Music recommendation: 1917 OST MEDLEY
When the day arrived for the white witches to depart to the land of North, Wovile, Penelope was more than sad to see the people leave in the carriages that had been loaded with luggage of the witch and the witchers. After hugging some of them goodbye as they didn't know when they would meet next, she stood outside the church with Caitlin next to her who had accompanied her to the church.
"Is it really safe for the witches to go to Wovile?" asked Caitlin, staring at the last carriage that was diminishing little by little in sight, "I heard Wovile doesn't favor both white or black witches. Stepping there for us will be nothing less to jumping into a pyre of fire that is waiting for us."
Penny understood Caitlin's concern, "It was told that the Lord and the others would help in establishing work there."
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