
I Beg Of You

"Huh, Zhenzhen, what are you doing here?" Hu Dengxiao remarked upon seeing the Crown Prince standing in front of his private study. A second later, he flinched back and cursed inside of his head.

On the spur of the moment, Hu Dengxiao forgot where he was. There were guards stationed outside of the private study. The nickname he had for Yu Zhen could only be uttered in private.

The Crown Prince shot his friend an irritated glower before slamming the doors to his private study open. 

"Where else am I supposed to be?" he snapped.

Hu Dengxiao hurriedly ran after his friend like they did in their youth. Even now, he could still remember it. 

Lu Tianbi walked a step behind the Crown Prince, making small jokes as Hu Dengxiao trailed behind them with a bounce to his footsteps. Despite being the last in line, he was still excited to see them, for they were his only friends.

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