
Conversation And Snacks I

"Supreme Archiver said that every being has some knowledge to offer, even ants can teach you something new If you observe them," It said and moved its hand in a flourish, and as it did that, two sofas with a table between them had appeared.

"Take a seat, little human," It said as it took a seat opposite of me. "Micheal, my name is Micheal," I said as I took a seat. 

It was really irking me hearing it call me little human, seeing it does not much older than me.

"There are many humans who have come here, and I held a discussion with every one of them. Some discussion lasted for hours, while others lasted for days." It said.

  "Those who kept me occupied for the most time had got the greatest benefits, but even those who lasted for mere hours had also gone back with great benefits," It added and again moved his hand with a flourish.

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