

We ate and then they gave me a blanket and then left me in the classroom while they left to go to their own rooms.

From what they told me, they each had a classroom on this floor, one floor lower was extremely dangerous, two floors up was the roof and one floor up was basically just locked up. There was a storage room out back near the basketball courts and a swimming pool through a hall way connecting to the auditorium plus an indoor multi sport room and a fitness suit that included a small amount of martial arts dummies and standard training equipment.

They also didn't trust anyone out of their inner circle ever since an issue they had a few days ago. Wouldn't tell me what it was though.

The evening was cold and slow, I couldn't sleep very much but as soon as the sun hit the roofs of the houses I got up and started getting ready to move.

The others rejoined me just as I had finished putting everything away and was about to leave.

"You're really going?" Eva asked, I nodded.

"No one wants her here," Eugene grumbled with a little annoyance.

"Well I do! She's a fantastic fighter and we're wasting that by sending her away!" Eva exclaimed angrily, I sighed.

"I should go anyway. You're all obviously a tight group and accepting a new person in would just bring hostility between you all," I tell them, remembering how the Japanese students reacted to my presence in their school when I first moved there.

"That's not the point!" Eva yelled.

"It actually is," Zion said, watching me, "she's completely right. In my gang whenever we brought a new person in, there was a ton of hostility and the new kid always went through dozens of trials to prove they were supposed to be in the gang."

"We're not your gang!" lance sighed.

"That's completely barbaric," Lawrence pointed out.

"Either way, I'm leaving because I said I would," I told them, slightly sad that I had to go back out there.

As we walked out, everyone was silent. We reached the doors, I grabbed the plank wedged into the handle and pulled it out, before opening the door, I placed my ear against it.

Slight sounds of groaning and shuffling moved around on the other side. I took a deep breath before pulling the door open and sliding out, it was strange, the zombies on the other side noticed me straight away.

"Shit," I muttered to myself before quickly moving to the stairs. Zombies below me crowded the exit and zombies above started to move towards me.

Pulling my katana out, I sliced easily through the crowd above and then started my way down the stairs. When I broke through enough to reach a window, I jumped out and started sprinting, slicing through any zombies that dared to approach.

At one point, I turned to hit a zombie and my eyes layed on the extremely surprised group, watching me closely and talking.

I wonder what about.

"Willow! Come back!" someone's voice yelled from upstairs. I was confused and stood still for a moment, swinging whenever anything came at me.

"Come on idiot! Get back here!" someone yelled. I shook my head and ran back into the building and up the stairs and back into the protected corridor.

"What do you want now? I need to find a place where I can stay," I asked them, they all met my gaze.

I'm so sick so it's taking years to update... Ehehheh ?

lothuialnethcreators' thoughts
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