When Penelope woke up the next morning in the Delcorv's mansion which was situated in Valeria, she caught sight of Damien who had got himself ready and looked handsome as he usually did. His black hair was combed behind, his face clean and neat with a coat that he wore on the clothes he was already wearing.
Placing one hand to sit up, Penny brought her legs close to her while seeing Damien walking around the room. Noticing her up, he made way to her and kissed her cheek,
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" he asked her, tucking in the lavender-colored scarf in the middle of his vest coat.
"It was okay…" she replied, watching his hands movements when she asked, "Are you going to meet Evelyn today?" she heard him hum for an answer.
"Better to finish it sooner than have it pending. Don't you agree?" he asked in return. From standing in front of the mirror, he came back to sit in front of her.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: