
Chapter 7: City Life

Entering the city requires going through one of three gates that are situated south, east or north. The reason for this design being that during wars with the Theocracy, the city is rather close to the borders and thus wants to use the terrain to its advantage and force the enemy to go around.

A dry moat surrounds the fifteen feet stone walls. Someone at full run without any armor could expect to make the jump but the fall would be disastrous as the depth is closer to 30 feet downwards unto all manner of rocks and wooden obstructions.

The entrances are guarded but not as much scrutiny as having a checkpoint.

Travelers are free to come and go. As a border city, merchants are a bit more active here. Faclar merchants come sell their goods here and empire merchants who wish to brave the trek into the theocracy also use the city as a staging area.

The warehouse district is quite prominent due to this and there are many jobs available for clerks and security.

The taxes from all the trading is quite lucrative and Lord Sera uses the funds to field a larger than standard garrison. The extra security also alleviates the minds of the merchants and essentially pays for itself. There are no grand cultural displays or works of art here as war tends to find its way here every few decades.

Passing through the market, we notice the stands are closing for the day. The only ones left open are a few produce stands and the local blacksmith.

Glancing at the stands in passing, Krajek finds that the quality of goods is rather low. The food looks appetizing, but he may be biased due to hunger.

Mordain points at a fruit, indicating that it is Nuume, a specialty that grows only in very warm weather, making it a Faclar Theocracy import.

Mordains adds that it helps mages recover from exhaustion in less time, he adds that he has no money but is wondering if I need any.

I reply negatively, not recalling anything straining from how my powers worked.

Looking more closely at the smiths wares, the iron also seems to be of low quality, using only what scraps they are able to find. Taking a sword in my hands and turning it over, multiple porous like areas appear on the blade and a few faint cracks can be seen near the tip of the blade.

Thinking back fondly on my work at the mill, good quality iron and steel was so plentiful that we could process two thousand tons of steel a day.

Within a week, the whole kingdom could be armed. If only I could trade with them what my world has.

The prices the nobles and merchants would pay for technology from my world would make me obscenely rich.

Although magic is present here, it mustn't be accessible for the general populace. Addressing the smith, I beckon him forward.

"How can I help you?"

"Do also buy things yes? " I ask him in a broken Lanash.

Ignoring my accent, the man nods.

I present the smith a knife, a smaller one of the set of 3 from my world.

The smith looks at it intensely, flipping it over testing the weight and grip.

"... Interesting. Such craftsmanship..."

The smith coughs and offers them a price, 4 silver pieces.

I confer with Mordain, who tells me he's lowballing me by a lot. Nothing on the smith's table approaches the quality of the this knife. The edge alone is light years ahead of his work.

"Hmmm...me need 9 pieces."

The smith rubs his beard, contemplating the offer.

"Deal but on one condition, you must tell me who made this! The writing is foreign, unlike any language I've ever seen. And the edge, so sharp! How is this possible. He must be a legendary smith".

I explain that its a cooking knife, made to slice effortlessly and I invent a story about how this knife was made specifically for the greatest chef of my country, who personally serves the King.

The smith seems skeptical until I show him the other knives, all identical engravings but different lengths and shapes. The smith also makes me the same offer for the rest but I refuse to part with the others, saying it's a heirloom. I further lie by saying the chef is my uncle and that I inherited the knives upon his death.

With the transaction done and finally having some money, the pair grab some food for a measly 6 copper coins and head towards the cheapest tavern. Mordain does the talking here, as he's more fluent and manages to grab a room for the pair for 3 days in exchange of 1 silver coin.

After a long night's rest, we discuss our plans in the morning.

"So, first thing's first. We need more money sadly. Selling that knife helped start us up but we can't live long on this."

"Yes. Work around here for some time. Maybe you join mage school? Pay very good. They give you seal. Seal opens many doors. Also marriage to rich man daughter. Good for life after. Only need to prove magic so it can be record"

"Hmmm...that could work, I don't want to get tied down though. I don't want to sound mean but well, I don't want to spend the rest of my life in this...primitive backwater. Plus, I don't think my magic is like most magic."

"Okay, work for now then. We go into town, ask."

They head into town looking for word, agreeing that the other issues can wait. At the end of the day, they manage to find work in a warehouse, working as security and helping load/unload the goods. The job is simple and the pay reflects it.

They are able to keep renting the room and after food purchases, make around 2 silvers a week extra. And so began Krajek's new life.

Three weeks later

After a harsh day unloading a lot of cargo, Krajek passes through the alleys on his way back to the room.

Tired and exhausted, he lumbers on, trying not to spend too much time in the dangerous alleys of the warehouse district.

Seeing a homeless man sleeping on the street, Krajek side steps him, cursing the man out loud. Expecting a reaction but not getting any, he pauses and goes to check on the man.

Upon further inspection, the man is breathing but deep asleep. Sighing, he turns to leave but something nags at his mind. He still hadn't tested his ability with a live subject yet. Emotions surge through him, anger at being stuck here on this foreign world, regrets about his life, sadness for the homeless person before him.

How could he do this to someone. But then again, he didn't know him, owe him anything. It's just as likely this man is dead tomorrow, found mugged and stabbed. This is the perfect opportunity, he finally capitulates.

Crouching beside the man, Krajek searches for his power, finds it and motions to move the man inside the pocket dimension. Suddenly, the man disappears from in front of him.

Looking around panicked, Krajek forgot to check for a possible passerby. Relieved that no one is around, he fiddles again and thinks of the man, bringing him back where he was. And just as suddenly, the man is where he initially was.

Reassured of his success but wanting more he sends the man once more into the pocket dimension and waits longer. Once again, the man emerges unscathed but this time, wakes up and shouts abuses to Krajek.

Apologizing in a much better Lanash than he was using three weeks ago, Krajek heads for the tavern, his steps giddy and his burdens lighter.

Krajek excitedly tells Mordain about his successful attempt and how he intends to try with himself next. Mordain speaks about the risks, but Krajek's mind is set.

Not wishing to stay in this world forever working that terrible job, with no prospects and die in his forties, he readies himself. He sets himself up on the bed and relaxes.

Krajek grabs at his power and wills himself moved through the pocket dimension. His vision turns black and then bright again.

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