
The Ancient One.

I am nervous, I am about to meet one of the most powerful beings in the MCU, I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest oh wait, it is, goddamn cartoon physics doing weird shit, its bad enough that when I relax I melt a little but now I have literal butterflies in my stomach and it is not pleasant.

I walked up to the door 'breathe in... breath out, come on Jeremy you can do this!.' as I was about to knock the door opened to an old man wearing robes.

"she has been waiting for you, come on in" he said in perfect English.

my heart almost came out of my throat I was so surprised. "ok, umm l-lead the way..." I stuttered out, Having realized that the Ancient one might see me, an otherworlder, as a threat and decide that I don't belong in this universe!

"she is in here," said the old man while opening the door to the room in which Dr. Strange first met the Ancient one.

"ah! you have finally arrived, you must have waited a bit too long at the door, leave us please"

she turned to me and waited, 'oh! I guess she wants me to introduce my self, even though she probably has known who I was since I was born in this world.'

"umm, hello honored Ancient one, this one's name is Jeremy Marton I have journeyed to this place so that I may be Instructed in the mystic arts, if this one may be so bold as to ask for your tutelage."

"hahahahaha! no need to be so formal young Jeremy, and yes I have known about you since the day you came into this world, and I have to say, you have done quite a lot even if you had a lot of help along the way." the Ancient One said with a kind look. "and call me Aine, it is not my birth name but it is better than being called Ancient one by the creator of this universe made the universe for."

her words stunned me, what did she mean the creator of this universe made it for me? wait does that mean that when I asked Thanatos to be reborn in the MCU he created an entire universe just for me to be born into it!? I never thought about that, it sort of makes sense that a new universe was created once I was added to the timeline.

"ah! I see you have realized what I meant, now come sit and have tea with me."

I sat down where the cushions and table were, there wes a teapot and two cups already poured. she handed me my cup and I took a sip of it, I could feel my self relaxing and it took some concentration to not melt into the cushion 'oh god, melting right now would be embarrassing!'

"yes, it very much would be young Jeremy" Aine chuckled a little and my cheeks slightly reddened "sorry my thoughts are usually a bit quieter, I'm just still a bit off balance."

"no need to worry, it's actually surprising that one so young could make any mind shields without training, although your gift probably helped with that a bit"

"umm yes, it did, I have an ability that increases the gains from meditation."

"Oh, that is interesting, anyway I have a question for you, why do you want to learn magic even though you already have your other abilities?"

her question made me pause, I wanted magic to be stronger but at this point, I could already probably capture the space stone and the mind stone when Loki comes to Earth, of course, if I wanted both I would need to wait till Loki gets here before I can take them, then along with the cosmic cube I could easily defeat Thanos even if he had the other stones. so why did I want magic "I guess that I want magic to get stronger, I also don't want to be blindsided by things that I don't understand, I want to protect my family they are too important to me, sure I can protect them now but there is always a chance that a little bit of strength could make a difference, most importantly though I want to eventually explore the multiverse without need to worry."

"not the noblest of goals but it is a good goal, ok, I will teach you the mystic arts but in return, you must help protect the Earth for at least 200 years."

"umm I guess I would have to say yes, I will help protect the Earth for the next 200 years and in return, I wish to be your student."

"excellent! now I believe that you have something for me?"

"Oh yes here, this should solve your Dormammu problem." I handed her the serum that the team of scientists and I developed from out of my inventory. "all you need to do is drink it, the effects should kick in twenty-four hours."

"thank you, now, Shin will lead you to your quarters, your lessons with me begin tomorrow at 8 am."

Aine got up and walked out the door, as she did a man came in and signaled me to follow. the room that I was assigned was small but neat, the only bad part is that there wasn't much room for any of my experiments, oh well looks like I have to wait until I learn how to use the sling ring before I get back to some of my experiments but for now, let's meditate.









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