
Not Fair (Part 2)

"My disowned brother did it by himself and almost killed me as well. I saved you not to punish you, but because even in my madness I recognized your pain."

"Pain?" Osyan scoffed in between gasps. "What can someone like you know about pain? You, with all your money and your happy family."

"More than you think." Lith's voice was cold but not cruel. "I earned my money and the happiness you see me enjoying today is something I built. No one gave me anything."

'That's not true. Fate gave you good parents.' The boy wanted to retort, but he bit his lips because saying those words out loud would hurt him more than it would hurt Verhen.

"Osyan, I didn't want to do this. It's too soon, but someone has to." Lith raised his hand and the boy yelped, afraid to be beaten like it had happened so many times in the past.

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