
Royal Summon (Part 4)

'It's just a toy and I'm not the father!' Leegaain said, but Milea knew the result of the Blood Resonance test and ignored him.

Jirni followed the arranged flight path, passing through the first roadblock without the guards even noticing their passage. At its max speed, the DoLorean moved so fast that it was a blur, escaping the air blocking arrays before they could make the flight experience of the car's passengers any less comfortable.

"I'll slow down to 4 and keep the tracker open. I can't do more than this for you." Jirni said to the guards of the remaining checkpoints as her amulet now gave them the position of the car in real-time.

Thanks to the mirrors and the fast response of the DoLorean's wheel, dodging tier four spell was easy. Only tier five spells with a huge area of effect managed to hit them from time to time.

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