
Hilbert City

"Finally Finished," I said with sight, these Adamantine Level Blood Thralls seemed quite weak, but they are extremely hard to kill, and when that combined with pseudo immortality they have in the Blood Pool, they became a dreaded opponent.

I was able to kill that Dear Blood Thrall because; I poured all the power of Black Sand I had. If that hard had been slightly tougher then, it would have been really really hard to kill it.

I could feel the seething of the Blood Pool as I killed all its Guards, but it could not do anything to me, it is entirely powerless after its guards are incapacitated.

I did not waste time and quickly appeared on the edge of the Blood Pool and took out the red pill, which is a size of infants' fist before crushing it into the power. The powder fell on the lake, and a minute later, it calmed down completely.

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