
I warm you if you feel cold and you warm me if I feel cold...

The Meng Family served as loyal ministers and generals for generation, and accumulate much illustrious military success.

But their increasing merits caused the emperor to fear them,putting their family in danger.

The late emperor is mediocre and muddle-headed,and prone to believing slander,which resulted in the death of every member of their family.

Luckily, Meng family adopted daughter,Zhou Long,was able to captured the current emperor heart and make him fall in love to her and married him,the empress position easily get by herself,allowing all of her family member become free.

Until,the barbarian killed the late empress Zhou and replace by Xiao Meizu and their life become miserable again....


West Country entrance gate.

The two man guarding the gate bow when they saw the carriage"Your majesty,welcome back!"both of them said respectively.

Lou is peeking at the window"Wow!,your country is bigger than cloud country.." he turned around look at the man beside her.

"Do you like it?"the man ask without blinking.

"hmm.."she nodded obediently.

"then.."Xing hesitated to said something.

"then??"Lou stare him questionable.

"Do you like to play around?"he ask.

"If it's ok... then I'd like to,but..I want you to accompany me."the girl look at the man with expecting eyes.

"Sigh,Do I have a choice?"Xing laugh lightly.

"Hump,Do you really don't have any choice?"Lou suddenly changed her mood into angry mode.

Xing amuse to Lou's angry expression "hehehe,what do you think?"he back hug her gently.

"Your the crown prince and I'm just a nobody,so if I analyze it correctly right now you don't have a time to play with me instead your busy doing some important things like checking some memorials..."she said touching her chin thinking.

Xing lips curled up and pretend to be confused"Really??"he scratched his head and stare Lou.

"Yes and if I'm not wrong you should go and meet the emperor to report right.." Lou said in matter-of-facts.

Xing raises his both hands"Ok,I give up...you win"he said smiling.

"So,you really don't have no time after all.." she raised her eyebrows.

"hmm,I'm sorry it's just...it's pity that I will leave you alone here in this cold country."he seriously and sad said.

"Cold?!What do you mean?"Lou is soo confused look at Xing.

"As you can see my country look lively but if you carefully watch this people you will feel cold caused of their fake smile."Xing explained.

Lou watch the people then look at Xing "Then,I warm you if you feel cold and you warm me if I feel cold..."she said without blinking.

Xing is speechless.

This girl is the one he love and only one who can said those kind of words.

"Cough,I think I will have a heart attack..."he said touching his chest.

"Really?!Then,my little heart will attack you more.."she said jokingly.

The conversation of them are nonstop until they finally come to their destination.... the crown prince palace.

Next chapter