
Never Would Have Guessed

บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Lu Zhou and Professor Klitzing didn't stay in Greifswald for long. The day after their visit to Wendelstein 7-X, they returned to Berlin.

Lu Zhou had been in Germany for a month now, and he had received a lot of gains. However, there was a bunch of stuff in Princeton that he had to do, so it was about time to go back.

Lu Zhou booked a weekend flight ticket. He went to the University of Bonn for a visit. After that, President Stratmann of the Max Planck Institute drove him to Berlin Tegel Airport.

The old man shook Lu Zhou's hand and said, "Thank you for bringing your speech to Berlin. We look forward to your next visit and watching you climb to an even higher level of academic success."

"For sure," Lu Zhou said as he shook Stratmann's hand. With a smile, he added, "I will definitely continue on this road."

Lu Zhou said goodbye to Stratmann and dragged his suitcase into the airport.
