"The raid party was defending the forward base from that black dragon when I got there. Though defending is not the right word. The dragon was clearly toying with the forward raid party." -Alex
"What happened to the anti dragon weapons and armor?" -Micheal
"Everyone was using the spare normal weapons. I think the anti dragon was turned to dust. I saw some weapons become dust. Let me finish. Estella tried to save as many people as she could, I think. There were only three people alive by the time I got there. The dragon stopped when another black dragon came out and yelled 'As your master, I order you to stop toying with your food and eat them already!' And that dragon listened, which means that the second black dragon was the demon lord. I yelled at the other two to distract the dragon while I saved Estella. She is the most important human on the planet after all. Estella wanted to keep fighting, but we were clearly outmatched. So I knocked her out with my concussive strike skill and fled. I am not sure if her dungeon immortality would work if she turned to dust. I did use her as a shield while in the dungeon and she is awake now, but I do not know what is wrong with her. Look at her."
"Estella, it's Clarissa. Your favorite cousin. Say something." -Clarissa
"Here's a cloth, wipe her drool." -Bestia
"Thanks. Do you think she will recover?" -Clarissa
"We need her too. The human race needs her. We cannot depend on the idiotic immature summoned heroes. Heroes are always summoned in a group of four. Is the fact that only three were summoned a bad omen?" -Alex
"We need to get Estella to a healer." -Micheal
"Do you think something broke inside of her, like a sword that snaps into two pieces?" -Alex
"What are we going to do about that dragon out there? Estella has always been there for me. Now it is my turn." -Clarissa
"Estella is more important than all of us. Amelia and I will sacrifice ourselves to make sure you get Estella to safety." -Alex
"I will help." -Micheal
"Micheal, Estella is heavy. You need to carry her and Clarissa, you need to go with Micheal. If the dragon finds Estella, you need to buy enough time for Micheal to get Estella to safety. Hopefully we will see each other again. Now get humanity's hope to safety." -Alex. We walked toward the entrance of the cave.
"Your plan makes sense. Goodbye my covenant. I will remember what you said. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." -Micheal
"Come back alive Amelia. You and Estella are like the sisters I never had. I cannot bear to lose you." -Clarissa
"Now go." -Alex. We parted ways at the entrance of the cave.
<Make sure to stay silent until they are out of earshot> -Alex
<What did you do to her?> -Bestia
<I broke her. Now let's meet up with Dragnoff>
"What is that!?!?" -Bestia pointed at a crack on the hillside up ahead. There was light pouring out of it.
"Let me try to find out. Cause chaos with the identification of what is in front of me. Chaotic Identification. WHAt tHE FuCKInG HeLL!!!!" -Alex
"What is it?" -Bestia
"It is a crack in the fabric of reality of your world. And my chaos spell made it pull me in. I'm fighting the gravity pull just to notify you. Don't worry. The crack will put me back a minute after I go in. I just don't know how long I will be gone. Don't panic. I will be back soon. Bye." -Alex. I let myself get pulled in. Down the rabbit hole I go.
Dragnoff landed next to Bestia and shifted to human form. "Where is our lord Alex?" -Dragnoff.
"Went into the crack. He should be back any second now. Unless he dies on the other side."
Swooo. I came through the crack and immediately collapsed to my knees.
"My lord, are you alright?" -Dragnoff
"No, I'm not alright. I found out the fate of my family. As well as the fact that I never make it home. We will now longer deal a blow to the humanity of this world." -Alex
"Then what will we do?" -Bestia
"During the Banquet of Demonic Heroes, there is a temporary truce. It lasts a week. We will start a conquest during that week killing as many humans as we can. After our preparations are done, we will start the human genocide and wipe the humans off the face of the planet." -Alex
"What kind of preparation do we need to make my lord?" -Dragnoff
"Preparations for a legion." -Alex
My Christmas gift to you, a longer chapter release for the end of the second volume!!! I’ve also got news. A crossover with author Biako on Webnovel. Still got to hammer out some details first, so don’t expect the crossover event to happen this year. Still not sure which series will post the crossover.