
her bio

-Anya's biography on her XYZ app account-

" Hello and welcome to anyone who's reading this. Fasten your seat belts, people. You're in for a ride.

1st things first, if you're horny, want nudes or if you're interested in any sort of those dirty acts, kindly swap past me and thank you for wasting 15 precious seconds of my life ^-^.

If you made it through round 1, congratulation. But don't be too happy yet, because we will now commence the 2nd elimination round.

Swap past if you are:

-Racist (enough said)

-Sexist (yes, I am one of those angry feminists).

-Homophobic (and no, I'm not gay).

-Like hunting (because how dare you).

-Are looking for any sort of romance (I feel a slight obligation to put brackets here as well although I have nothing smart to say for this one)

This is all I have in mind for now. Although, the list of what I hate is long which means that I most likely hate something related to you and will judge you for it :)

If you passed the 2nd round, congratulations, again. You are a decent human being !! Yaay !! nobody cares.

Before you think of starting a conversation now, I would like to make sure that:

- I do not send pictures (and no, not even my feet -_-)

- do not do phone calls, video calls or any type of calls ( uncertainly not booty-calls)

- do not send my number (so don't bother with asking because I WILL bother with refusing ^-^ ).

If you made it till here, it means you're either really bored, or you're as amazing as I am and if it's the case :

Hi, I'm Anya, I'm 18 and yes, I wrote all of this in one go :) "

I'm sorry for the really short chapter.

but in the next one I will compensate you, as it will be Anya and Daniel's first conversation, where we will learn more about them.

thank you, coffee cups ♥

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