

It was about 5 am when the plane landed in Country A, and right after Kenneth Lim would need to take a train going South to reach Marga's hometown, it would be a 45minute ride. He was rather excited that he will be seeing Marga after a few weeks of not seeing her, he already got everything planned for his stay and hopefully he will have good results before he leave be it with his work or his relationship with her. He wanted to make a call to confirm the direction that he will be taking, but he was also concerned because it was a bit early, and thinking that he can read a map as well, so he immediately took the only train heading the south station. Not long after the train started to move and he was mesmerized by the scenery in the province, he can't help but take pictures and thought about shooting one of their marketing plans here in the future, he may have a lot more reasons to come back and forth from Country F, just the thought made him smile.

Marga woke up at around 8:30 in the morning, her body was slightly aching, they slept a bit late last night but unexpectedly Stephen was already awake and had already taken a shower. "Good morning Honey, do you want breakfast in bed?" Stephen said as he leaned over for a kiss. "You can go out first, I will just quickly take a shower then go eat breakfast." right after she finished talking her phone rang, it was a call from Director Lim.

"Hello Director, have you arrived at your hotel?" she answered as she was getting out of bed.

"Hello Marga, ahmm, I think I'm lost, I fell asleep on the train and now I don't know where I am, would it be too inconvenient for you to come and pick me up? I'm really sorry sweetie."

Marga squinted her eyes with the last word while glancing at the man in the same room "Hahaha, who would get lost at your age. Tell me where you are and I will come and pick you up Director." she was still smiling as she ended the call but when she looked up, she was met by a man's grumpy face. "Why are you smiling like that while talking to that Mr. Lim, huh?"

Marga can't help but laugh, Stephen is getting cuter and cuter when he is jealous, haay, " My honey bun can't be jealous again right? Director Lim is lost, I was thinking about the time when you and Tommy first visited our apartment and got lost too, I mean what is it with men and asking directions?" haha, she laughed some more while holding her stomach, it was already in pain from laughing too hard.

It was the time when Tom and Stephen first went to visit Liza and Marga's apartment during college, instead of going to the east after arriving at their college, they actually went to the north eastern part which was then a dormitory exclusive for girls. They felt something was not right the moment they entered the gate, it was supposed to be an apartment that they are living not a dormitory, when they were about to turn back and retrace their steps, girls from all over started going out from their respective rooms to have a look at the two handsome boys visiting. Everyone was so curios and overwhelmed that the boys were surrounded in no time and it took not less than 2 hours and a bunch of security personnel to finally get out from the dormitory.

They should have asked directions from start, they could have avoided all this trouble, it was already late in the afternoon when both boys finally arrived at their apartment, they already looked tired and their clothes were also a bit crumpled, they were torn pieces too. Only Tom had the strength left to tell them what had happened and both Marga and Liza laughed their heart out, so as a price for their efforts in reaching the apartment in one piece, they prepared hot pot for dinner.

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