
Half Truth (2)

- "Why didn't you tell her that you defeated it alone?" Solus was surprised by the sudden turns of events.

"Because she didn't ask me how I managed to, or if I did have help. She jumped the gun and assumed it was a team effort. That means I didn't nerf the plant Abomination enough, or simply that a kid killing a monster is unheard of." –

Anxious to change topic, Lith took out from the dimensional pocket the wooden box Rodimas had surrendered to him and one coded letter at random.

Marchioness Distar threw a glance at the letter, and being uncapable to understand its meaning, just copied it with water magic. A flick of her wrist and ink flew from the well to a blank piece of paper, recreating the original in a few seconds.

When the life-size replica of the box appeared, her expression became severe.

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