
When All Are One (Part 2)

"When someone lives as long as we do, the only thing that matters is the content of someone's character. Valeron was nothing but a poor farmer turned soldier who spent the first part of his life struggling to have three hot meals a day.

"Do you really expect someone coming from a hard life to be handsome and well built? What you saw in paintings was the result of body refinement and not what brought Tyris to him. The only thing that mattered was his heart."

Seeing that something ethereal like character didn't get through Balkor's thick human skull, Salaark sighed. Then she gave him a practical reason to believe her words.

"Do you know why Tyris and I have taken such an appearance before leading our countries? Because it makes it easier for us to obtain their obedience and respect. People love their rulers with their hearts, but first humans need to lust them with their eyes."

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