
Creating a Fighter

Titan's movements were fast. Initially, he was already following the rest of the Covenant, but upon hearing the strange words, he immediately dashed back to warn Cliff.

Cliff frowned and then stopped from his tracks and rushed back.

Cliff was the one who immediately used his power to surge to an extreme. Realm Somatotopy was the most accurate sensing mechanism that allowed him to sense everything around him. The invisible threat made everyone panic.

The area around him suddenly stopped moving.

He was in his dream world. He used his unlocking to detect the strange area around him.

"Let's hope this works!" Cliff frowned and started to run around the area in his dream world.

It was then that Cliff sensed something as he was running around.

"Somethings over there." Cliff frowned. He couldn't see it, but he was sure it was there.

"This should be enough."

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