She had never heard or read about anything like this. Were they possibly under a spell? Asked Penny to herself. Her eyes darting to look at everyone in the room.
"Is there anything about this mentioned in the witch cookbooks?" Damien asked her, stepping further close to look in the eye of the man he had been standing in front of. He raised the lantern to have a much better look, finding the eyes dilate because of the light, "They are still alive."
"It is definitely a witch's work but I doubt the woman, the magistrate lady is a black witch," Penny said, seeing Damien drop the lantern and place it on the surface of the table.
"Doesn't mean the person cannot be a white witch," Damien pointed out, picking the man's hand he let go of it for the hand to quickly drop by his side, "Let's take a look at other houses."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: