
Arena (1)

"Bring a sword here!"

"Prepare the puppy for the show !!"

"Zaren is ready !?"

"yes! The puppy is missing! "

"Damn extraterrestrial, get out of there already!"

Shvarz gets up and walks out of the cell

'M? He is very calm ... he must have accepted his death'

Despite his appearance, Shvarz was nervous and more than anything excited.

'Hahaha ... it worked, I can not believe it, that crystal, not only sucked all my mana, he was even taking away my life expectancy, if I had kept trying 2 more minutes, I would have died without achieving it, but it worked ... I'm back, just before my first fight.

"Sometimes I feel sorry for these invoked humans"

"seriously? I bet 2 gold that does not last more than 2 minutes "

"2 minutes? Look, have the body well trained , I bet for 5 minutes "

"You did not feel sorry for him?"

"That never stopped me from getting your salary hehe"

" we'll see"

'... So that's what they talked about that time, it feels weird to understand what I once could not, but ... lose? I? Hahahaha, the one who conquered this world? The only survivor of this world? I was even well respected in that universe, I was one of the few dozens of beings that escaped and triumphed in Braxor without using magic, I killed 5th year beings without even being a 4th year, my sword technique was one of the best in the whole universe, I was very close to reaching the point of cutting the very existence ... but I lacked strength for that and something else, I never knew what it was.

"hold this sword"

His thoughts were interrupted by one of the jailers when he gave him a sword

'It's the same ... old friend, how many decades have passed? You, you were the sword that woke me up, that showed me my way and why it was done. '


The door to the arena began to open and dozens of memories flooded his mind

'Oh right, my stats'



Strength: 28 Vitality: 24

Agility: 20 Mana: 2

Control: 215 Physical Resistance: 7

Magic Resistance: 0

Equipment: sword (used)

'My control is 215? Shit, I thought I would keep that stat intact, it must be because of my weak body.

The main reason why Shvarz could kill beings of fifth class, was by his stat of insane control, his control before returning in time was 599, there was a barrier that he could not overcome, that's why he never reached 600 , the control stat was generally the hardest to improve, especially for races like monsters. With such a high control stat, he always hit at the right time and place for each situation, obviously, as long as his body could keep up with the rhythm, it also influenced the mana management, and even he could manipulate the blood inside his body like he would like, avoiding hemorrhages and poisons

But, with a control stat of 215 in this world ... it could be considered worse than a natural catastrophe, in this world, nobody overcomes the barrier of 100 in stats

'Well, I will eventually recover my old state. No, I'll get over it and by far, I'll destroy the 600 barrier and eat leviathans for breakfast. "

"Kill him!"

"Heh, he has good muscles"

"How long do you think it lasts?"

" 3 minutes"

You could hear the crowd in the stands talking about the

"Let's get this over with quickly, I want to sleep with that red-haired summoned"

Shvarz stopped and frowned slightly.

"If I remember correctly, the redhead was Natalie, an English girl with freckles on her face, similar to a witch of I do not know what game, she had a very bad time in this world, how old were she? 22? 23 ?, I saved her from being raped by this guy by winning the fight, but ... at night they were 3 guards to do it anyway, after that she would go crying, it was even annoying to listen to her, they continued to rape her until I started the revolution, the revenge motivated her to improve and ended up being an elite, she was never in a relationship, I developed an instinctive fear of men, once I wanted to congratulate her and touched her shoulder, she attacked me instantly, obviously she could not hurt me, but she I noticed an incredible fear in her eyes, I was probably very afraid of myself for being much stronger than her ... '

'why not? Let's save her, maybe even exceed the limits she reached the last time, with proper training, after all, she was the top 3 of humanity on this planet.'

"Let the combat begin!"

Without him realizing it, it was time to fight, more than a fight, it would be a moment.

The middle-aged gladiator was using a 70-centimeter sword in good condition, while Shvarz wore a 50-centimeter one that was a bit splintery and dirty.

"I'll let you take the first shot, although it will also be the last"

The gladiator said those words and stopped moving forward, the crowd began to laugh and some supported Shvarz.

Shvarz made a small smile, walked casually until standing half a meter away from the gladiator.

He raised his sword and the gladiator raised his to defend himself.


Psshh ... crack !!

Shvarz's sword broke

The arena was in silent, not because they thought that Shvarz's sword should not be split, but because of how it split.

The handle and 20 centimeters of the blade were in Shvarz's hand, the rest ... embedded up under the neck, where the chest would begin. The head and neck along with the vertebrae began to separate to the sides, the sword of the gladiator was also cut to the middle, the corpse fell on its knees and then forward.



Strength: 30 Vitality: 24

Agility: 23 Mana: 2

Control: 220 Physical Resistance: 7

Magic Resistance: 0

Equipment: sword (broken)

'Well, they went up, the stats system is the same as the "high school"

The stats can be uploaded in various ways, physical or mental training for the mana, combat training, ingesting certain potions or food.

And above all, battles to death, if you kill someone who has certain stats superior to yours, you will increase them.

The control and the resistances are different, the resistances will go up simply receiving damage and surviving or with food and potions

Control depends a lot on one's talent or constant practice

The more your statistics go up, the more your original control will recover

'I'm going to focus on increasing agility'


Meanwhile, the guards had led the others summoned to observe the fight, believing that Shvarz would die, so they would feel fear and not try anything.

"What the fuck?"


"Wow ..."

"How did that?"

"Bleegrh!" (Vomit)

"Listen ... and if we have to fight against him?"


Everyone felt fear.

"Maybe if it's him, he could free us from here"


"There are like more than 200 guards, be realistic"

While they were returning to the cell sector, they met Shvarz.



No one spoke to him, many avoided looking into his eyes

"... !?"

Natalie shuddered, as Shvarz looked directly at her, not as if he was looking at everyone, or looking for someone, but his eyes went directly to her.

Then he looked away and went on his way


'Mmm, it would be very good if she is one of those people who once they break the statistics barrier 100 awaken their true talents'


At night, Shvarz had taken a block of stone from his prison and had turned it into a knife, although it looked more like a 25-centimeter spearhead, double-edged and now he was meditating to raise his mana

You could hear noises in the distance in the prison, Shvarz got up, took the stone knife and ...

Zass zass ... clank!

He cut the metal bars, then walked in the direction of the noises, merging with the shadows.


"Do not touch me!"

Natalie was being held by two of the guards

'Shit, if I had been one, I could defend myself, but three ...'

"The more I see it, the nicer it looks, right?"


They started to grab their clothes

"No !, son of bitches!"

"Tsk, shut up"


He slapped her hard enough that her nose and lip started to bleed


"Tomorrow is our free day, we can do it all night"

"Who goes first?"


Suddenly a voice was heard from none of the four people present

"Who the fuck is there ?!"

Tud... tud... tud..

After the sound of the steps Shvarz appeared, with a calm smile

"He's the one who won today"

"Why the fuck is not in your cell?"

"I'm going to kill him"


One was surprised, the other attentive and the last one confident

The confident one swung his sword up and down, Shvarz took a step forward and aimed at the guard's left wrist.

"AAAHH !!"

The guard lost his left hand and the sword deflected failing his target

The attentive, had the guard high and attacked as soon as he saw the cut of Shvarz, aimed at his stomach with a spear

From Shvarz's perspective, this attack was infinitely slow, since the control statistic determined the perception of one, but he also moved extremely slowly, which is why he wanted to prioritize agility.

Shvarz turned 90 degrees to the left and swayed backward, his knife hit the tip of the spear, deflecting it and barely cutting his clothes, then continued moving his knife by the spear, thus removing a layer of wood from the stick, at the end of his route, he cut the middle, index and thumb fingers of the guard's left hand.


With his left hand, Shvarz took the spear just below the point, and cut it to have two knives, with his new knife, stabbed the first guard in the throat and with the stone knife took a long step forward making one thrust and stabbing the second's brain through the right eye.


The third reacted too late, Shvarz had already removed the knife from the second's head.

The third attacked with a horizontal cut, Shvarz did not jump or bend down to dodge it, he threw himself to the ground back, as if he had slipped, The guard was stunned for a split second and that was more than enough for Shvarz, reclining on the floor threw the stone knife straight at the man's throat.

"Ggghhmm !!"

The guard went into shock and did not know what to do, while, Shvarz kicked each man's knee, thus breaking them and leaving them in the opposite direction, like those of a four-legged animal, like a dog, and the guard, He fell forward, Shvarz rolled to one side, and the guard, hitting the ground, incrusted the knife even more.

A few moments later, he died.


Natalie looked at everything, from start to finish, impressed everyone in the arena, but this ... beating 3 at the same time without getting hurt, and those men were stronger than the gladiator.

"Do you want to feel that fear again?"


"Yes or no?"


"Then you'll have to make yourself stronger, train daily"

"Why? Why did you help me? "

The thought of him asking for a reward for that went through his mind

"Because I wanted to do it, there's no need for another reason"

That was true, Shvarz never knew why, but he always hated when people were raped, not only did he have a capable ally on this planet, but because he sincerely wanted to rescue her.


Natalie did not believe him at all.

"Well, I'm going to take the bodies"

"Eh? ... y-yes"

"Sleep well"


It did not seem that he said it sincerely with his apathetic face and dragging corpses into the darkness.

An hour later she was able to fall asleep


The next day the arena was chaotic.

42 Guards appeared dead

Shvarz spent the night murdering the guards one by one, to increase his stats.

Next chapter