
Hospital his point of view

{I ran I didn't even pay for a minute I could sense him. I didn't have time to think if he was there I had to get to him before he ran off again.}

*I slammed the door to the room I was staying in with lily. I screamed for the first time in front of her.*

Dante "VERGIL"

*I heard her make a small scream it sounded more like a little yelp then anything she's the quite type she's always been unless she's in combat mode. I dropped the stuff I'd got for lily and fell to my knees.*

(I can't let her see me like this...I must've imagined it)

*then I noticed some blood to the right of the bed she was laying on and some brown tattered cloth*

(That definitely wasn't there when I left her here.)

*I walked over to inspect it but then realized there's nothing I can do even if this was Vergils. I could ask the staff to check the blood but if it's not his and it's someone else's then that probably wouldn't look good for me or lily of someone had just been killed by Vergil without him leaving much to track him down. I heard her call my name.*

{she was worried about me and she didn't seem to have any idea what was going on. Knowing how easy it is to distract her and get her off guarded I leaned in and kissed her. It might feel like I'm teasing her with how long I had been French kissing her after I had pulled away. but if I'd stayed like that any longer I'd probably would have lost control of myself.}


*she mumbles*

*I laughed at her a bit*

(Yup called it.)

"lily was anyone here earlier?"

*she looked at me confused*

She'd been asleep when I'd left her so I wasn't surprised that she hadn't seen anyone. I was disappointed but not with her just with myself for not being able to catch Vergil after he had disappeared yet again.

*I looked away because I didn't want her to see me cry. I let a lone tear escape and wiped it away with my sleeve*

I knew my brother he wasn't the kind of guy to go off and do something for no reason. He was to smart for that he always thought things through I still don't understand why he'd up and disappeared for those three years before reunited again. I thought he was dead back then since I hadn't heard a thing from him mom and dad had gotten killed when we were kids so that clouded my judgement for a while. I still don't get why he's so power hungry...did something happen to his girl? was he to scared he couldn't protect those precious to him now? or is it something else I honestly don't know I swear I'm gonna beat the crap outta him if he just did all this on a whim. He could've wiped out the humans if his plan three years ago hadn't been stopped. Not to mention it's putting me through emotional hell knowing I still haven't brought him home.

*I felt a hug from behind me. Out of fear for her safety I quickly turned around and checked her over making sure she hadn't accidentally ripped any of her stitches out. I sighed with relief. I picked her up and carried her back to the bed.*

"Don't push yourself to much your still healing"

*I kissed her*

lily blushed and nodded. I still think it's sweet how she still does that even after we've been seeing eachother for a year.

(I can't wait till I can marry you)

Even if I go to some church for demons I don't want to break any more laws then I probably already have. I'm fine with this just getting to be with a sweetheart like you even if we aren't doing anything it's still nice. It's much nicer then the life I had before.

*The two of us had our makeshift breakfast from the gift shop it was mostly sweets and potato chips. I technically stole the food but I doubt anyone would try anything with me with my reputation. we ended up keeping eachother company and killing time while we were forced to wait it out for a week in this hospital*

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