
Tentacle wave

on arched a brow as a playful smile spread across his lips. "Go on son... stop poking your what?"

Arei looked uncomfortably from his father to Jos, before biting his bottom lip and turning back to the seating area. "I... will be over here." He said pointing to the seat he'd vacated earlier.

Poseidon chuckled. "Some things definitely haven't changed." He waggled his eyebrows at Jos as he wrapped one heavy arm over her shoulders. "You should have him show you around the library. I'm sure even more pleasant memories are bound to resurface, the antique room possibly."

Chary's wide cat-who-ate-the-canary smile danced before Jos. "Oh yes! You should do that now before you get too drunk and sleepy!" She winked at Poseidon as Jos nodded and turned toward the seats.

Arei ran a hand through his hair again as she approached. "God's what have they put you up to now?" He asked.

Jos fumbled with the nearly empty bottle she held. "Your dad and sister suggested I get you to show me around before we get too into this party... to help my memories come back." She lifted the bottle. "Good thing about this, it's numbing some of the headaches."

Arei gave her a half-hearted smile. "Are you sure you want to leave your friends?"

Jos glanced over to Raven and Isha who were now kissing as they danced, Peg and Andy who were in their own world as they danced... which pinged more memories... and Shelly who was now standing on her back legs with her paws in Poseidon's hands dancing around happily. Her gaze moved to Chary who made a shooing motion with her hands. Jos turned back to Arei. "It looks like I'll not be missed if we leave for a few minutes."

Arei ran his hand over the back of his neck as he sent his sister a skeptical look. "Alright... Do you have any place in mind-" He caught himself. "I guess that's a stupid question, huh..." He took her hand. "How about I show you some of the places you liked most the last time we were here." He bent and grabbed another bottle from the table. "We'll both be needing this..."

Jos nodded. "Lead the way. Also, Chary said something about antiques room. You know that's what I studied in college? I wonder if it was my mind trying to recall this place or something that led me to want to study it..."

Arei studied her thoughtful expression. "I guess it's possible... Jos, I can't help but ask... What memories have come back? You obviously recalled Chary almost instantly."

Jos nodded as they ventured farther away from the sounds of the small party. "Many of my previous memories came together when I saw her. It was like finding that piece of a jigsaw puzzle that brings everything else into focus... this entire palace really... It's bringing fuller flashes on and piecing together the fragments that I had... I don't know... I guess in a way I had still wondered if this place was real or only a dream my mind had created."

Arei nodded as he stopped in front of a door. He let out a long breath. "Alright, here was one of your favorite rooms." He looked away, "Probably for more than one reason." Instead of meeting her curious gaze, he pushed the door open. "If something in this palace inspired your college studies, it would have been this room." He flipped a switch on the wall causing the faint glow of the old overhead light to shine. He ran his hand over one of the old vases. "I can't even remember how many hours we spent in here. You weren't happy until you knew the stories of every single piece." He turned his attention back to Jos. Surprise caused the air in his lungs to seize. Her cheeks were the prettiest pink and her eyes were focused on the glowing waters of the pool at the other side of the room. "I take it more memories came back?"

Jos nodded as she lifted the bottle in her hand and emptied it before reaching out and taking the one from him. "You're right... this will be needed being here..." She walked directly over to the water's edge not taking notice of any of the artifacts on the many, many shelves.

Arei bent down beside her. "What are you remembering?" He whispered, letting his hot breath tickle her bare shoulder. He watched as Jos ran her hand through the bio-luminous waters, watching as the light followed her movements.

"I was so young and dumb back then." She chuckled. "It must have driven you crazy." She turned, resting her chin on her shoulder. "I'm sorry for that."

Arei reached out and cupped her cheek. "You have nothing to apologize for."

She let out an indignant snort. "Is that so? Then I shouldn't be apologizing for hours of torture I put you through in this very room? I believe I know why your dad and sister suggested it."

He searched her eyes as he lowered to his knees beside her. "And why is that." He whispered his lips only centimeters from hers.

She turned away from him and lifted the bottle to her lips again. "Why Arei?"

"Why what, Kitten?" He asked in honest confusion as he moved to sit down beside her.

She turned her attention back to him. "Why did you refuse this claim all those years ago? Why did you insist against it?"

His face contorted into a heavy frown. "It wasn't just a claim father wanted, he wanted us married."

She scrunched her brows in irritation. "So? Why would that have been so bad?"

"Because of what he hoped the marriage would bring... what uses he could get out of our coupling." He tried to take her hand, but she pulled back.

"You'll have to be a bit clearer, Arei. Your cryptic answers won't cut it this time." She hissed as she lifted the bottle to her lips again.

He reached over and took it away, setting it on his other side. "You want it clearer? He would have, would still... use any child we had as he has me and my brothers... as he may use you." He hooked a finger under her chin and forced her face around to meet his. "Don't you see that man you see out there is only one half of a complicated double-edged blade. He can be fun; hell the man can be a downright blast to be around... but it doesn't come for free. Anything involving the gods come at a price. If we hadn't been left with no other option, I would have encouraged you to turn down his claim this time as well, and I don't suggest it for Shelly or Russ no matter how much the kid irritates me."

It was Jos's turn to frown. "So, what do you want now? The claim is done... you claim to still care for me, but you don't want... what a relationship... marriage... children-" Anything she could have said next was cut off as Arei used his hold on her chin to pull her into a kiss.

He pulled back only slightly as he searched her turbulent aqua eyes. "I want you; I love you... but no... children wouldn't be advised." He let out a long sigh as he set back and took the bottle. "It's one of the reasons I didn't try finding you sooner... I can't offer you all the things you deserve."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she thought over his words. "Why couldn't you have said as much then... Why haven't you said as much until now?" She whispered on a ragged breath. "I loved you so much back then... I would have agreed to nearly anything to be with you..."

Arei took another long drink before setting the bottle down. "Because I'm a coward in the ways it truly matters. Hell, I've dreaded this very conversation for half a millennia." He shrugged, "Doesn't help, it's going pretty well as expected." He watched his feet as they moved through the water. "I can't be what you need or deserve... but I want to be what you want..." His words were barely audible.

Jos turned her focus back to the large man, studying him. After several long seconds of silence, she broke out in a laugh. "I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously dressed like this!" She said as she flapped a ruffle with her hand.

Arei's surprised eyes moved up to hers. A smile curved his lips as he struggled to pull the tight-fitting material away from his chest enough to study. "It is pretty outrageous isn't it?"

Jos nodded as she lost against another bout of laughter. "You look ridiculous! I wish I would have brought my phone. This would be the perfect blackmail later!"

Arei narrowed his eyes on her. "Oh yeah?" He lunged toward her and began tickling her sides causing her to fall onto her back in a fit of laughter. "How's this for blackmail? I remember all your tickle spots." He dipped a hand to her inner thigh, which was the worst spot for her, without thinking.

Jos quickly crunched forward trying to push his hands away and kicked her feet as she laughed harder and harder. "Ahhh! Arei Stop! No fair!!!" Her laughter died off when his knuckle brushed against her center. Her eyes widened and held his.

Arei froze praying to all the gods that she didn't bolt from the room immediately. When she didn't, he sat back on his legs. "Sorry..." He looked away as he ran a hand through his hair.

Jos sat up. "It... it's alright. We've both probably had a bit too much to drink... and too much of that nightgown of yours." She tried to lighten the tension with the joke, but when his heated gaze moved back to hers it caused her breath to catch.

Arei's eyes held hers. "You're right... this absurd thing has caused enough distractions." He pulled it over his head and tossed it to the side, before moving back over her. He placed one hand on either side of the floor beside her hips. "If you remember this room then surely you remember this." He said lowering his lips to hers again.

Jos pushed against his chest. "Arei... no... stop." When he did, immediately moving away from her and sitting back in the spot he had been, she scooted over toward him. Resting her head against his bicep, she whispered. "I'm just not ready for all this yet."

Arie nodded. "I understand, kitten, and I'm not rushing you. Take your time." He turned and carefully brushed away a strand of hair. "Just not too long..." He whispered. He bent and kissed her head, before scooting to the edge of the pool.

Jos arched a brow, "What are you-" Before she could even get out the sentence, Arei was dropping into the water.

He turned back to her, his eyes dancing with amusement. "See the last time I had you here, you wouldn't have even hesitated a second before joining me in here."

Jos giggled. "Well, if I had something to swim in, I would join you now."

Arei smiled. "You have underwear under that, don't you? Covers just the same." A sly smile spread across his lips. "Besides, I've seen you naked... even recently..."

Jos narrowed her eyes as she leaned forward and splashed him with water. "Fine... but what happens when it's time to get out and we are both soaked?"

Arei chuckled, "It's a submerged library in the sea god's palace. I'm fairly sure being wet is just a part of being here." He splashed her back. "Now stop making excuses and get in the water." When she continued to hesitate, he splashed her again several times back-to-back. "Ah look at that. Wait a bit longer and all of you will already be wet!" He threatened.

Jos let out a huff of air. "Fine!" She shimmied out of the damp fuzzy PJ bottoms Poseidon had shifted her into but left the thin-strapped tank top on. "You asked for it!" She cannonballed in, splashing him directly in the face. When she surfaced, he pulled her into his arms and pretended to shake her.

"You little monster!" he teased tickling her sides again. His laughter faded away. "Please tell me that when you said you're not ready yet... it means you're at least willing to consider giving us a second chance now?"

Jos searched his questioning eyes. She wanted to hide it a bit longer... to lie to him at least this once, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead, she nodded her head. "I feel like there are still some chunks missing but as the memories come back... it becomes harder and harder to deny what we had... or the chemistry we still have." She rested her hands on his shoulder as he continued holding her waist. I'm not sure where this will lead to, but I do know I can't altogether ignore it anymore... and I'm not sure if I still want to..."

Arei forced himself to ask the one question that had been rattling his mind for weeks now. "What about the kid... Russ? Have your feelings changed about him?"

Jos shook her head. "No... To be honest, I've never been able to see a future for him and me... I've told him as much several times before, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I still want... need closure. I still want to know if it is the curse or me... If there is any hope for us still being a part of each other's lives in the future." A tear fell down her cheek. "If it's the curse then the answer is no... no matter how painful that is."

Arei nodded. "You know I'll be here for you however you need me to be." He pulled her against him into a hug. "What do you say we go back and see what the others have gotten themselves into?"

Jos nodded. "Arei, thank you."

He smiled back at her. "That's love isn't it?"

I swear I'm not currently procrastination and coming up with sudden last minute (cute af) chapters because I don't want to do the next trial chapter... (>_<)

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