

After getting out of the Essense Facility I found a good spot and set up my abode which I had seen earlier. 

I really wanted to enter the sorting facility and get out of the gap I had seen as I had enough of this repository but I can't as I am feeling very tired and also I've not made a plan yet.

I want to take a good rest and make a plan with a calm mind before I could even think about, walking through the form without having a plan is a completed suicide.

The first thing I did after setting an abode is to take a long shower and did not come out of it till I smell nothing from my body except the smell of the jasmine.

After coming out of the shower, I cooked dinner and slept directly after eating it. 

When I woke up the next morning, I freshened up, ate and went toward the sorting facility. I slip inside the sorting facility and recorded another projected before coming back to my abode.

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