
Setting Up Departments

Bella was not as sensuous as she was in the outside world, probably because she wore full leather armor that didn't allow her skin to be exposed in meaningful areas. 

She was slightly taller than Cobra, which meant that she was around the same height as Zaine, but taller than Eva by a little. Her form was not lanky, but refined and extremely well taken care of. 

She had lush and creamy skin - nowhere near Eva or Hikari's level - and rosy red lips - once again, not even close to Eva - as well as dark blue eyes. Her hair was the same as outside, set into a crown braid with a reddish-gold color suffusing its pigmentation. 

(Author's Note: A crown braid is essentially Saber's hair from the Fate series.) 

She had large D-cup breasts that struggled to stay obedient in her tight-fitting leather armor, as well as a flat abdomen due to her strenuous workout routine and her shapely backside, which Draco and RamButt would rate as A-. 

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