

Still at the same place, Eastern Castle of Titan Family.

After the class ended, Jack distributed a few handy-talkie radio he found at his warehouse. The unit is much similar with Motorola HT CP110 model. That model designed to serve for some short distance communication, estimated more than 1 kilometer distance telecommunication. That model also could reach up until 15 kilometer, only if the path clear without trees or any obstructions.

As it had sixty different channel, Jack also set separated communication channel usage for each purpose to prevent misuse.

Mya, Puja and Perak were in a group. They will manage four HT, one unit in Mya's hands, the remains of three will be rotate among the current active shift member.

Astera and her friends were in a group. They will manage two HT.

Rhys and his team will manage three HT. Due security reason, Rhys and his team were in the same channel with Mya, Puja and Perak. As for the operator of Mark 3 Tora-Tora-Tora Transmitter would be managed by Rhys, with call sign Radio-Hotel-One.

Everyone looks very excited trying his own HT radio.

Jack smiled, a litle bit preparation has done. He now has some radio telecommunication operator.


It was almost 15:00 o'clock SEARN time.

Finally, the preparation on Eastern Castle was already over.This time they also took Mya, Puja, Perak and also Tyas who force to tag along. Tyas were whining, begging to be allowed too.

"I'll go too. Don't leave me alone" She cried.

Of course, Jack and Myerlion did not have a heart to refuse.

Once they arrived, Jack asked Myerlion and Tyas to come along to the lab.

" Here." Jack said while giving Tyas a gunto sword.

She shouted happily. "Kyaa.. what is it papa ?"

" It is a sword. I'll tell you the details later. Now I want to give you the instant skill first.. "

" It's beautiful!" She shouted happily. "Thank you, papa Jack !" She smiled so sweet and kiss Jack's cheek.

Jack smiled and shook his head. He then connected his laptop into nanomachine's remote console of those three.

"Then, I'll inject the proper skill for us.. now!" Jack said while dragging the skill's file into injection menu.

Once in injected, the nanomachine will gradually change your muscles into a proper form of muscles of a professional user whenever they fall a sleep.

This nanomachine will also gradually expand some of your neurons network in the correct location of the brain into a proper network of a professional user whenever they fall a sleep.

The nanomachines also responsible for transferring required knowledge and familiarity feelings from the device into the brain.

Because of her young age, Tyas easily falls asleep after injection.

At last, Jack had free time to test the old ammo. After asking help from Myerlion to do some magical retrofit.

Ratatatatatata.... !

The submachine gun Maschinenpistole 34 barked ferociously. The trees that became his testing target were destroyed.

Bang !

The 97 Sniper Rifle barked softly. A target in 1 kilometer distance explode unable to resist the 6,5 x 50 mm calibre ammunition. This sniper tool worked accurately.

Boom !

The Type 97 Hand Grenade explode ferociously. This grenade is still in its prime!

Jack laughs after knowing that all the weapon works well.

The last thing Jack required was, Myerlion's magic to recover the ammunition.

With his time and space magic, Myerlion manage to create a magical engineering that allowed those gun will never run out of ammo, this also cover Jack's and Tyas's Beretta.

Once a bullet hit the target and stopped, it would be re-summon into an empty magazines. It also automatically undergone a small retrofit process, which will restore it to its prime.

All Jack and Tyas need to do were reloading the magazines. This magic will be applied into any magazines they touch. The power magic will be paid from a very small portion of their natural bio-magic. So its eco-green and reusable.

17:00 SEARN time at lab's veranda.

Jack was talking about wire-fu to Myerlion.

" What is wire-fu Jack? I believe you had been scheming something evil than before..," Myerlion laughed while taking a sip of his coffee.

" Am I that bad? Well, put a side that thing. I had a hope that wire-fu could boost the usage of the gunto sword." Jack answered while taking out his laptop. It appears that he tried to play some movies.

Myerlion eyes widened. Dhus, he shouted unconsciously "It's looks interesting."

" Wire fu is an element or style of Hong Kong action cinema used in fight scenes. It is a combination of two terms, wire-work and kung-fu.

Wire fu is used to describe a subgenre of kung fu movies where the stuntmen's or actor's skill is augmented with the use of wires and pulleys, as well as other stage techniques, usually to perform fight-scene stunts and give the illusion of superhuman ability or Qinggong.

Now, take a look at this scene cut." Jack said while playing some part of the movies were the kung-fu practitioner fighting others with an unrealistic skill such slashing or striking their enemies while flying, floating and dive from above the sky.

A moment later part of block buster movies play in front of Myerlion eyes such House of Flying Daggers, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, The Matrix, Hero and even Kill Bill.

As his response, Myerlion unconsciously put a dumb face with his mouth wide opened.

" Amazing! To fight with such techniques. Unimaginable! Those techniques should be mine first!" Meyrlion said. He stood up unconsciously.

" Great. That the spirit!" Jack praised him.

" By the way Jack, you just mention Qinggong. What is it?"

" Qinggong is a technique in Chinese martial arts. This is the inspiration for the birth of wire fu techniques. They often use wire work in kung fu movies to simply allow actors to perform stunts beyond their physical abilities.

In some films, however, it is used to create a more dramatic effect and adds magical realism to the world in which the film takes place.

I believe you will have no difficulties to find a way to bring this illusion into real life."

" Hmpf! It's a piece of cake, Jack. Give me more time and I let you know.."

" And don't forget to teach me and your daughter, Tyas too.." Jack grin ear to ear.

" As expected of Jack, you are really good at scheming." Meyrlion laughed whole heartily.

Jack sneered at him.

" The use of qinggong has been exaggerated in wuxia fiction, in which martial artists have the ability to move swiftly and lightly at superhuman speed, and perform gravity-defying moves such as gliding on water surfaces, scaling high walls and mounting trees.

In some wuxia and martial arts films containing elements of wire fu, qinggong stunts are simulated by actors and stunt performers suspending themselves from wires.

Not all martial arts films use wire work." Jack ended his blabbered.

And those illusion would be brought into reality of Iocyania, by Meyrlion. This was Jack's survival plan for his new little family.

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