
The Special Day (Final Part)

The forest is lit up by the sunset as 3 figures were seen strolling across the forest. The party of 3 stops every once in a while to look at flowers and tree formations as they slowly follow the stone pebbled path. As they walk forward one of them runs ahead and turns around and begins to talk.

"So~! How was the day for you Mother and Father?" Auria says as she waits for them to catch up to her.

Eve and Harris walk slowly to catch up with their daughter as Eve responds. "It's been good today Auria, we went out to get a couple things for your birthday and set up a couple things for when we get back home."

An excited gleam appears on Auria's face "Really! Can you tell me what the surprise is early, please." Auria says while sporting her classic puppy eyes.

Her father Harris chuckles "No Auria, you'll find out when we get home. Otherwise, there's no point in doing this stuff as a surprise. I promise you'll like it though."

Auria pouts "Not even a tiny hint?"

"No Auria, you're too smart for hints. If we give you one you'll figure it out. Then it won't be a surprise." Eve says while laughing

Auria makes a face in slight dismay. Then she recalled what happened at the library.

"Oh yeah! Mom. Dad. Let me introduce my friends to you." Auria says while gesturing behind her.

As she does the sparks of mana which had been hiding from behind a veil of mana slowly appeared.

Harris and Eve looks in shock as they see mana sparks behind her

"Auria, honey, what are those?" Eve asks uncertainly

"I'm not sure Mother! But they've been with me for a very long time, they just protected me today!'' Auria says gesturing to the sparks to make a barrier. Which they did proficiently and quickly.

"See. They are really helpful and friendly. They greet me every morning!"

Harris and Eve look at each other in slight worry. "Auria, it's not that we don't believe that such things can happen. But since we all know that you were born without a story, we are more worried about where they came from. Because they aren't following because of a story" Harris says as he ponders the situation inside his head.

"Maybe they formed because you lack the inherent mana of the world and are attracted to you" Harris says as he suddenly thinks of an idea.

"I think I will just treat them as friends than think that they are attracted to me just because of that…" Auria says cheerfully.

"As long as they aren't harmful, then it's fine Auria. I'm glad you decided to tell us though" Eve says while patting Auria's head.

"Also what was that about these sparks needing to protect you today?" Eve says with a hint of worry in her voice and an anxious look on her face.

"It was nothing big, there was just a mysterious book that I saw and I was tempted to pull it out, and the mana sparks decided it was dangers so it created a barrier and caused a small explosion." Auria says with a casual look on her face

"A small explosion!?" Eve says with panic on her face. "Were you fine after that Auria!"

"Well obviously mom~ I'm still here and uninjured. Thanks to my spark friends that is~" Auria says while giggling

"Well, that's good" Eve says with a relieved sigh.

Silence occurs after the talk about the explosion, with Harris thinking about the sparks and Eve looking all over Auria for any injuries of the such.

Soon they see the village and Auria starts to hurry her parents as she is very excited about her surprise.

Slowly the group of three approach the gate and greets the guards.

"Hey mister guards! How was your day." Auria asks with a smile on her face.

"Very good Auria, though It'd be better if you remembered our names." The guard on the left says.

"I will one-day mister guard. Have a nice night though!" Auria says while waving.

"Thank you for dealing with our child for so long Rob" Eve says while smiling at the guards.

Rob the Guard chuckles as he shakes his head. "No problem Ma'am, see such an energetic child every day makes us happy every day too."

Then Rob has a look of remembrance on his face "Yes! That reminds me. Happy birthday Miss Auria."

"How did you know it was my birthday?" Auria says with slight confusion on her face

"It'd be more surprising if I didn't know it was your birthday. Your parents have been running around all day looking for items for their daughter's birthday and basically sent the market into chaos because of how well known you are around here." Rob says while reminiscing the scene that occurred earlier.

"Once the shopkeepers and stall owners heard that it was your birthday they all started pitching gifts left and right as if the gifts were trash being thrown around. I'm pretty sure your parents got overwhelmed at some point because they just picked up the piles of items and say thank you to everyone and proceeded to go back home." The guard says while laughing.

"Oh! So they went out purposely today to get stuff for my party?" Auria says while looking at her parents who were discussing with the other guard.

"Yep, I'm betting that they did more than that. But they do love you a lot. Picking up all of those items took them quite a bit." The guard says with a gentle smile.

"They did..?" Auria says with slightly teary eyes as she looks over to her parents. "Thank you for telling me… Rob." And runs over to her parents.

'Did she just call me by my name? Wait did she know it the whole time!?' The guard thinks in dismay.

Auria goes over to her parents and jumps onto her father for a hug.

"Dad! I heard you specifically went out to get stuff for me today." Auria says with a visibly touched expression on her face.

"Oh, did the other guard tell you that? I guess we did make quite a commotion this morning." Harris chuckles.

"Then why don't we hurry home if you've found out already. We've finished our pleasantries with the guard anyways. Let's not make you wait any longer shall we." Harris says with a large small while carrying Auria and tugging his wife's arm gentle gesturing it's time to go.

"Nice talking with you Berry" Eve says as she follows her husband away and heads home.

"You too Ma'am" Guard Berry says while waving at them from behind.

The family of three hurry through the streets that were the bustling market this morning, but now is empty as it closes at night.

Eventually, they reach their house, and above the door, there was a banner


As Auria reads the banner her mother Eve picks her up and kisses her on the cheek.

"Happy birthday honey."

Auria tears up as she hugs and kisses her mother back.

"Now, now. Let's do this inside the house instead shall we" Harris says while chuckling.

The mother and daughter pair giggle as they follow Harris back inside the house.

When Auria walks in she sees all the balloons and all the fancy decoration that was set up for her birthday

"Mom... Dad… D-did you guys do all of this for me?" she says while in awe and tears coming to her eyes.

"Of course Honey. We wanted to make this the best 5th birthday you'll ever have." Harris smiles.

Auria laughs "I'll only have one 5th birthday dad." Harris chuckles.

"That's the point honey! Now let's eat before we have to reheat the food a second time." He says just in time to see Eve walking out of the kitchen with food.

"I knew that you wouldn't be able to eat as much after this morning. So instead I just go your favorite foods instead of just a large amount of them." She points to the boar meat and the rainbow fish meat.

"Your favorite, Wild Rampage Boar, and the Rainbow Aura fish!"

Auria looks at the food with drool coming out the corner of her mouth. "Thank you so much, Mom! Let's eat now. I don't think I can handle waiting for much longer." Auria rushes over to her normal chair and waits for her parents to join her.

"Yes, shall we" Harris says as he takes a seat.

"We'll show you everything after we finish eating" Eve giggles.

Auria pouts "Okay... Finish eating first then!" she starts to dig into her food.


A shadowy figure stands in front of the silhouette of the moon as it looks upon the one house that lit up the dark abyss of night.

"I hope you don't make a move tonight." The shadow mutters while looking over at the forest. "I don't want to be the one to ruin such an important night"

The shadow looks up at the sky.

"But for her highness's sake, I will if I have to"

Just as the shadow releases a tired sigh, it disappears, leaving no trace.

Next chapter