
Players and Pawns (Part 4)

'A layman might think that Quaron is being overpowered, but I know that in his place all of us would be already dead. The fact that he's still alive proves that he's not an opponent I can take.' Pelan thought.

When the violet Origin Flames engulfed Quaron, they burned away the defensive barrier of his artifacts and his skin alike. Darkness fusion couldn't protect him from the pain since the mystical fire consumed even the magic flowing through his veins.

His agonizing screams coupled with the smell of cooked meat and fat typical of barbeque broke the hopes of the citizens of Zeska.

Lith rode the shockwave until he was safe from the Flames. Then he followed Solus's advice and conjured a golden platform to resume his attack. The construct shattered from the sheer strength of his leg muscles, leaving behind a luminous trail that betrayed his trajectory.

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