

That green Seed had given a Wisdom to the little snake; now, the little snake had gained intelligence similar to that of a newly born monster. I could see curious eyes looking around, and it is sending me warm feelings that I felt for the first time.

When I sensed that feeling, tears had automatically formed in my eyes, feeling those feelings, I know that little snake considers me as its parent.

"Welcome to World Nero," I said to her. It seemed to understand what I am saying and started to fly in a circle in happiness. It had now gained the wisdom the same as a new-born monster, so it must have the name and 'Nero' sounded the best.

That Seed had lit up Wisdom in Nero in just a few seconds, it would have taken me a year at the least, and it would not have been perfect, but with the Seed of Wisdom, it now had become like a normal monster or became like a normal monster as possible.

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