Send word outside to build several statues of Eris for worship. One with the rest of our pantheon, and one in every location where people would wish for Luck and Fortune."

The goddess in question was confused from Alex's reaction to finding out who she was, and even more so when his maid readily followed his orders as they automatically made her one of their gods. Just like that.

Alex then turned back to her and said, "it's a good thing I summoned you. We don't have a goddess of Luck and Fortune here in Asora, so well be glad to gave to have you as a part of our pantheon, Eris."

"Wait wait wait!" She exclaimed at the sudden development. "Why am I suddenly one of your gods!?! You haven't even explained WHY you summoned us!"

Alex blinked at her while Megumin also looked at him questioningly. Darkness didn't care as she continued to lovingly service him, and Aqua was too busy dreaming in her drunken stupor to pay attention. In fact, when he used his power over dreams to peek at what she dreaming about, Alex found that Aqua was dreaming of dozens of him surrounding and taking turns pounding her as alcohol flowed in rivers around them.

Ignoring the degenerate dream, Alex looked to Eris curiously as he asked, "you don't know why? I thought you might've from the way Aqua introduced herself after you appeared?"

Eris however shook her head as she stated, "no! Aqua-Sama and I were aware we were being summoned due to us being goddesses, but we didn't who or why!"

Alex was silent as he listened to her explanation, and stated when she had finished,

"Well, I am Alexander Morningstar. The Dragon Emperor. I used one of ten cards I have that randomly summon someone from throughout the Omniverse, which brought me the four of you. And as for WHY I summoned you, it mostly has to do with someone who will be attacking us in the near future. I'm hoping to acquire powerful allies through the summoning cards."

As Alex finished his explanation Grayfia rejoined them, and asked tiredly while pointing at Aqua, Darkness and Megumin, "So should we consider the three of them duds along with the cat?"

"Hey! I'm not a dud! I'll have you know I'm a great Arch Wizard of the Crimson Demons! The master of the way of Explosion!" Megumin exclaimed in indignation.

Surprisingly, Alex nodded in agreement as he said to Grayfia, "she's not too far off. Aside from Aqua, Darkness is a damage sponge that could, with the right equipment and skills, tank every attack that threatened someone to protect them. And with her perverted nature, she'll never shy away or dodge an attack!"

Though she was being praised instead of abused, Darkness still squirmed happily under Alex's hand even as her head continued bobbing back and forth. Alex then continued,

"And Megumin can use powerful Explosion magic. Her only problem is that she can only use one spell before collapsing. With Asoran magic and equipment though, not only can her Explosions become powerful enough to destroy even entire planets, but she should also become able to spam such spells repeatedly!"

While Grayfia cocked a brow at Alex's encouraging words about the two, Megumin was practically glowing as she exclaimed,

"Can I really!?! Is it really possible to Explode an entire planet!?!"

Alex nodded in encouragement as he declared,

"Yes! It is! And not only that! Tell me Megumin, have you ever heard of a Devil Fruit???"

Megumin quickly shook her head, eager to learn more about whatever Alex was talking about.

"They are mystical fruits, capable of granting a unique power to whoever eats one at the cost of their ability to swim! However there are numerous Devil Fruits! All with their own ability! And there is one in particular, that can make whoever eats it into and Explosion person! The Bomu Bomu no Mi!"

"Ohhhhhhhh!!!" Megumin exclaimed in excitement.

"I can become an Explosion person!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Yes, you can!" Alex exclaimed, before suddenly adopting a serious demeanor as he corrected himself.

"No actually... You can't become an Explosion person...."


Megumin's face was one of devastation from Alex building her hopes up, and then crushing them ruthlessly. But then, he grabbed her by the shoulders, and looked her dead in the eyes as he declared,

"You are in Asora now. You will become, an Explosion GODDESS!"


Megumin's mind went blank.

She had no idea what to say.

A goddess?


A goddess of Explosions?

When she looked back up at Alex's face, she appeared to be on fire as she declared,




Perhaps she was so fired up about becoming a goddess. Or perhaps so many strange things happened today that she didn't register what Alex said. Or perhaps she just didn't care with the prospect of becoming a goddess being dangled before her.

Whatever the reason, there was no hesitation in Megumin to join Alex's harem as the invitation to the Chatroom appeared before her. The same with Darkness, as the perverted Crusader immediately accepted the invitation the moment it appeared.

Aqua would have to wait for later since she was still unconscious.

As for Eris though...

Alex turned towards the goddess of Luck and Fortune, who was completely dumbfounded by everything that was happening.

"The offer extends to you too, Eris. Even if you're a goddess, the benefits of the Chatroom alone are worth it." Alex whispered to the goddess with a voice full of temptation.

Even if he himself was a god, Alex still considered himself to be closer to a devil after all. And there were fewer things Devils liked better than corrupting the divine.

Eris however shook her head slowly as she stated, "when we gods take these mortal forms, our potential is maxed out from the beginning. Though I am sure your 'Chatroom' has many interesting things, I don't know what you'd have that would be of genuine interest to a goddess."

Rather than being taken aback by her refusal, Alex just smirked as he told her, "Well think about it. The laws of your world don't apply anymore, and we have some 'interesting' things here in Asora."

To punctuate his comment, Alex tossed a small glowing sphere to both Eris and Megumin before dropping a third one down to Darkness.

"What are these?" Eris asked as she scrutinized the sphere curiously.

"They're called Dresspheres. In Asora, we used them as Classes for specialization since we don't have our own system, yet. The one I gave you is the Lady Luck Dressphere, which will increase the user's luck and grant you numerous skills related to it.

"The one I gave Megumin is the Black Mage Dressphere. It drastically increases the user's magic power, as well as allows them to use numerous offensive spells. Though, she doesn't have to use them if she doesn't want to." Alex quickly added when he saw the look on Megumin's face when he mentioned the other spells.

"And finally, the one I gave Darkness is the Sentinel Dressphere. It grants the user defensive abilities while also allowing them to draw the attacks meant for the other people with them. As a bonus, it also grants a few offensive moves, such as Counter."

When she heard that Darkness beamed up at Alex since her main failing was her lack of offensive capabilities. And while she'd still specialize in defense, she would now be able to counterattack after taking hits.

Alex then turned his attention towards Aqua, who was still sleeping with a degenerate look on her face, and shook his head before tossing another Dressphere to Grayfia.

"I'll leave Aqua in your care along with Darkness, Grayfia. Give that to her when she wakes up." It was of course, the White Mage Dressphere.

Though Aqua was almost entirely useless, she could be quite the White Mage when she wanted to be. The problem was that any offensive spells she possessed were useless against all but a few types of enemies, such as undead.

So, Alex decided to entrust her to his trusty maid.

"So you want me to take the perverted knight and the drunken goddess?"

"Yep!" Alex answered cheerfully to Grayfia's dry tone.

When she heard that an unusual light entered her eyes as she looked down upon Aqua, before she stated with a voice full of malice,


Grayfia then called a couple of her maids, Stella and Elizabeth, and ordered them, "take this.....woman back to our facility."

""Yes head maid."" The two relied, before dutifully carrying out their order.

Grayfia then directed a cold look to Drakness, making the masochistic knight shudder involuntarily. Or maybe she came?

Alex wasn't sure.

As she took his cock out of her mouth and stood to follow Grayfia though, Alex said,

"Wait!" Darkness halted in place when she heard that, before Alex continued, "show me your ass."

Thinking he was going to give her the same 'service' he gave Aqua, Darkness readily bent over while pointing her ass at him, before reaching back and spreading it so he could see both her flooded lips and puckering hole.

"I always keep it 'clean', just in case!" Darkness exclaimed excitedly, ready to be humiliated and used like the cheap piece of meat she was.

Alex however, after taking a moment to admire the sight, did not 'use' her. Instead, he slapped one of her asscheeks, hard, making Darkness whimper and moan slightly, before she gasped as his slave mark was carved into her flesh.

"With this, you're now mine forever." Alex growled to her, making the perverted knight pant excitedly even though that was all he intended to do. At the moment.

With that done, Grayfia took Darkness back to her compound to start her training alongside Aqua, so Alex turned his attention towards Megumin and Eris.

"I intend to use a couple more of my summoning cards, so you two can either watch or you can explore the villa a bit." As he said that, the cat from before hopped back up onto Alex's shoulder, retaking its earlier spot since Chimchar wasn't here at the moment with Alex having sent him to play with the kids before he started fucking Aqua.

"I'll show you around!" Rikku excitedly exclaimed, taking both Megumin and Eris by the hands as she led them away.

With only Yuna and Paine remaining with him, Alex looked to the two girls as they both nodded, ready for whatever was bound to appear from the cards next as he began to channel Evolution magic into them.


"So then-"

"How did you-"

"I can't believe-"

There was a near deafening din as all of the women within the space-time orb gathered and talked to one another, all seated at the long tables in the courtyard as they awaited their dinner.

Though the set up was usually that the food would be left out all night, with enchantments on the table to keep it fresh, until it was time for breakfast in the morning, no one wanted to be late to get their dinner these days.

"Why does a goddess me have to be a maid...?" Whined a now sober Aqua, who was dressed in maid attire as she was told to serve the rest of the women waiting for their dinner.

Glancing at a bottle of wine nearby, she stealthily reached for it, only for another maid to slap her hand.


"Don't even think about it. The head maid will know, and then you'll be in deep trouble." Said the maid in question, who Aqua had learned earlier was named Minerva.

The goddess was left to sulk as she bemoaned her new station, before she began to direct pointed looks at Megumin and Eris as they were seated at the table.

"They don't have to be maids..." She grumbled irritably.

Meanwhile, nearby, another person was experiencing dinner within the space-time orb for the first time. Hermione.

She was currently staring at the spot in front of her pointedly, as for SOME reason, the majority of the girls gathered had stripped naked just to eat dinner.

"I swear, can't these people EVER think about anything other than shagging?" She uttered under her breath, even as she deadpanned from watching a group of new arrivals strip before taking their seats.

If she had been sitting beside someone like Shizuku or Mirajane, then they might've told her there WAS a reason for them to be stripping. But Hermione was instead sitting between Kurumu and Momo, both of were eagerly awaiting her taking her first bite of Haruna and Mikan's cooking.

And if Hermione had paid attention, she had noticed that all of those wearing clothes were newcomers to Alex's harem.

The din of everyone talking then suddenly quieted down slightly as they all noticed Alex's arrival, while he was flanked on either side by numerous women they had never seen before.

On one side was a trio of girls, one tall with smooth black/purple hair tied into a long ponytail and violet eyes, while the two beside her appeared to be twins with blond hair, one wearing mostly green while the other wore red.

On the other side was several more women with varying looks. The oldest was a woman who appeared to be in her twenties with long black hair and dark blue eyes, who's uniform and jacket made it appeared as if she were in the military. Beside her was a short and petite woman with blonde hair that had shades of orange in it, and was attired in a lab coat.

Behind the two of them was a trio of girls dressed in what appeared to be a school uniform. One was a girl with long silver hair and red eyes, another had long blonde hair with blue eyes and a bust that strained her uniform to the limit, and then there was the last of the trio with black hair that was tied into a twin-tail style with long red ribbons.

And of course, on Alex's shoulder was the same black cat from earlier, purring contently as he scratched it behind the ears, even as both Kuroka and Koneko glared at it hatefully.

With every eye on them, Alex stated in a loud yet calm voice,

"Before we start eating I want to introduce everyone. These women, along with Aqua, Darkness, Eris, and Megumin, were summoned here using four of the ten summoning cards I received from completing my quest to protect Saya and her companions on her world."

Pointing the four women out as he named them, there was a wave of murmurs and discussion since only a few of them knew where they had come from. In fact, with so many women joining them from the Azeroth and Tamriel groups, they had assumed they were with them.

Once the chatter died down though, Alex continued as the ponytail woman beside him stepped forward, "This is Jade, the warrior princess of the kingdom of Heliodor in the land of Erdrea."

With every eye on her Jade didn't appear the slightest bit flustered as she responded with a cool, "charmed."

She then stepped back as both of the twins stepped forward this time.

"This is Veronica and Serena, twin sisters and sages of the region of Arboria. They fought alongside Jade and their other companions to defeat the root of all evil in their world."

"That's right! Us great sages have come to help you all!" Veronica readily declared proudly. She was in an especially good mood after Alex restored her to real age and appearance, after a monster turned her into a child.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all. I do so hope we get along!" Serena said sweetly, her demeanor entire different from Veronica's.

Though they had all been annoyed at first when Alex summoned them, they all agreed to help when he explained the situation.

He then gestured to the other side, which appeared notably less enthused to be there, and introduced them as the more mature looking woman stepped forward.

"This is Hida Reiri, principle and commander of the Ataraxia military academy."

"Greetings." Reiri stated in a chilled tone. Compared to Jade and the twins, she and her companions had less enthused about helping Alex, as they had all been called away from fighting in the AU Conflict, the greatest threat to their world. Alex had only gained their cooperation by promising to go there himself once he was able.

"And this is Shikina Kei, their chief researcher and developer." Alex said as he pointed to the petite woman in a lab coat, who merely nodded silently without saying a single thing.

Alex then gestured to the three girls behind the two of them, dressed in school uniforms, and declared, "these three ladies are their combat force, Amaterasu, who use something they call Heart Hybrid Gears to fight! They are Chidorigafuchi Aine, Yurishia Farandole, and Himekawa Hayuru!"

As every eye turned towards them the silver haired girl, Aine, stepped forward as she proceeded to strip off her uniform. This caused numerous raised brows, but soon she revealed what appeared to be a skin-tight body suit that looked similar to an erotic one piece swimsuit.

"This is our Pilot Uniform, which we wear when we use our Heart Hybrid Gear! And this is the gear we use, Zeros!"

Calling out the name of her gear suddenly, Aine was enveloped in a flash of light that faded to reveal a white and blue mecha suit that covered several parts of her body. But the first thing everyone else noticed was how....erotic the suit made Aine's body look.

The second thing though, was that the suit bore a striking resemblance to something. Something several of the girls here had seen before on 'that' man.

"This is a Heart Hybrid Gear!" Reiri stated from Aine's demonstration.

"Used exclusively by women, each one comes with variety of weapons and skills that allows us fight back against the forces invading our world! Unfortunately, the power source for these Gears, the Hybrid Count, can only be replenished slowly over time. And if the Hybrid Count reaches zero, then the user will die."

Finishing her explanation on a grave note, everyone knew what she was saying between the lines. There was a severe limit to how much Aine, Yurishia, and Hayuru would be able to fight.


Alex groaned as he listened and watched the demonstration, drawing every eye to him as Reiri asked him humorlessly, "Is there a problem? Please remember, YOU summoned US."

Believing Alex had an issue with the restrictions regarding the Heart Hybrid Gear, her tone turned icy since he had been the one to call them away from their own fight to begin with. Alex however laughed dryly, before surprising her as he asked,

"Actually, how would you react if I told you I've seen one of those Gears before?"

Confusion spread amongst the Ataraxia group, as even when they explained to Alex earlier, without showing him, he had shown no indication he knew what they were talking about.

But what Alex did next stunned them all, as he stepped back away from everyone and cried out,


Suddenly, he was enveloped in a black mecha suit with pink lights on it.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts