

As the days in real time slipped by it was almost time for Alex to go back to teaching at Youkai Academy, however there were several changes both within the space-time orb and Asora in that short time. Firstly was Rossweisse officially recruiting the Pandora she had chosen into her Valkyries, reducing the number of maids within the villa. This however had made the Pandora that weren't chosen getting increasingly agitated and antsy.

Then there was also the start of Lala's inventions being circulated once she created an assembly line to mass produce them, though the only ones to pass inspection were the mini Peke badges for clothing, and the anti gravity wings she used to use before getting real devil wings. These were understandably quite popular amongst the residents of Asora and the orb that were unable to fly on their own, and didn't have the ability to magically change or repair their own apparel such as the Pandora, the Yuuki-Onna, Dagons, dragon race, and the humans. Unfortunately though the mini Peke badges had a bad habit of accidentally falling off sometimes when the wearer did something strenuous, or if they bumped it hard enough, resulting in several incidents where someone was suddenly naked in public. Because of this was a warning was added to them stating the risks of wearing a Peke badge, while Lala was asked to find a way to fix the issue as quickly as possible.

Then there was also the appearance of a few more floating islands and even a normal island down at the ocean level alongside Ingvild's, some of which simply had spa-like or training facilities, while only the one or two were for a specific person. One such island was the one down at the sea level that had become a paradise for, believe it or not, turtles of all things. In the only building that had been built on the island, a small shed, Ticy Phenel exited while wearing a simple pair of short shorts and a bikini top with a smile on her face and a bucket in her hands filled with a special type of pellet food.

"It's time for lunch!" She called out happily as she reached one of the many ponds crisscrossing the island, which were all connected through the network of small streams. She then took a small handful of pellets and started sprinkling them lightly cross the surface of the water, before the tiny turtle heads suddenly appeared as they snapped at the food. Ticy smiled as she watched the little turtles enjoy their lunch, before moving on to the next of the network of streams and ponds.

Even now she couldn't believe her fortune when she hesitantly asked Grayfia if she was allowed to simply keep a small pet turtle, and instead Alex himself gifted her an entire island to raise and care for as many turtles as she wanted. Not only did it have the ponds and a network of streams, but even a cove for any sea turtles that she might want to try and attract in the future, since the ocean surrounding the villa was only filled with more 'peaceful' sea creatures.

As Ticy was traveling too and fro to feed her little shelled friends, the sound of someone approaching caught her attention. Knowing it was simply Chiffon coming to help her feed the turtles, Ticy turned to face her friend but was surprised to find a second person with her, making her expression tense as she recognized the 'Untouchable Queen'.

"I brought someone else along today Ticy, I hope you don't mind?" Chiffon said warily even as she noticeably kept her distance from the infamous Pandora. Despite the way the two of them were acting though, the one that appeared the most awkward was Stella herself since she never expected Chiffon to invite her to feed turtles with her and Ticy.

As for why Chiffon invited Stella to join them, it was because she had seemed to become even more withdrawn than when they were at the First Genetics academy for Pandora, not that anyone could truly blame her. After the abuse they had suffered from 'that' man, Stella's past and the sexual abuse she had suffered from her own brother had practically become common knowledge amongst the residents of the space-time orb. This ended up earning her the sympathy of her fellow Pandora due to them now being able to understand her pain somewhat, however Stella herself was still reluctant to get close to, or even touch, another person. Chiffon was hoping that something like helping Ticy feed her turtles everyday would help Stella open up, even if it was just a little.

"Um, d-do you know anything about turtles?" Ticy asked hesitantly, not wanting to outright refuse Stella's help. When the blond shook her head, Ticy explained while taking a small amount of food from the bucket,

"Well the first thing to keep in mind is that turtles will continue to eat when they're given food, even if they're already full. So you need to make sure not to give them too much or they'll literally eat themselves to death." As she spoke Ticy showed a bit of a melancholic expression as she recalled her previous pet turtle, Tii, who had been killed by another Pandora due to their carelessness.

Shaking the sad memory from her head, Ticy then lightly sprinkled the handful of food around that side of the pond before offering the bucket to Stella. Hesitating slightly at first, Stella eventually took a small handful of food and began sprinkling it on the other side of the pond for the turtles to eat.

Chiffon watched through her squinted eyes as the duo, though still awkward and maintaining a bit of distance with each other, started to converse as Ticy started sharing all that she knew about turtles and how to care for them with the blond. Though Chiffon originally found Stella a pain to deal with when they were at the academy, due to her regularly fighting with anyone who even merely bumped into her, now that she had a brief taste of the kind of treatment Stella endured for years she decided to try and help crack the shell that she had formed around herself.

With Ticy and Stella seemingly getting along for the moment, Chiffon decided to leave them to it and see if Alex or Grayfia needed her for anything. She then activated the microscopic device fitted within her clothes and a brilliant pair of wings made of pure light spread from her back, one of the many new designs Lala added to her antigravity wings.

Chiffon then took off and flew up towards the villa at a leisurely pace, enjoying the feel of the wind in her hair and the scent of the sea breeze. Though she was still proud of her heritage as a legendary Pandora, Chiffon couldn't help but admit that the Devils, Angels, and fallen angels had it made to be able fly through the skies as free and naturally as birds.

All too quickly the trip through the sky was over, and Chiffon found the stones of the villa's foundation under her feet once more. Looking forward to the next time she could fly so freely, Chiffon then started making her way through the villa in search of either Alex or Grayfia, greeting the occasional passerby as she did so. Suddenly, a rough hand grabbed her wrist and Chiffon found herself being thrown roughly into a nearby closet before her attacker pinned both her hands to her back and pressed her face into the wall.

"Struggle or scream, and this will be a whole lot worse for you." The attacker growled into her ear, even as Chiffon summoned her volt weapon, a pair of bladed gauntlets, and tried to retaliate. The attacker seemed to be anticipating this though as the blades on her gauntlets did nothing to his hands, and her strength, which considered to be the peak of all Pandora, was easily overwhelmed as she was pressed up against the wall even harder harder than before.

With his grip on her wrists tightening so much that her volt weapons were forcibly dispelled, and she knew bruises would form later, her attacker once more growled into her ear, "I warned you." Before Chiffon could even consider what was about to happen, there was a sudden ripping sound as he used his free hand to literally tear away her maid outfit, leaving her in nothing but her bra, panties, and a few remaining torn strips of cloth.

'I'm about to be raped.' Chiffon thought to herself, igniting a feeling with her that felt completely unfamiliar until she was overwhelmed, stripped, and now about to be violated, fear.

As a legendary Pandora, Chiffon had never even felt a sliver of fear in her entire life. She had been born as what many would consider an 'apex predator', with neither humans or even nova being able to properly equal her. In fact, in the original timeline it had taken the appearance of a new type of superior nova to even push her to sacrifice herself, but even then she hadn't felt a single flicker of fear, and had departed with her usual smile.

Even now she wasn't truly 'scared', however being rendered powerless and unable to fight back as she was being violated, a very tiny spark that she had never felt before ignited, and Chiffon's heart was pounding in excitement at it. Her attacker was obviously aware of this as well, as he then used his free hand to reach around and roughly grab her left breast through her bra, allowing him to feel her thundering heart. He only paused for a second when he felt her excitement however, before his hand resumed its exploration of her breasts as it kneaded the soft flesh.

Chiffon had to suppress a small moan as her attacker expertly worked her breasts with the technique of a master, while her legs had even started fidgeting as he pinched one of her nipples through the fabric of her bra. He apparently decided that he had enough of the thick fabric after a few seconds though as, after a brief second in which she felt the cups of her bra being smashed against her breasts, there was a distinct 'SNAP' and her bra strap gave way to reveal her creamy white breasts.

In an instant the assault on her breasts resumed, except Chiffon was feeling it even more with the only thing preventing direct contact out of the way. Soon, she didn't even seem to notice how much her lower body was moving as her hips moved back and forth, and her legs continued fidgeting from her steadily increasing arousal. She then felt the heat of her attacker's bare skin against her back, as he leaned forward and growled in her ear once more,

"Are you really feeling good from being assaulted like this you fucking slut?" Though she actually was, Chiffon knew the correct thing to do in his situation was to deny it, so she slowly shook her head and said,

"N-no, I'm not!" She could hear her attacker snort in response to her refusal, before his hand transitioned from her breasts down her backside until it was gripping her buttocks through her thin cotton panties. After taking a second to savor the feel of her ass on his hand, it then slipped inside of her panties and unhesitatingly found her precious place.

"What is this then?" He questioned as he extracted his fingers and held them in front of Chiffon, showing her the fluid that now coated them. The legendary Pandora was silent as the evidence of her own arousal was presented to her, even as her attacker then grabbed her cotton panties and tore them off too, leaving her completely vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do.

He was evidently tired of the foreplay and waiting though, as her attacker suddenly placed his feet within her own and spread them further apart, making it easier for him to access her entrance.

"Mnnnn!" Chiffon suddenly stifled a moan as something hot and hard pressed itself against the entrance of her pussy, before it was suddenly plunged into her all at once.

"Ahhh!" Chiffon let out a small cry as she lost her virginity for the second time in her life, except this time she was enjoying it a lot more, and her current attacker was significantly 'bigger' compared to 'him'. Though she still felt the pain that came with losing your virginity, Chiffon didn't get the chance to adjust to it at all as her attacker pulled his amazing cock almost entirely out, before plunging it back into his victim's depths.

What followed was a series of rhythmic thrusts accompanied by the sound of his waist hitting her butt, and the occasion grunt or moan. Chiffon herself was getting so into it as she started moving her butt in time with her attackers thrusts, that she almost forgot that she was technically being attacked until he suddenly paused.

As she had been about to ask him why he stopped, Chiffon was suddenly pulled away from the wall that her face had been pressed up against, and was instead made to lean over at a ninety degree angle while being held up by nothing but his grip on her wrists. The sound of flesh smacking then once again filled the closet as her attacker proceeded to fuck her even harder than before, while simultaneously targeting her weak points based on even her most minute reactions when he hit them, and even using his free hand to spank her butt repeatedly. With both her attacker's skill and size, it wasn't long until the greatest orgasm she ever had racked Chiffon's body, followed shortly by her attacker pouring a load of hot semen into her womb, making her body tremble for over a minute as she rode the waves of pleasure.

As her body calmed though, Chiffon's wrists were released and she had to use her own hands to steady herself before falling face first into the small table before her. She then stood up and leaned back into her attacker's chest, before turning her head and looking directly at Alex for the first time and saying,

"That was amazing...." Alex smirked confidently at her praise, and kissed her lightly before saying a bit incredulously,

"I can't believe you really find being raped a turn on though." This time it was her turn to smirk, as Chiffon explained,

"It's not being 'raped' per say that turns me on, but being taken by force and unable to fight back." She then went on to explain how when 'that' man made her his, she discovered that she liked being dominated to an extent. However, due to how weak he was, coupled with his lack of size and technique, it was impossible for Chiffon to get truly excited by him before 'his' ability got involved. It also didn't help that 'he' had never even bothered trying to get good at sex, simply relying on his ability to make his partner feel good while all he did was practically spasmed on top of them.

In comparison, Alex was superior to 'him' in literally every single way. He was stronger, bigger, more skilled, and even made sure the other party was enjoying themselves despite doing a 'play' like he had just done with Chiffon.

As she explained this, Alex was filled with two distinctly different feelings, such as pride of his 'prowess' in the bed. But it was met with amusement as Chiffon grinded her butt into his crotch as she spoke, seemingly intent to keep him in the mood while simultaneously trying to push him inside even further. It probably didn't help his otherwise idle hands had casually transitioned to play with her tits as she spoke, making her expression occasionally falter whenever he playfully flicked or pinched her nipples.

Eventually she stopped talking and instead asked, "So are we going again, or are you going to just keep teasing me?" Alex's smile widened as he leaned in for another kiss, before saying,

"I was just about to ask you the same thing!" Chiffon then let out a small yelp of excitement as Alex practically threw her so that her upper body was resting on the small table, before he then grabbed her right leg behind the knee, and hoisted it up high so that he had a perfect view of the contents between them. Then without any hesitation, Alex immediately thrusted into her eager slit for the second time that day.

Despite the fact that she had just lost her virginity(for the second time), Chiffon felt only pleasure as she was roughly pounded from behind once more, even as Alex once again started smacking her butt. It was only after a few minutes of this that she even noticed a small mirror sitting directly in front of her, perfectly reflecting her slovenly expression as her 'master' roughly fucked her. Seized by a sudden curiosity, Chiffon then did something she hadn't done in years, and opened her eyes completely to see what her expression would look like then.

Like usual the blade-like line running vertically through her pupils gave her an alien-like appearance, proving once more that she was in fact not a human. Though Chiffon had never actually been that self-conscious about her eyes, she had always done what she could to prevent others from seeing them due to the fact that they looked exactly like a Nova's, the hated enemy of their entire world.

"You should keep them open more often." Alex's voice suddenly whispered in her ear, surprising Chiffon since she had been so focused on her how her eyes looked to notice. Then, as if to prove a point, Alex pulled out of her and flipped her over so that she was now on her back and facing him, before pulling her ankles up to rest on his shoulders as he plunged his cock back into her.

Chiffon then had the surreal experience as Alex proceeded to fuck her at a much slower pace, while only looking directly into her eyes. He then leaned forward until her knees were pressed against her chest to kiss her, this being the only moment he had broken eye contact with her since he first saw them. Slowly Alex's mouth trailed from her lips down to her chin, and then even lower to her cheekbones, causing Chiffon to shudder as he attacked her weak point.

She was quickly approaching yet another orgasm when Alex suddenly stopped his movements entirely, making Chiffon look at him with confusion even as she desperately craved her climax.


Alex suddenly swore, making Chiffon even more confused until she suddenly felt a shudder pass through the villa.

"What was that?!" She demanded while trying to ignore her irritation at not being able to climax, even as Alex pulled out of her.

"A bunch of dumbasses, that's what!" Alex swore once again as he quickly dressed, while also passing Chiffon's repaired maid uniform back to her.

Meanwhile, up in one of the villa's courtyards, the residents were gathering in a semi-circle around the outer entrance to the kitchens with the combat maids in the front, where a plume of smoke was rising after it had been bombed. As they peered through the screen of smoke, roughly twenty figures began to appear from within as the Pandora responsible showed themselves, along with Kunou, Mikan, and Haruna as their captives with kitchen knives at their throats.

(A.N. Sorry for the recent delays, again(feels like I've been saying that a lot lately). Work has been kicking my ass recently and this chapter ended up being quite a bit longer than I was expecting, so I cut it in half to post now. I'm also going to start trying to make chapters a bit shorter and HOPEFULLY be able to post more often because of it. Thank you for the understanding.)

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts