
Final Battle III



Six Grimms turned to dust and a moment later, the core shook faintly.


The powerful growth energies are released from the seedling of the world tree and spread toward the directed trees.


The growth energy is powerful and higher volume than normal. It is not surprising considering it is coming from the two Grimms, and half of this energy is going toward the single seed.


A grey seed with a silvery sheen; till now it had drunk the growth energy from the eleven Grimms, and with this growth energy, it will be thirteen.


This time is different, this time it will bud. All the proofs are there.


I watched through bated breath, or rather my clone is watching, and I am sharing the vision while fighting a Crabman. I had chosen it intentionally to fight, as I knew the seed would bud with the help of those two Grimms.


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