
The Edo Kid

The moon glowed ominously in the sky. The world seemed full of darkness, save that blinding glow emitting from the moon. Kaysie walked forward, through the forest. He was in Aokigahara, a forest infamous as a site for suicides. A place infamous for demons. Kaysie's gait was confident, despite the hostility he felt from unseen eyes.

He glanced around.

The path he walked was unkept. Lanterns were nestled on the ground in random intervals, a dim shimmer of light protruding from each. Tori gates arched overhead the teenager as he continued forward, his eyes scanning over the crimson wood.

"She should have died hereafter," He spoke aloud. Giving a quick glance to either of his flanks, and seeing nothing, he looked forward yet again.

"There would have been a time for such a word," He recited. Far at the end of the path, his rich brown eyes fell upon a small ancestral shrine.

"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow," He continued. He felt something approach him.

He kept his eyes locked on the shrine, timed every movement. Focused on every breath he made. Every stride had a uniform distance, every blink a uniform interval. He focused, as to not show fear.

"Creeps in this petty pace from day to day," Kaysie recited further. He took a step, blinked, prepared to inhale.

"Until the last syllable of recorded time."

Kaysie halted immediately. A woman's voice spoke from the darkness.

"And all our yesterdays have lighted fools, the way to dusty death."

Kaysie glanced around, searching for the speaker.

"Out, out brief candle!"

Abruptly the light from the lanterns died. Kaysie was left in darkness, save the glow from the moon.

"Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage," the woman's voice echoed around Kaysie. Flowing through the darkness. It was a soft voice, a pleasant voice.

"And then is heard no more."

The voice whispered into his ear. Kaysie turned quickly, reaching his hand out. He grasped at the air. The lantern's flames returned slowly. Kaysie glanced to his right, he felt a presence behind him.

"It is a tale, told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury."

Kaysie turned around, looking upon the stranger. Her figure seeming to appear from the darkness as if they were one in the same. The shadows unraveling from her body like silken ebony.

"Signifying nothing." The woman finished.

They stood in silence.

Kaysie watched her with interest. She was beautiful, inhumanly so. She wore a tight black dress, low cut at her breasts and thighs. Her calves were complemented by her dark, strapped heels. Her body decorated in diamond jewelry. Her lips were a shimmering scarlet, they curled up into a seductive smile.

Her eyes were green. Bright and captivating, they drew attention from her long black hair. She walked forward slowly. Her heels clacking on the ground. "Are you a fan of shakespeare?" She asked, placing her hands together as she began to circle Kaysie. She was slightly taller than the eighteen year old.

"I don't mind him." Kaysie replied after a pause. The woman's voice rose up into playful laughter. She ran a finger along Kaysie's shoulder.

"There's no need to be so defensive. I was just curious." The woman spoke, whispering the last words into Kaysie's ear. She moved away from him, and Kaysie's eyes narrowed as he watched her. Her hips swaying with every step.

"You wouldn't happen to be the spirit that presides over this area, would you?" Kaysie asked, giving a questioning gesture with his hands. The woman turned to him slightly.

"No. That spirit of yours is over there." The woman answered, crossing her arms under her breasts and nodding towards the small shrine. "I'd wager it's still cowering too." She added, seeming to make note to herself rather than inform Kaysie.

"Then who are you?" Kaysie asked, his caution was bested by irritation. The woman turned and locked eyes with him.

"A little intense, aren't we?" She spoke.

"Answer the question." Kaysie shot back. The woman turned her head and laughed silently. She faced Kaysie as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Kaysaan Hiroji, what are you doing here?" She asked.

Kaysie's eyes narrowed once more. He thought to ask her how she knew who he was, but thought otherwise. "We must be speaking different languages, I asked for your name." Kaysie replied. The woman smiled as she began to circle Kaysie again.

"You've killed someone." She noted.

"I've killed plenty." Kaysie replied quickly, following her with his eyes.

"Recently." The woman whispered, stopping before Kaysie. Their faces inches from one another. She smiled at him as she raised an eyebrow. Kaysie looked past her, towards the shrine.

"Judging by the knife you have hidden behind your jacket, I'd say you came here to commit suicide." The woman said.

"And." Kaysie spoke, unimpressed.

"What changed?" The woman asked, leaning on a hip.

Kaysie remained silent.

"As you said, you've taken a life before. So why now all of the sudden do you feel you have to take your own as well?" The woman questioned, looking away from the young man.

"I've already silenced who I needed." Kaysie replied, the woman sucked at her teeth before he finished speaking. "This needs to end!" Kaysie shouted with frustration, pointing at the ground. The woman locked eyes with Kaysie, quickly she walked forward.

They stood face to face once more. "What needs to end? The killing? And I suppose your brilliant plan to 'end' it is by spilling your guts before some ghost who could or could not exist? You're prepared to sell your soul and leave things as they are? You and I both know that your real enemy is still out there." The woman spoke, looking away after doing so.

"How the hell do you know all of this?" Kaysie asked with intensity.

"Because you interest me." The woman replied honestly. Her eyes meeting his. "But you don't want to kill that last person, no, not you. Not the noble Kaysaan Hiroji. The yakuza gangster so fond of playing the white knight. Even when you murder families and harvest organs from washed out hookers." The woman spoke, looking Kaysie up and down. "You don't want to kill him, because you don't want to stoop to his level." The woman pressed herself against Kaysie. "Because you don't want to become him." She snarled to the young man. Kaysie stared into her eyes, the two stayed like that for a few moments.

Kaysie leaned forward. "Get the fuck out of my face." He spoke into her ear. The woman turned her head slightly, then took a few steps to the side. They turned to one another. The moon was beginning to shrink from the sky. Kaysie reached into his jacket, withdrawing a pack of smokes and a lighter. He placed a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. Inhaling, then withdrawing the smoke as he exhaled a cloud of poison, he looked up at the sky. "You've wasted all my damn time." He started, taking another puff. "It's almost morning." He finished looking at the woman.

The woman crossed her arms as she looked at Kaysie. "Go." She said. "Finish it." She commanded. Kaysie looked at the shrine one final time, flicking his cigarette bud on the ground. He shifted his eyes as the woman stepped off the path, and moved towards the forest.

"You never told me your name." Kaysie called after her.

"June." She replied without turning.

"What are you June? A demon, a bitter spirit?" Kaysie questioned, stomping out the embers from his smoke.

"I'll let you find out on your own." She called back, before disappearing into the vast wood.

Kaysie's eyes searched where she left. "What the hell." He muttered as he rubbed his eyes, then blinked multiple times. "I must be going insane." He spoke as he began to walk away, back the way he came…

Tokyo was a bustling scene, packed with bystanders. A surge of people moved in unison, cars creeping close to one another. Horns sounding nearby and in the distance. Kaysie sat at a table outside near the street, a part of an opulent restaurant. He wore a slick black suit, before him was a cup of coffee and a small plate with an overcooked steak on it.

The night was illuminated by the lights that flooded the city. Kaysie chewed at the meat, disregarding the bitter taste. His eyes were fixed at another table far across the street. A group of familiar faces sat around, eating and laughing. Men stood around them, facing the crowds as they kept watch.

Kaysie broke his gaze. What the hell was he doing? He knew very well if he went over there he wouldn't last long. Maybe he could persuade some of the guys to his side? Like that would work, he had more enemies in the syndicate than he had allies. But he knew his target, knew exactly how he thought. He would be able to reduce their numbers if only a little bit, maybe even catch them vulnerable. Of course that was if he decided to walk over there.

He still couldn't fully commit himself. June was right, Kaysie didn't want to become like the man he was figuring out how to kill. He wanted it all to end, he wanted to escape from the reality of what had occurred. He wanted to take the easy way out.

After he talked with June, whatever she was, he drove straight back to Tokyo. The more he thought about running away during that long trip, the more he disliked it. That's not who he was.

"Can I take your plate, sir?"

Kaysie was broken from his thoughts, he glanced up at an attractive waitress smiling at him. He looked down at his plate, the food was gone. Ate on autopilot. The moments seemed to blur. Kaysie looked up at the waitress again, watching her blink. Seeing every particle of makeup on her face. He then turned to look across the street, at the men who had celebrated birthdays with him. One taught him to shoot, another how to tie his shoelaces. One had two daughters Kaysie's age, who knew little of their father's profession. Another man was like a second father to Kaysie. He knew them all well, he respected them all. If he could, he would like to avoid getting them involved. But he doubted they weren't already aware of what was going on. Kaysie shot the rest of his coffee down his throat.

The moment of truth.

Kaysie stood from his seat as he pulled his wallet out. He threw down a hundred thousand yen on the table. "Keep the change." He said as he walked away. Opening a gate to the fence that enclosed the sitting area, Kaysie stepped onto the sidewalk. His eyes were affixed on the men across the street. He made his way down to a crosswalk, tapping his foot as he waited with a crowd of people for the cue to cross. As the light blinked to cross, Kaysie moved within the center of the mass of bodies. He glanced over towards his destination, eyes sharp, mind restless.

Kaysie moved down the sidewalk towards his goal. He lowered his heart rate, controlled the minor functions of his body that most would disregard. He focused. Every fiber of his being was under his conscious control. If he was to fight this battle, his performance would have to be flawless.

As he approached, he could see the shocked looks on a few of the watchmen's faces. They turned to warn their comrades. All eyes were on Kaysie now, their faces cold. They were no longer the same eyes of joy and respect that had once looked upon him. What lie were they told? How were they convinced that he was no longer a member of the family? It didn't really matter, Kaysie had made his choice. He knew what had to be done, and he would carry out his twisted justice. For his mother's sake he would fulfill this task and then be done, even though she was the very one who told him not to.

Kaysie stopped as two of the watchmen stepped forward in his path. Their faces had stern looks. "Move aside boys." Kaysie spoke.

"You know we can't do that." One replied.

"It's fine."

The man to the left turned around, the other kept watch of Kaysie. "Let him through." A man sitting at the head of the table spoke. He had an undercut, his hair atop his head falling neatly into a swirl near his forehead. He was aged, late forties.

The two men stepped aside, and Kaysie walked past them. The other men looked away, silently returning to their meals. Kaysie stopped before the man at the end of the table.

"Kaysaan." He greeted with a slight smile. Kaysie was taken back, was that pride he saw in his eyes?

"Father." Kaysie returned. Kaysie's father reached into his jacket, withdrawing a pack of smokes.

Hiroshi Hiroji, Kaysie's father. Hiroshi was the Oyabun of the Yamaguchi-gumi house. He was the big boss. Earned his position through blood, and he was infamous for crippling the Tosaka-kai group. The two groups had a huge war down in Kyushu. Started with competing bars, ended with dead Tosaka's and Yamaguchi's. Hiroshi gained a steely reputation for slaying the majority of the Tosaka command, single handed.

He was dangerous.

"I had a feeling the guys I sent weren't your match." Hiroshi started, placing his smoke in his mouth. Kaysie withdrew his zippo from his jacket pocket. Leaning forward, he lit his father's smoke. He stood upright as his father exhaled a cloud of toxin. "How are they?" Hiroshi asked.

"Dead." Kaysie replied. A few of the men glanced over.

"Reiji?" Hiroshi pondered.

"I didn't want to." Kaysie replied, his father nodded.

"And I didn't want to send him, but he was worried. Said he would at least have to be there to take you." Hiroshi explained, leaning his head back and blowing smoke. His eyes searching the sky.

"Father, why don't we talk in private?" Kaysie requested, placing his hands behind his back. Standing respectfully. Hiroshi looked up at his son, then nodded.

As Hiroshi stood a few of the other men motioned to follow. Hiroshi held a palm to them, and they remained seated. "Jurou, Hisagi." Hiroshi called. Two men stepped towards the gang lord. "You know where the suite is." Hiroshi said, motioning his son to take the lead. Kaysie took some quick glances. Everyone was on edge, everyone was cautious.

The young man stepped forward, expecting a gun to be drawn or to get his head bashed in from behind. But that didn't happen, so he led the group into the building…

Kaysie stood in an embellished condominium room near the top of the high rise facility. His back faced the wall, fifty paces to his left was the door. Jurou sat at a table five paces from him. Hisagi stood looking out the window that lead to the balcony, he was twenty seven long strides from Kaysie. Hiroshi stood at a personal bar, at the opposite end of the room. Far out of reach.

Kaysie's eyes were fixed on his father as he made himself a drink. The room had been silent since they entered. What was his father thinking? He didn't have Kaysie checked for weapons.

There was a dagger and two throwing knives strapped to Kaysie's lower back. He also had a suppressed Glock 30 holstered beneath his suit jacket. Kaysie watched his father, this situation was weighted in Kaysie's favor. They were too far up for aid to come in time, and Kaysie could easily dispatch the other two. That would leave his father, and a large clip of bullets.

Hiroshi drank a small cup of scotch. He leaned forward on the counter after taking in the strong alcohol. Kaysie's eyes narrowed. Knowing his father there was a plan, set in motion long before Kaysie showed up. One wrong move would prove fatal, urgency would be his undoing. This was a test of patience.

"You don't drink scotch, father." Kaysie noted. Hiroshi chuckled.

"No I don't." He replied as he took another gulp. "But it was on my bucket list." Hiroshi added. Kaysie glanced slightly here and there, looking for signs of danger. All he could identify were the imperial katanas mounted over the bar. "Yesterday I tried that drug the kids got on the market, bad stuff." Hiroshi revealed with a sigh. "A few days before that we took a trip to Mount Fuji, climbed the damn thing. You were right, the view from the top is something else." Hiroshi continued, sipping at his glass. His eyes wandering off into nothing.

What the hell was this? Kaysie knew about his father's bucket list, he said he would do it while travelling the world. After he handed leadership to Kaysie.

"Anything you didn't get the chance to do?" Kaysie asked.

"A few things, but they weren't too important." Hiroshi replied. He placed his glass down. "We both know how this has to end." He spoke. Locking eyes with his son. Jurou and Hisagi had turned to watch Kaysie, the atmosphere had choked beyond reason. In a blurred moment, the tension broke. Jurou shifted his footing, leaning towards Kaysie.

The wait was over.

With his right hand Kaysie flipped out his Glock, with his left he grabbed a throwing knife. With lightning quick moves he darted the blade into Jurou's throat, as he shot Hisagi twice. Kaysie moved forward, his gun drawn on his father. He stepped over Jurou, who lay on the ground grasping at the sleek metal that protruded from his neck. Gurgling blood as he kicked his legs slightly. Kaysie stopped beside Hisagi's body. Blood flowing from a hole in his forehead and another on his chest, his gun held loose in his dead hand.

Hiroshi applauded his son. "Yet again you prove your skill, Kaysaan." Hiroshi complemented. Kaysie was still trying to figure out his father. "Honestly I thought you would bring more weapons." Hiroshi said.

"And why is that?" Kaysie asked. His tone of respect replaced with intensity.

"Well, even for you it will be difficult to fight your way out of here with just that. Your uncles and brothers have an arsenal down there." Hiroshi replied.

Kaysie paused as he gave a face of confusion. "What makes you think I'm leaving this room?" He asked.

"Not planning on winning this fight?" Hiroshi returned with a question of his own.

"I plan on killing you in a very satisfying way, but I'm not getting anyone else involved." Kaysie stated. Hiroshi's eyes widened.

"Seppuku…" Hiroshi started slowly. Kaysie nodded, withdrawing his tanto knife from behind his back with his free hand. He waved the blade up at his father, then placed it on the counter beside him.

"I taught you many things, Kaysaan. Giving up was not one of them." Hiroshi spoke sternly.

Kaysie almost lost his mind, it was difficult for him to control his laughter. He recomposed himself, looking at his father once more. The barrel to his gun never faltering. "You also taught me loyalty, but I guess that was all horseshit." Kaysie stated.

Hiroshi remained silent.

"You called home, told us to expect Italian for dinner. Naturally when mom answered the door she didn't expect Reiji waiting there, with his hit squad armed to the teeth." Kaysie snarled.

"So what happened? What changed?" Kaysie's voice was raising. "Been cheating on mom? Decided to get rid of her to make room for your new girl? Or was it that you didn't want to hand over seniority to me, did you feel threatened by me? Or was it both?" Kaysie questioned further. "Neither mom nor I ever did anything to deserve this. The same goes for Reiji and his men! If only you could see the looks on their faces. Not a single one of them could hold our gaze, not that entire time. You know what's supposed to happen during these ops more than anyone. They should've raped mom then harvested her organs. But Reiji pulled his gun on her, because he respected and appreciated her he gave her a clean death. A single shot dad. They even fought amongst themselves for a few minutes before they killed her. You get it? You caused that, you forced their hand. And what's worst!" Kaysie looked away as he took a breath. "What's worse, is that mom pleaded for me not to go after you. She kept telling me to hide out in Yokohama. Until the last moment she begged for me to leave this all behind." Kaysie finished, his breathing had fallen out of his control. He panted as his sharp eyes studied his father, the look he returned was empty.

"Why didn't you?" Hiroshi whispered.

"What?" Kaysie asked.

"Why didn't you stay in Yokohama?" Hiroshi asked, his voice heavy with regret as he shook his head. His eyes fixed on his son.

Kaysie stared back at his father. He forced back his anger, withheld his tears. Attempted to tame his rage. One mistake would be fatal. Kaysie watched as his father's eyes moved to look at the blades within his reach. Kaysie lowered his head as his eyes darkened. "Don't be stupid." Kaysie spoke, his Glock held in his grip like a hungry, feral wolf. Hiroshi tilted his head as he looked at his son.

The same word repeated through Kaysie's mind. Don't.

Hiroshi jolted towards the blades, a single finger touched one of the blade's handles. Kaysie unloaded his clip, tearing holes along his father's chest. His father's body crashed to the floor, blood flowed from Hiroshi's mouth. He muttered the same word repeatedly as he choked on his own blood.




Kaysie lowered his handgun as he watched his father die. He took in a deep breath as he closed his eyes. Upon opening them, his father was gone. Kaysie placed his gun on the counter as he walked forward. He knelt over his father's body. Slowly he reached down, closing his father's eyes. He stayed there for a moment, looking at his father. The best man he had ever known. The man he had always wanted to be, until a few nights ago.

Kaysie rose to his feet. He took his father's glass as he sat down at the counter. Closing his eyes as he drank the remainder of the strong liquid. He looked at the empty glass as he set it down. His eyes then fell upon his knife. The procedure for seppuku was burned into his mind, he had always known. Not that he ever thought he would use it. Maybe if he had been captured by a rival gang, but never under circumstances like this. He should cut his stomach out. It was done after all.

Kaysie cursed under his breath as he closed his eyes, placing a hand on his forehead. Tapping his opposite hand on the counter in frustration. He couldn't do it. He wasn't scared. He wasn't unprepared. He physically couldn't do it. His survival instincts were too strong, he couldn't take his own life. Jump out the window? Couldn't do that either. Well he smoked, but it would take years for the effects of the toxins to take their toll. Great.

Kaysie looked over at his father again. "Go fucking figure." Kaysie muttered as he reached in his pocket. He held his cell phone as he dialed the Tokyo police. Pressing the phone near his ear he heard a voice. "Yea, there's been a murder." He spoke, glancing around. "Three actually." He added before hanging up…

Fuchu prison. Located in Tokyo this correctional facility was the common home to male gang members and drug addicts. However it wasn't known for harboring any legitimately dangerous inmates; until Kaysaan Hiroji was taken into custody.

Kaysie was alone, in a maximum security cell. Just him, white walls, a white bed, and a white sink. Four cameras, one on each corner. Not to mention minimal contact with correctional officers. It was just Kaysie, with a sketchbook and a flimsy pencil.

Kaysie lay in his bed, sketching away on his pad. The current Yamaguchi-gumi was done. The Hiroji clan was destined to crumble. Kaysie had no way to know what was going on outside his cell, but he knew. He imagined the newslines. "Untouchable boryokudan boss murdered at the hands of his own son." Hiroshi was gone, the iron fist and rule he possessed gone with him. Reiji was gone, the officer who coordinated and ensured things ran smoothly. And also, Kaysie was gone. He was the enforcer, the person who would beat turned clients into submission, and assassinate business rivals.

Each Yakuza house was comprised of smaller clans. The Yamaguchi-gumi numbered beyond fifty thousand men, with over eight hundred clans. Kaysie's father rose to power after establishing the Hiroji clan, he bought other lieutenants to his side. The ones that opposed were killed. The climax of his 1995 expansion occurred when he led a strike on Shinobu, the previous Oyabun, and killed him personally. Hiroshi was damn good at what he did.

However, without their top command, the Hiroji clan would fall within weeks. They would probably be consolidated by another clan. While it sounds decent, this "consolidation" usually came with a lot of blood. The remaining officers heads would have to be cut, in order to ensure the loyalty of the Hiroji regulars. Divide and conquer.

Kaysie continued scribbling in his sketchbook. He continued sketching for a week, each day passing slowly. Most of the pictures were of nude women, girls he had hooked up with before. But as time passed, and he neared the end of the book, the pictures were of a particular woman. June to be exact. In her tight dress.

Kaysie drew her facial expressions. Her eyes. Hir lips. Focused on every inch of her. Why? He had no clue. He also didn't know why he listened to her, because now he was stuck in a damn prison cell eating mush. Living inside the shell.

Day thirteen.

Kaysie awoke to the sound of his breakfast tray being slid through a slot on the floor. The young man sat up as he tilted his head onto one of his palms. He looked at the tray, eggs and bacon, with a small milk carton. A moment later something else was slid in. A pack of smokes and a pack of matches, with a small note. They were a pack of Camel Jades, Kaysie's preferred choice. Coincidence? Probably not. It was all secured together with a rubber band. Kaysie raised an eyebrow as he stood up.

He brought both items back to his bed, placing his tray down as he unwound the rubberband from his gift. He placed the smokes and matches aside as he unfolded the note. Two words in bold ink filled the neatly creased page.

Love June.

"The fuck..." Kaysie pondered, instantly his pulse increased as his eyes widened. "Are you out there June!?" He shouted, turning to face the door.


Kaysie stared at the door for a few moments, then looked down at the smokes. Closing his eyes, and sighing deeply, he opened the carton and withdrew a cigarette. He inhaled rat poison, looking at the ground as he exhaled a cloud of dangerous chemicals. He really ought to stop smoking, he thought as he took another puff. Like that was going to happen. This was the first smoke he had in nearly two weeks. He intended to savor each roll of lethal, cancerous tar and monoxide.

Hours past. Kaysie was on the back of the last page of his sketchbook, smoking his fifth cigarette. Hopefully June, however she was capable of, would drop off another carton for him in a few days. He glanced up as he heard footsteps, four people were outside the door. The jingling of keys made Kaysie's brow furrow. The door opened.

Four officers stood outside the door. The two at rear wore full riot gear, the two before wore kevlar vests and had assault rifles held at the ready. "What's this about?" Kaysie asked.

"On your feet." The man at front commanded. Kaysie sat still, his eyes narrow as they locked with the first man.

"Up." The man commanded with authority, stepping forward. Reluctantly, Kaysie stood up. Placing his book down and flicking his cigarette bud in the sink, he walked forward. The two men with rifles allowed him to pass, the other two turned around as Kaysie stopped before them. The five moved forward. The door shutting behind them. The room was left with Kaysie's sketchbook, opened to an uncompleted sketch of June. Her head and upper torso visible, her face brandishing a seductive smile.

Kaysie was led through the halls of the maximum security wing, it was dead silent. As they neared the end, the guards led him to an area with a table. Two chairs on either end. Four more officers were present, each with vests and rifles. Kaysie looked at who waited for him. A tall old man, with an imposing figure sat at the table. His hair was stark white and trimmed in a neat undercut, it merged into a full set of facial hair of the same hue. Dark Ray Bans concealed his eyes and he had a handlebar moustache which he stroked with a finger. His style seemed odd, a camo blazer, camo tie, khakis, and a pink dress shirt.

Kaysie sat down across from him. Uncuffed. His flimsy pencil tucked under his sleeve. Supposedly useless, even if made into a shiv. But anything is dangerous in the right hands. It just required a little bit of know how, and a lot of skill.

Upon sitting down, the man withdrew his sunglasses and Kaysie noticed his eyes. They were greyed and glossed over. He was blind. "Yo." The old man offered.

"Who are you?" Kaysie replied sharply, leaning forward as he placed his arms on the table.

"Yikes, not too sociable now are you?" The old man smirked. Kaysie looked at him silently. "Usually a guy introduces himself when he meets someone new." The white haired man added.

"Hi." The young man replied, extending it in an awkward manner.

The aged man scoffed. "Well, I guess that'll work." He said with contempt.

Kaysie glanced at one of the officers. "I know you picked up my smokes." Kaysie stated, the man retained a stern composure. Kaysie held up his hand, motioning the man to him. The man stepped forward, withdrawing Kaysie's smokes and matches from his pocket. He placed them onto the table heavily. Kaysie watched the man as he walked back to his post.

Lifting a smoke to his mouth, Kaysie flicked a match to life. "Who are you and what do you want?" Kaysie asked, looking at his cigarette as he held the small flame to it.

"I'm a public life worker, I'm here to take you for rehab, kid." The man replied. Kaysie looked at him with wide eyes. Then at his smoke.

"For nicotine addiction? They're letting me off a five hundred thousand bail sentence for nicotine addiction?" Kaysie asked in disbelief.

"Not that kind of rehab, my boy." The man answered. Kaysie raised an eyebrow.

"What kind then?"

"Physical and mental."

"So the secrets out? Guess they figured I was insane."

"Ha! Looks like they did, didn't they."

Kaysie paused as he smothered the ember end of his smoke into the table. "What's your name old man?" He asked.

"Call me Pete." The man replied. Kaysie whistled.

"How's about pops?" Kaysie offered playfully.

"Pops sounds good, kinda hip." The man replied. Kaysie looked at him, he laughed slightly.

"Well what happens now pops?" Kaysie asked sarcastically. The man seemed the least bit flustered. He was handling Kaysie's personality well.

"I take you to your new home." Pete replied. Kaysie blinked.


"This very instant."

"I'm out just like that?" Kaysie asked.

Pete leaned forward. "Just like that." He repeated with a smile. Kaysie nodded with a grin.

"You know what, I think you might grow on me." Kaysie admitted as he and Pete stood up. A buzzer sounded as the door leading out of the wing opened. Pete placed his sunglasses on once again before sticking his hands in his pockets, Kaysie looked at a guard. "Smoke guy, grab my things." He ordered as he stashed the cigarette carton and matches in his pocket. The guard's face turned red with agitation, but he left to fulfill Kaysie's command.

Kaysie turned to Pete. "Here." Kaysie said as he stepped beside the blind man, offering his arm. Pete scoffed at him. "Boy, I might be blind but I'm not a damn woman." He spoke as he walked away. Kaysie grinned as he watched him, the old fart was kinda cool...

As they exited the complex, two cars awaited them. One, a black lincoln, was already running. It's windows were heavily tinted, but Kaysie assumed it was Pete's, and that it had a driver. Behind the lincoln was a mean looking sports car. A nissan with a black matte coat. Kaysie raised an eyebrow. "My GTR." He said, looking to Pete. The man fished keys out of his pocket.

"I had it brought over, figured you'd like some alone time to fool around after being, you know, celibate for so long." Pete explained as he placed the keys in Kaysie's palm.

Pete patted Kaysie's shoulder as he walked towards the lincoln. Many things rushed through Kaysie's mind. He chose what he believed to be the right question. "Where should I meet you later?"

"I've left the address on your dashboard." Pete replied, Kaysie placed his hands on his hips. Laughing slightly in disbelief.

"So that's it? I'm free to roam?" Kaysie asked, waiting for some kind of catch.

"Yep, do whatever you want, just try to be back before midnight." Pete answered as a man in a black suit stepped out of the front passenger door, opening the door before Pete.

"It's noon." Kaysie said.

"That's right."

Kaysie watched as Pete sat down. "Have fun." He called back before the man shut the door. The lincoln pulled away from the sidewalk. Kaysie watched as the car exited the gates to the compound.

He glanced at his car. He needed to change. He needed to eat. Kaysie scratched the back of his head as he walked around to the driver's seat. Opening the door he saw two boxes in the back, and his wallet on the dashboard along with a slip of paper. The first thing he did was open the nearest box. Filled with his casual clothes. The other...had some of his finest suits. Kaysie sat down as he put the key in the ignition. "Good looking out, pops." He muttered as he pulled forward…

Kaysie sat on a bench in front of a park. He picked at a bowl of steamed dumpling with chopsticks. Before him children ran around in careless play. Kaysie watched them; innocence. Everyone starts out that way, how odd. What was the meaning of such innocence? I mean really, why does it exist? Only to be corrupted and twisted in the end, why have it? How would these children change? Which would be a stripper, which would be a pedophile, a closet pervert?

The images of friends flashed through his head. The images of dead friends, and of dead enemies. Kaysie closed his eyes, and the images became clearer. He opened his eyes, retaining a composed face as to not attract attention. His gaze met a little girl's, her hair in twin side tails. He smiled to her, she smiled back, then ran off to play.

Kaysie leaned back on the bench. Someone approached him. Looking up he was met by the sight of a rather attractive foreign girl. She wore a mini skirt and buttoned shirt, a school uniform. Her blonde hair was long and wavy. Her bright blue eyes scanned over a small japanese translation book. She looked about Kaysie's age, yet her body was surprisingly...mature. Kaysie peeked at her revealed cleavage. Not bad.

"Okay." She started in english. "Streshimasu…" She spoke in a terrible accent, struggling with the syllables. Kaysie smiled as he crossed a leg and outstretched his arm on the bench. Kaysie was multilingual, a product of his dealings with foreign "clients."

English on.

"You're terrible, but please continue." Kaysie teased.

The girl looked up from her book as she shut it close. "Oh, thank God." She sighed as she sat down next to Kaysie. "I've been wandering around for hours trying to find someone that can speak actual english." The girl complained, rubbing the back of her neck as she leaned back. Her chest pressing out, Kaysie blinked. He forgot how foreign girls were, not bad at all. The girl turned to Kaysie quickly. "Sorry, my name is Amy." She introduced.

"Kaysie."The handsome yakuza replied with a nod, still contemplating whether or not to turn his charm on.

"That's a cute name." She replied with a smile.

"Cute she says…" Kaysie spoke as he looked away, Amy giggled pleasantly. "Looking for directions to a school?" Kaysie asked.

"Yes I am." Amy replied, holding her smile. She began to reach in a satchel she had dangling by her side. Kaysie held his palm up.

"By your uniform I'd take it you go to Nagami International." Kaysie said.

"Yes again, I was told it was popular." Amy replied then noted.

"Popular? It's one of the most prestigious schools in the country." Kaysie revealed. "I can take you there." He offered.

"That," Amy started as she closed her eyes, "would be amazing." She finished, smiling at Kaysie brightly.

Kaysie stood up, Amy did the same. She stretched her arms over her head as she yawned, again pressing her chest out. Damn, she was something. "Are you a student?" Amy asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Nope." Kaysie replied. Amy raised an eyebrow.

"Graduated early, I was homeschooled." Kaysie explained, Amy nodded.

"That's really cool." She offered. Kaysie winked then nodded his head for her to follow. As Kaysie turned and set off, Amy walked briskly until she was beside him.

"You've got some sick tattoos." Amy complimented as she looked at Kaysie's arms, revealed by his muscle shirt. Her eyes lingering on his biceps. "Toned too." She murmured.

"What was that?" Kaysie asked playfully. Amy closed her eyes briefly as she smiled.

"Nothing." She replied. Kaysie glanced around as Amy began speaking. "Well, I'm here on a foreign exchange program. Japan is such a beautiful place, oh, but I'm sure you already knew that…" Kaysie smiled as he listened to the young woman talk. Something caught his eye. Four black jaguar's lined the sidewalk a block down from them, outside of a bank. Men in black suits stood around talking casually and smoking.

Inagawa-kai. The local sect of Tokyo. The Yamaguchi-gumi house was based in Kobe. Kaysie and his parents lived in Sendai. His father had been in Tokyo on business. Fun fact, Kaysie was born in Tokyo and raised in Sendai for the majority of his adolescence. While the Yamaguchi-gumi were the largest of the syndicates, the Inagawas ranked third in size. And although they weren't rivals to the Yamaguchi house, they weren't exactly friends either.

Not to mention everyone had to have gotten word about the drama with Hiroshi. Yakuza didn't take well to those who harmed family members, no matter the house or clan. Also, Kaysie had taken his own father's life. The last thing Kaysie wanted was a confrontation with the Inagawas. His eyes were fixed on the men. A familiar face exited the bank, he was the wakagashira of the Inagawa-kai. Their chief officer, topped only by the Oyabun himself. This officer was well known, for a rather strange reason. Few people knew the actual identity of the Inagawa head boss. Riko, a halfblood japanese, was the wakagashira in question; and he ran most of the Oyabun's responsibilities.

Kaysie knew Riko on a personal level, and he despised him. Riko reinstated methamphetamine into the Inagawa drug line, after a ten year pension of houses banning it. While they did bad things, some things were just foolish. Meth on the market was bad for consumers, meth was bad period. But meth was scarce, and it turned a profit for the Inagawas. Whoever said it's not about the money was a damn fool.

Kaysie's sight remained focused on Riko. There's no way in hell he could spot them. They were walking in a crowd of people, and he was pretty damn far.

Riko was handed a smoke.

Kaysie and Amy just needed to walk a little further and they would be fine. They just had to turn the corner and they would be completely out of sight. One of Riko's men lit his smoke, as Riko faced Kaysie's direction. Kaysie's eyes narrowed. Riko grinned as he breathed smoke, his eyes meeting with Kaysie's.


Kaysie continued observing. Riko called his men's attention, then pointed in Kaysie's direction. A moment later a group was crossing the street towards him. Riko and the rest of his men entered their cars, pulling away and separating.

Kaysie turned away quickly. Amy's banter was silenced as Kaysie wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close beside him. Amy looked at his chest with a raised eyebrow.

"That's pretty bold." She spoke. Kaysie placed his mouth near her ear.

"Don't panic, but we're being followed." Kaysie started. Amy jolted to turn, but was stopped by a subtle tug from Kaysie's arm. "Don't look." He whispered quickly. "I'm sorry to get you involved in this, but you've already been seen with me. When I stop I want you to find a bench around a lot of people and stay there." Kaysie paused as Amy met his gaze with concern. "No matter what happens, you stay there." Kaysie ordered, Amy nodded slightly.

They continued forward, Kaysie preparing his body for a fight. Commencing his procedure of resonance, he heard a group of oxford shoes clacking in the distance behind him.

Amy leaned near Kaysie's ear. "I expect an explanation after this is done." She said. Kaysie nodded.

"Naturally." He replied.

The footsteps were nearing through the crowd. Kaysie slowed to a halt, Amy continued forward out of Kaysie's embrace. "I'll see you in a bit, sweetheart." She said with a smile and wave, acting as natural as possible. Walking towards a row of benches filled with people, she took a seat. She wasn't bad at all.

Kaysie turned around as he saw five men approaching through the crowd. Kaysie smiled as he locked eyes with one of the men.

Japanese on.

"Gun!" Kaysie shouted. "That guy has a gun!" Kayise yelled as he pointed to the man. The crowd screamed and dispersed, a swarm of people pulling phones out and dialing the authorities. The group of men formed together as they looked around confused, and to Kaysie's surprise one actually pulled out his gun. What a damn fool.

Kaysie laughed as he barrel rolled forward. The man drawing his gun where Kaysie once was. With the distance closed, Kaysie rose to his feet. His right elbow shooting up strongly into the first man's jaw. Kaysie turned his waist as he swiped his leg through the man's feet, sending him toppling as Kaysie snatched his weapon.

Disassembling the gun with his right hand, he ducked low. A high kick sweeping over head. He grabbed the leg with his free hand as he stood up. Dropping the last piece of the handgun, Kaysie wrapped his right hand around the leg. He twisted and pressed down, cracking the bones. The man screamed in pain as Kaysie shoved him to the ground.

Kaysie sidestepped away from two swipes of a man's fists. Ducking low as the fourth man approached from behind, Kaysie judo flipped him over his shoulder. The man hit the ground heavy, his shirt still within Kaysie's grip. Kaysie jabbed two piercing knuckles into the side of the man's neck, instantly knocking him out. The young man moved forward as the last two withdrew a few steps. Their eyes wide with shock. "Did you forget who I was?" Kaysie asked sarcastically as he lunged a superman punch at one of the men. The Inagawa dodged the strike, only to be rushed by a swift, turning shoulder charge.

Kaysie flipped around, connecting a spinning back kick to the last man's jaw as he approached. The man went limp as he collapsed to the ground, knocked out cold. Kaysie looked around quickly. Forty seconds. Not enough time for anyone to pull their phones into camera or video mode. Kaysie darted away before anyone could catch a picture of his face.

As he approached Amy, he could see a wide smile across her face. Kaysie grabbed her hand and tugged her to her feet. "You beat the shit out of those guys!" Amy exclaimed with glee.

English mode, active.

"Come on." He replied as he identified his car. It sat down the street across from them. Kaysie set at a jog, pulling Amy with him, as they made towards his car.

"This is yours?" Amy asked impressed. They stood on either sides of the two door sports car. Kaysie clicked it unlocked.

"Get in." He said as he opened the door. With the two seated Kaysie turned the ignition. His GTR roared to life, Kaysie's eyes shooting from mirror to mirror in search of the Inagawa jaguars. He pulled out at a steady pace, they were clear but not out of trouble.

The dark sports car crept down the road, halting at a red light. Amy sat silently, the intensity of the atmosphere conflicting with the excitement imbuing from the young woman. The light remained red and Kaysie glanced up at his rearview mirror. Two of the Inagawa jaguars appeared a few cars down from him.

"Is this some kind of spy shit?" Amy finally spoke. Kaysie couldn't help but chuckle.

"Not even close, those guys are Yakuza." Kaysie replied, bringing his car into a left turn as the light flicked green.

"Well, why all the drama?" Amy inquired, Kaysie watched her turn towards him from his peripheral.

"Because I'm Yakuza too, at least I was. I'm not too sure about it anymore, but those guys and I aren't on good terms." Kaysie explained, Amy sat silent. The car continued forward, from the rear mirror Kaysie could see the jaguars turn onto the road behind him.

"Well what's going on? Why are those cars following us?" Amy asked.

"They aren't just going to let me go without a fight, there's a pride thing at play here." Kaysie started, his eyes jumping from mirror to mirror. "But they can't do anything too flashy, sending men after me on a crowded street was reckless of them." Kaysie continued. "They've probably realized that, they'll follow us and take note of where we stop. They'll take photos of you, get all of your information, kidnap you, then use you to bait me. Then they'll kill me, and you as well if you aren't already dead." Kaysie explained.

Amy sat still.

"What the fuck." She muttered, placing a hand on her forehead.

Kaysie grinned as he glanced at Amy. "Don't worry, that's what they plan, but it's not going to happen." Kaysie spoke.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked as she turned to Kaysie again.

"What I mean is that you just made friends with the smartest guy in Tokyo." Kaysie replied, they now passed underneath a bullet train bridge. Kaysie brought his car to a gradual stop.

Amy looked back as the jaguars approached, then at Kaysie who sat patiently. "What are you doing?" Amy asked with concern.

"Don't worry about it."

"What the hell do you mean, 'don't worry about it?!'" Amy shouted in frustration. Doors slammed shut as men exited the jaguars. Kaysie watched through his rearview mirror, the men were closing the distance towards his car.

"Sit back." Kaysie commanded, as he continued to observe the Inagawas. Riko wasn't there. Amy gave an uncomfortable sigh as she sat back in her seat.

Kaysie abruptly slammed on the gas pedal as he brought his car into gear. The GTR roared forward and glancing back Kaysie could see the Inagawas scramble to their cars. Amy grasped the door handle as Kaysie brought the car screaming into a drift, flying through a right turn. Their pace increased as Kaysie turned here and there, five minutes passed with no signs of the Inagawas and Kaysie finally brought their car creeping to the speed limit.

Amy sat with widened eyes, she was quiet throughout the entire ordeal. Kaysie pulled into a parking garage as he grinned at the young woman. "Not so bad right?" Kaysie asked. Amy looked at him, her mouth slowly curling up into a smile.

"Could've been worse." She replied, Kaysie laughed as he pulled into a parking spot…

Next chapter