
Finding an Elder (Part 4)

Elder Aku smirked at Yu's stance. Yu was willing to shred her body into pieces to prove herself to the Elder. Aku waved his hand at Yu. "Come." He says, making Yu run at him with much ferocity. She growled when she swung her sword. Her sword had hit the Elder in his chest, but it didn't do anything to him as he just took the attack. "You have a lot of spunk, don't you, youngster?" He asked.

He didn't expect a human response as Yu growled at him. He then narrowed his eyes. A first-timer, eh? He thought, knowing that Yu would either accept the ultimate power flowing through her veins or she would become a Fallen Angel, a Wielder that was taken over by the power that they had.

"Damn it! Accept it, you stupid body of mine!" He was shocked as he heard Yu argue with her own body. "We asked for more power and I'm not going to let you ruin this!" Yu shouted as she transformed into Lightning Maxina form, however this form was different. She had white angel wings in her new Lightning Maxina form!

Dai stared in both puzzlement and amazed at Yu's new form. He then felt the power as Yu walked up closer towards Elder Aku. "This is new." Husband and wife both commented. Elder Aku then nodded his head at understanding.

"I see. You are half Mage. Because you are a Wielder, now, you are part Angel." Elder Aku reveals to Yu, who just gasped in shock. She gazed at her wings.

"I'm an Angel." She was touched and confused at the same time. She couldn't believe it! How could she, a person who murdered someone, be an Angel? "But, I killed someone." She whimpered. Dai gasped. Perhaps she just locked the memory away to forget it, but she can't forget it. He thought sadly. He knew that he couldn't erase her guilt fully as she killed Negan in self-defense and she was in her Lightning Maxina form for the very first time.

"I'm sure it was self-defense and after all, you are married to this commander, aren't you?" Elder Aku asked. He was very sharp and perceptive. He noticed the worried and loving faces that Yu and Dai gave each other.

"Yes, I am married to my husband." Yu declared. She felt no shame and she felt great for admitting it to another person. Elder Aku loved the confidence that Yu burned off about her marriage, but he wondered if she was fully confident in her powers, especially her new powers.

"Fight me." He ordered Yu. Yu was still in her Holy Lightning Maxina form, but she knew that she can probably use the new form for about three minutes at most. She rushed at Elder Aku, aiming her fist at him. Elder Aku held out his hand and in that moment, Yu was caught in an invisible barrier as she felt the powerful barrier and it knocked her back a few feet.

But, Yu wasn't willing to give up. She rushed at the barrier again and again. Each time she was blown back by the power of the barrier. She was using her own body because she knew that the sword she was given was extremely dangerous and it must be handled with care. She growled at Elder Aku and he didn't mind that she did growl at him. He knew that she was getting used to the new powers that she had received when she had transformed.

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