

At the end of the XIIth century, during the Third Great Crusade, while King Richard of England was fighting in Palestine, the ambition of his brother, Prince John, has burst out in his beautiful country. The prince convoked his most trusted allies, especially the Norman nobles Waldeman Fitzurse and Maurice de Bracy and he made strong alliances against his brother, Richard, so the Normans were keeping most of the power as long as they protected him.

In 1192, Prince John tried to crown himself instead of King Richard, but he was prevented and defeated by the unexpected military intercession of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who, despite his old age, proved his faith to the King to whom he had sworn loyalty.

Although his plans were destroyed by the lord of Canterbury, who got ill and was about to die, Prince John, a stubborn character, continued to conspire and to conclude treaties of alliance and of course to tremble every moment because of the possible return of his so beloved brother.

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